Providers (The Platform From where the information is coming from)
- Github
Publishers (The Platform where the information will be posted)
- Github
- Mastodon
Before running the bot, you must configure it so that it can connect to the current supported platforms
Note: If you want the content to be published in a README file on a repo, you also need these variables_
- GITHUB_PUBLISH_REPO_OWNER (Your Github username)
- GITHUB_PUBLISH_REPO_NAME (The name of the repo where your README is. It has to be public)
- MASTODON_SERVER (the instance for your (bot) account)
- MASTODON_CLIENT_ID (the application's client id)
- MASTODON_CLIENT_SECRET (the application's secret)
- MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN (the access token)
- MASTODON_ACCOUNT (optional, without access token)
- MASTODON_PASSWIRD (optional, without access token)
To generate the github access tokens follow the given steps
- Verify your email address, if it hasn't been verified yet.
- In the upper-right corner of your github profile, click your profile photo, then click Settings.
- In the left sidebar, click Developer settings.
- In the left sidebar, click Personal access tokens.
- Click Generate new token.
- Give your token a descriptive name.
- To give your token an expiration, select the Expiration drop-down menu, then click a default or use the calendar picker.
- Select the scopes, or permissions, you'd like to grant this token. To use your token to access repositories from the command line, select repo.
- Click Generate token.
For further information click here
For getting Twitter keys and secrets click here.
Note: You will have to generate both consumer and access pair of keys/tokens and secrets.
Register an application on your instance:
- Redirect URI: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
- Scopes: read:statuses, write:statuses
Capture: ID, Client ID, Client Secret and Access Token.