This is a document updated with notes, ideas and my future plans for the app.
- Fantasy Name Generator 🧚♂️
- App/Business Name Generator 📱
- Baby Names Generator 🍼
- email on signup
- full text search on gallery
- adding profile picture with AWS
- Add additional culture and literary options for fantasy name generator
- Add index template for choice between baby, fantasy or app names
- API: add source files and new endpoint APP: write new templates for app names generator
- API: write new functions for baby names generator
- API: update source files APP: write new templates for baby names generator
- Write 'about' page template
- Write templates for error pages
- Write testing for existing routes and planned routes for app and baby names
- Write a function in API that checks if names are already in name list
- Write quiz questions and answers
- Find corpus examples based on possible quiz answers
- Build simple quiz template
- Get user input from quiz to determine corpus
- Implement stochastic sampling and Markov chain
- use Axios to send data to API
- make names clickable to allow user to save name to profile
- CRUD users w/ JWTs
- Name page template
- Work on improving look of UI
- Profile page template
- if new user, take quiz, sign up, see profile with names
- if logged out user, take quiz, log in, confirm addition to profile
- if logged in user, take quiz (form routes to put instead), see profile with updated names
- write delete names route
- user must sign up with unique username and email
- fix bottom of template pages to look more polished
- update profile page
- log user out if they leave website
- hide/show password option
- update README with some documentation and app details
- add option to generate new names without retaking quiz
- Wireframes
- User testing (2-5 tests)
- Re-design front end based on user testing
- Name of app generated by name generator 😉
- User can choose the kind of name they would like to generate
- Quiz element where user determines which texts contribute to corpus
- Names generated letter by letter from a corpus
- User can sign up to save names to their profile