You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
Before implementing a hook, please double-check that isn't a hook called from the Garry's Mod base/sandbox gamemode
Here's a list of hooks in my gamemode, generated by this script. Some hooks may be double, some may be called from Lua (in the base or sandbox gamemode).
function GM:Initialize() -- shared
function GM:InitPostEntity() -- shared
function GM:EntityKeyValue(Entity entity, string key, string value) -- shared
function GM:ShutDown() -- shared
function GM:GetGameDescription()
function GM:CreateTeams()
function GM:PreGamemodeLoaded()
function GM:PostGamemodeLoaded()
function GM:OnGamemodeLoaded()
function GM:OnReloaded()
function GM:Restored()
function GM:Saved()
function GM:EntityRemoved(Entity entity)
function GM:OnEntityCreated(Entity entity)
function GM:NetworkEntityCreated(Entity entity) -- shared
function GM:CreateEntityRagdoll( entity, ragdoll) -- server
function GM:CreateClientsideRagdoll(Entity entity, Entity ragdoll )
function GM:Think() -- shared
function GM:Tick()
function GM:NetworkIDValidated( name, steamid)
function GM:PlayerAuthed(Player client, SteamID, UniqueID)
function GM:PlayerPostThink(Player client)
function GM:PlayerDisconnected(Player client)
function GM:PlayerConnect( name, address)
function GM:PlayerSpawn(Player client, transiton)
function GM:PlayerInitialSpawn(Player client, transiton)
function GM:PlayerSpawnAsSpectator(Player client)
function GM:PlayerSetHandsModel(Player client, Entity entity)
function GM:PlayerSelectTeamSpawn( TeamID,Player client)
function GM:PlayerLoadout(Player client)
function GM:IsSpawnpointSuitable(Player client, spawnpointent, bMakeSuitable)
function GM:SetupPlayerVisibility( pPlayer, pViewEntity)
function GM:PlayerSelectSpawn(Player client, transiton)
function GM:PlayerCanJoinTeam(Player client, teamid)
function GM:PlayerSetModel(Player client)
function GM:PlayerJoinTeam(Player client, teamid)
function GM:OnPlayerChangedTeam(Player client, oldteam, newteam)
function GM:PlayerFootstep(Player client, vPos, iFoot, strSoundName, fVolume, pFilter)
function GM:PlayerStepSoundTime(Player client, iType, bWalking)
function GM:SetPlayerSpeed(Player client, walk, run)
function GM:PlayerTick(Player client, mv)
function GM:PlayerRequestTeam(Player client, teamid)
function GM:AddDeathNotice(string attacker, number attackerTeam, string inflictor, string victim, number victimTeam)
function GM:DrawDeathNotice(integer x, integer y)
function GM:EntityFireBullets(Entity entity, bullets)
function GM:HandlePlayerArmorReduction(Player client, dmginfo)
function GM:SendDeathNotice( attacker, inflictor, victim, flags)
function GM:GetDeathNoticeEntityName(Entity entity)
function GM:OnNPCKilled(Entity entity, attacker, inflictor)
function GM:ScaleNPCDamage( npc, hitgroup, dmginfo)
function GM:PlayerTraceAttack(Player client, dmginfo, dir, trace)
function GM:PlayerDeathThink(Player client)
function GM:PlayerSilentDeath( Victim)
function GM:PlayerDeath(Player client, inflictor, attacker)
function GM:ScalePlayerDamage(Player client, hitgroup, dmginfo)
function GM:PlayerDeathSound()
function GM:CanPlayerSuicide(Player client)
function GM:OnDamagedByExplosion(Player client, dmginfo)
function GM:OnPlayerHitGround(Player client, bInWater, bOnFloater, flFallSpeed)
function GM:EntityTakeDamage(Entity entity, damageInfo) -- server
function GM:DoPlayerDeath(Player client, attacker, dmginfo) -- server
function GM:PlayerHurt(Player client, attacker, healthleft, healthtaken) -- server
function GM:PropBreak(Player attacker, Entity prop)
function GM:PlayerNoClip(Player client, state) -- shared
function GM:FindUseEntity(Player client, Entity entity)
function GM:PlayerSpray(Player client)
function GM:PlayerStartTaunt(Player client, actid, length)
function GM:PlayerSwitchWeapon(Player client, oldwep, newwep)
function GM:PlayerCanPickupItem(Player client, entity)
function GM:PlayerCanPickupWeapon(Player client, entity)
function GM:PlayerDroppedWeapon(Player client, weapon)
function GM:PlayerCanPickupWeapon(Player client, Weapon weapon) -- server
function GM:AllowPlayerPickup(Player client, Entity entity) -- server
function GM:WeaponEquip(Weapon weapon, Player client) -- server
function GM:PlayerSwitchFlashlight(Player client, on) -- server
function GM:PlayerShouldTakeDamage(Player client, attacker) -- server
function GM:GetFallDamage(Player client, speed) -- server
