BRGM (French Geological Survey) OFB (French Office for Biodiversity) through "INSIDE - environmental information systems research center"
French Surface Water
- River gage:
- INSPIRE EF:EnvironmentalMonitoringFacility
- INSPIRE EF:EnvironmentalMonitoringFacility
- River network
- INSPIRE HY: HydroNode, WatercourseLink, WatercourseLinkSequence, Watercourse
- OGC API Feature : GeoJSON, GML, JSON-LD (not configured yet)
- INSPIRE HY: HydroNode, WatercourseLink, WatercourseLinkSequence, Watercourse
- Water flow/height Observation
- ISO/OGC:Observations & Measurements (INSPIRE D2.9) -> OGC SensorThings API (ST API)
- URI : references between EF <-> ST API
- River gage:
French Hydrogeological data
- Environmental Groundwater Quantity Monitoring Facility
- INSPIRE EF:EnvironmentalMonitoringFacility
- WFS 2 : DONE
- OGC API Feature -> GeoJSON, GML, JSON-LD : conf on-going for API4INSPIRE project
- INSPIRE EF:EnvironmentalMonitoringFacility
- Hydrogeological unit
- OGC:GroundWaterML2.0 (mapped to INSPIRE GE:Hydrogeology package)
- WFS 2 : DONE
- OGC API Feature -> GeoJSON, GML, JSON-LD : conf on-going for API4INSPIRE project
- OGC:GroundWaterML2.0 (mapped to INSPIRE GE:Hydrogeology package)
- Groundwater quantity Observation : groundwater level, temperature, conductivity
- ISO/OGC:Observations & Measurements (INSPIRE D2.9) -> OGC SensorThings API (STA)
- URI : references between EF <-> ST API
- Environmental Groundwater Quantity Monitoring Facility
Deployment and maturation in test environment on top of production system (data instances) within INSPIRE dynamics for API4INSPIRE project APIs will be transfered to production afterwards
- French Surface Water : Hub'Eau plateform
- French Hydrogeological data : BRGM information system
- Requirement class
- Requirement class (with issues - see below)
TODO SG : X-check with the others
Geoserver 2.17.2 for WFS 2.0 and OGC API Feature
- GML: app-schema plugin
- GeoJSON :
- Now : using heuristics introduced in GeoServer core since 2.16.0 (see GeoJSON generated from GML structure
- Target : using Features-Templating community module ( : available since end of Sept 2020
- JSON-LD : using the Features-Templating community module(initially using community module which is now integrated in the other) PostGre/GIS DB
Note : SensorThings API -> Fraunhofer FROST + PostGre/GIS DB
Test Endpoints are not fully opened. However via URI it partially works.
- Surface water example :
- Feature Instance
- starting with HydroStation (=River gage) allows to also ask for ?f=application%2Fld%2Bjson, ou ?f=application%2Fgml%2Bxml (works also doing real content negotiation in tools like PostMan or cURL)
- makes possible to traverse the hydro feature graph via featureOfInterest or ultimateFeatureOfInterest choosing between geojson or GML (JSON-LD not implemented yet)
- makes it possible to access observation data using hasObservation (will provide application/JSON payload according to OGC ST API )
- API endpoint : (not opened yet, will update this page as we go)
- Feature Instance
- Ground water example :
- Feature Instance : TODO SG
- API endpoint : TODO SG
Clients :
- Web
- discussed in API4INSPIRE
- dev ongoin at BRGM
- QGIS GML Application Schema toolbox for GML
- starting to work on allowing to work on GeoJSON (not only GeoJSON serialization but also the 'linked data' part of the plugin)
- provides harmonised data according to the [IRs for ISDSS -> needs to respect all the semantic work done in INSPIRE before even when moving to REST API providing other serialization as GML
- "the Web API SHOULD follow the INSPIRE UML-to-GeoJSON encoding rule."
- examples here
- come from BRGM WFS 2.0 app-schema endpoint (and SOS), not written by us (and not involved)
- this is not how we are currently working to expose this in GeoJSON according to INSPIRE EF semantics (which we know pefectly)
- moving to GeoJSON does not imply flattening everything !
- that's why we work on GeoJSON heuristics on Geoserver 2.16.0 then Features-Templating community module within API4INSPIRE project
- examples here
need harmonized pattern to provide references to other content in GeoJSON properties for proper client set-up
- @id/@type/name : JSON-LD flavoured
- id/type/name : the same but @ neutral
- @href/@title : GML/XML flavoured (current Geoserver core heuristics for GML -> GeoJSON )
Another issue is choice of encoding (corresponding issue: INSPIRE-MIF#53). This is not a blocker issue but real interoperability requires harmonised encoding.