In this section, we'll start building our GraphQL API. First, we need a query to show all the available blogs.
Run the following command:
rails g graphql:object BlogType id:ID! title:String! body:String!
This creates the file app/graphql/types/blog_type.rb
Now, let's create our first query resolver to return the dummy blogs we've created.
All GraphQL queries start from a root type called Query. When we ran rails generate graphql:install
, it created the root query type in app/graphql/types/query_type.rb
Update its content:
module Types
class QueryType < BaseObject
field :all_blogs, [BlogType], null: false, description: 'Return all the blogs'
# This method is invoked, when `all_blogs` fields is being resolved
def all_blogs
To check it is working, we're going to use the playground provided by GraphQL by default called GraphiQL, an in-browser IDE.
Open your browser at http://localhost:3000/graphiql
Try it out!
What if we want to return the author of each blog?