function GM:PlayerCanHearPlayersVoice(Player listener, Player speaker) -- server
function GM:PlayerStartVoice(Player client)
function GM:PlayerEndVoice(Player client)
function GM:PlayerSay(Player client, text) -- server
function GM:TranslateActivity(Player client, number act) -- shared
function GM:CalcMainActivity(Player client, Vector velocity) -- shared
function GM:UpdateAnimation(Player client, Vector velocity, number maxSeqGroundSpeed) -- shared
function GM:HandlePlayerJumping(Player client, velocity, plyTable)
function GM:HandlePlayerNoClipping(Player client, velocity, plyTable)
function GM:HandlePlayerVaulting(Player client, velocity, plyTable)
function GM:HandlePlayerDucking(Player client, velocity, plyTable)
function GM:HandlePlayerSwimming(Player client, velocity, plyTable)
function GM:HandlePlayerLanding(Player client, velocity, WasOnGround)
function GM:HandlePlayerDriving(Player client, plyTable)
function GM:MouthMoveAnimation(Player client)
function GM:DoAnimationEvent(Player client, event, data)
function GM:PlayerUse(Player client, Entity entity) -- server
function GM:ShowHelp(Player client)
function GM:ShowTeam(Player client) -- server
function GM:HideTeam() -- client
function GM:PreventScreenClicks()
function GM:GUIMousePressed(number mouseCode, Vector aimVector)
function GM:GUIMouseReleased(number mouseCode, Vector aimVector)
function GM:PlayerCanSeePlayersChat( strText, bTeamOnly, pListener, pSpeaker)
function GM:StartChat(bool isTeamOnly) -- client
function GM:FinishChat() -- client
function GM:ChatTextChanged(string text) -- client
function GM:OnChatTab(string currentChatText) -- client
function GM:ChatText(integer playerIndex, string playerName, string text, string filterType) -- client
joinleave - Player join and leave messages
namechange - Player name change messages
servermsg - Server messages such as convar changes
teamchange - Team changes?
chat - (Obsolete?) Player chat? Seems to trigger when server console uses the say command
none - A fallback value
function GM:RenderScreenspaceEffects() -- client
function GM:HUDPaint()
function GM:PostRenderVGUI()
function GM:CalcView(Player client, origin) -- client
function GM:HUDWeaponPickedUp(Weapon weapon) -- client
function GM:HUDItemPickedUp(string itemName) -- client
function GM:HUDAmmoPickedUp(string itemName, amount) -- client
function GM:HUDDrawPickupHistory() -- client
function GM:HUDShouldDraw(string name) -- client
function GM:GetTeamColor(Entity entity) -- client
function GM:GetTeamNumColor(integer teamIndex) -- client
function GM:HUDPaintBackground() -- client
function GM:PostProcessPermitted(string effectClassName) -- client
function GM:PreRender()
function GM:PostRender() -- client
function GM:PostRenderVGUI() -- client
function GM:RenderScene(Vector origin, Angle angle, integer fov) -- client
function GM:PrePlayerDraw(Player client)
function GM:ShouldDrawLocalPlayer(Player client) -- client
function GM:PostPlayerDraw(Player client, STUDIO studioFlags)
function GM:GetMotionBlurValues(number horizontal, number vertical, number forward, number spin) -- client
function GM:PreDrawSkyBox()
function GM:PostDrawSkyBox()
function GM:PostDraw2DSkyBox()
function GM:PreDrawTranslucentRenderables(bool isDrawingDepth, bool isDrawingSkybox, bool isDraw3DSkybox) -- client
function GM:PreDrawOpaqueRenderables(bool isDrawingDepth, bool isDrawingSkybox, bool isDraw3DSkybox) -- client
function GM:PostDrawOpaqueRenderables(bool isDrawingDepth, bool isDrawingSkybox, bool isDraw3DSkybox) -- client
function GM:PostDrawTranslucentRenderables(bool isDrawingDepth, bool isDrawingSkybox, bool isDraw3DSkybox) -- client
function GM:PreDrawViewModel(Entity viewModel, Player client, Weapon weapon)
function GM:PostDrawViewModel(Entity viewModel, Player client, Weapon weapon)
function GM:OnViewModelChanged( vm, old, new)
function GM:PreDrawHUD()
function GM:PostDrawHUD()
function GM:DrawMonitors()
function GM:PreDrawEffects()
function GM:PostDrawEffects()
function GM:PreDrawHalos()
function GM:PostDrawHalos()
function GM:ScoreboardShow()
function GM:ScoreboardHide()
function GM:HUDDrawScoreBoard()
function GM:DrawOverlay()
function GM:HUDDrawTargetID()
