Example workflow illustrating processing of multiple video files in parallel with the help of job arrays. Each job instance works on a separate video. The specific example loads the video files and counts the movie frames.
(1) video_test.m.: MATLAB code.
(2) run.sbatch: Batch job submission script for sending the array job to the queue.
(3) test_mv_1.mp4 test_mv_2.mp4 test_mv_3.mp4: Input video files.
source new-modules.sh
module load matlab/R2016a-fasrc01
sbatch run.sbatch
< M A T L A B (R) >
Copyright 1984-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.
R2016a ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
February 11, 2016
To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.
For product information, visit www.mathworks.com.
Academic License
numFrames = 1
numFrames = 2
numFrames = 3
numFrames = 4
numFrames = 5
numFrames = 6
numFrames = 7
numFrames = 8
numFrames = 9
numFrames = 10
numFrames = 11
numFrames = 12
numFrames = 13
numFrames = 14
numFrames = 15
numFrames = 16
numFrames = 17
numFrames = 18
numFrames = 19
numFrames = 20
numFrames = 21
numFrames = 22
numFrames = 23
numFrames = 24
numFrames = 25
numFrames = 26
numFrames = 27
numFrames = 28
numFrames = 29
numFrames = 30
Number of Frames: 30