-- - [ ] `function GM:CheckPassword( steamid, networkid, server_password, password, name)`-- - [ ] `function GM:CalcVehicleView(Vehicle vehicle, Player client, table viewTable) -- client`-- - [ ] `function GM:VehicleMove(Player client, vehicle, mv)`-- - [ ] `function GM:CheckPassword( steamid, networkid, server_password, password, name)`-- - [ ] `function GM:PlayerClassChanged(Player client, newID)`-- - [ ] `function GM:PlayerShouldTaunt(Player client, actid)`-- - [ ] `function GM:GrabEarAnimation(Player client, plyTable)`-- - [ ] `function GM:PlayerDriveAnimate(Player client)`-- - [ ] `function GM:PlayerClassChanged(Player client, newID)`-- - [ ] `function GM:PlayerShouldTaunt(Player client, actid)`-- - [ ] `function GM:GrabEarAnimation(Player client, plyTable)`-- - [ ] `function GM:PlayerDriveAnimate(Player client)`-- function GM:CloseDermaMenus()-- function GM:ForceDermaSkin()-- function GM:OnAchievementAchieved(Player client, achid)-- function GM:PlayerLeaveVehicle(Player client, Vehicle vehicle) -- server-- function GM:PlayerEnteredVehicle(Player client, Vehicle vehicle, role)-- function GM:CanPlayerEnterVehicle(Player client, vehicle, role)-- function GM:CanExitVehicle( vehicle, passenger)-- function GM:OnPhysgunPickup(Player client, entity) -- server-- function GM:OnPhysgunReload(Weapon weapon, client) -- server-- function GM:PhysgunDrop(Player client, entity) -- shared-- function GM:PhysgunPickup(Player client, entity) -- shared-- function GM:DrawPhysgunBeam(Player client, weapon, bOn, target, boneid, pos)-- function GM:OnPhysgunFreeze( weapon, phys, Entity entity,Player client)-- function GM:CanPlayerUnfreeze(Player client, entity, physobject)-- function GM:PlayerUnfrozeObject(Player client, entity, physobject)-- function GM:PlayerFrozeObject(Player client, entity, physobject)-- function GM:CanPlayerUnfreeze(Player client, entity, physobject)-- function GM:PlayerSpawnObject(Player client)-- function GM:PlayerSpawnProp(Player client, model)-- function GM:PlayerSpawnEffect(Player client, model)-- function GM:PlayerSpawnNPC(Player client, npc_type, equipment)-- function GM:PlayerSpawnRagdoll(Player client, model)-- function GM:PlayerSpawnSENT(Player client, name)-- function GM:PlayerSpawnSWEP(Player client, wname, wtable)-- function GM:PlayerSpawnVehicle(Player client, model, vname, vtable)-- function GM:PlayerSpawnedEffect(Player client, model, Entity entity)-- function GM:PlayerSpawnedNPC(Player client, entity) -- server-- function GM:PlayerSpawnedRagdoll(Player client, model, Entity entity)-- function GM:PlayerSpawnedSENT(Player client, Entity entity)-- function GM:PlayerSpawnedSENT(Player client, entity) -- server-- function GM:PlayerSpawnedSWEP(Player client, Entity entity)-- function GM:PlayerSpawnedSWEP(Player client, entity) -- server-- function GM:PlayerSpawnedVehicle(Player client, entity) -- server-- function GM:PlayerSpawnedProp(Player client, model, Entity entity)-- function GM:PlayerGiveSWEP(Player client, wname, wtable)-- function GM:AddHint( name, delay)-- function GM:SuppressHint( name)-- function GM:SpawnMenuCreated(spawnmenu)-- function GM:SpawnMenuEnabled()-- function GM:SpawnMenuOpen()-- function GM:SpawnMenuOpened()-- function GM:SpawnMenuClosed()-- function GM:ContextMenuEnabled()-- function GM:ContextMenuOpened()-- function GM:ContextMenuOpen()-- function GM:ContextMenuClosed()-- function GM:ContextMenuCreated()-- function GM:OnSpawnMenuOpen()-- function GM:OnSpawnMenuClose()-- function GM:OnContextMenuClose()-- function GM:OnContextMenuOpen()-- function GM:CanTool(Player client, trace, mode, tool, button)-- function GM:GetSpawnmenuTools( name)-- function GM:AddSTOOL( category, itemname, text, command, controls, cpanelfunction)-- function GM:AddGamemodeToolMenuTabs()-- function GM:AddGamemodeToolMenuCategories()-- function GM:AddToolMenuCategories()-- function GM:PreReloadToolsMenu()-- function GM:PopulateToolMenu()-- function GM:PostReloadToolsMenu()-- function GM:AddToolMenuTabs()-- function GM:PopulatePropMenu()-- function GM:OnUndo( name, strCustomString)-- function GM:PostUndo( undo, count)-- function GM:OnCleanup( name)-- function GM:UnfrozeObjects( num)-- function GM:LimitHit( name)-- function GM:AddNotify( str, type, length)-- function GM:PaintNotes()-- function GM:PaintWorldTips()
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
changed the title
Implement missing Garry's Mod hooks for compatibility
Oct 26, 2024
Before implementing a hook, please double-check that isn't a hook called from the Garry's Mod base/sandbox gamemode
Here's a list of hooks in my gamemode, generated by this script. Some hooks may be double, some may be called from Lua (in the base or sandbox gamemode).
function GM:Initialize() -- shared
function GM:InitPostEntity() -- shared
function GM:EntityKeyValue(Entity entity, string key, string value) -- shared
function GM:ShutDown() -- shared
function GM:GetGameDescription()
function GM:CreateTeams()
function GM:PreGamemodeLoaded()
function GM:PostGamemodeLoaded()
function GM:OnGamemodeLoaded()
function GM:OnReloaded()
function GM:Restored()
function GM:Saved()
function GM:EntityRemoved(Entity entity)
function GM:OnEntityCreated(Entity entity)
function GM:NetworkEntityCreated(Entity entity) -- shared
function GM:CreateEntityRagdoll( entity, ragdoll) -- server
function GM:CreateClientsideRagdoll(Entity entity, Entity ragdoll )
function GM:Think() -- shared
function GM:Tick()
function GM:NetworkIDValidated( name, steamid)
function GM:PlayerAuthed(Player client, SteamID, UniqueID)
function GM:PlayerPostThink(Player client)
function GM:PlayerDisconnected(Player client)
function GM:PlayerConnect( name, address)
function GM:PlayerSpawn(Player client, transiton)
function GM:PlayerInitialSpawn(Player client, transiton)
function GM:PlayerSpawnAsSpectator(Player client)
function GM:PlayerSetHandsModel(Player client, Entity entity)
function GM:PlayerSelectTeamSpawn( TeamID,Player client)
function GM:PlayerLoadout(Player client)
function GM:IsSpawnpointSuitable(Player client, spawnpointent, bMakeSuitable)
function GM:SetupPlayerVisibility( pPlayer, pViewEntity)
function GM:PlayerSelectSpawn(Player client, transiton)
function GM:PlayerCanJoinTeam(Player client, teamid)
function GM:PlayerSetModel(Player client)
function GM:PlayerJoinTeam(Player client, teamid)
function GM:OnPlayerChangedTeam(Player client, oldteam, newteam)
function GM:PlayerFootstep(Player client, vPos, iFoot, strSoundName, fVolume, pFilter)
function GM:PlayerStepSoundTime(Player client, iType, bWalking)
function GM:SetPlayerSpeed(Player client, walk, run)
function GM:PlayerTick(Player client, mv)
function GM:PlayerRequestTeam(Player client, teamid)
function GM:AddDeathNotice(string attacker, number attackerTeam, string inflictor, string victim, number victimTeam)
function GM:DrawDeathNotice(integer x, integer y)
function GM:EntityFireBullets(Entity entity, bullets)
function GM:HandlePlayerArmorReduction(Player client, dmginfo)
function GM:SendDeathNotice( attacker, inflictor, victim, flags)
function GM:GetDeathNoticeEntityName(Entity entity)
function GM:OnNPCKilled(Entity entity, attacker, inflictor)
function GM:ScaleNPCDamage( npc, hitgroup, dmginfo)
function GM:PlayerTraceAttack(Player client, dmginfo, dir, trace)
function GM:PlayerDeathThink(Player client)
function GM:PlayerSilentDeath( Victim)
function GM:PlayerDeath(Player client, inflictor, attacker)
function GM:ScalePlayerDamage(Player client, hitgroup, dmginfo)
function GM:PlayerDeathSound()
function GM:CanPlayerSuicide(Player client)
function GM:OnDamagedByExplosion(Player client, dmginfo)
function GM:OnPlayerHitGround(Player client, bInWater, bOnFloater, flFallSpeed)
function GM:EntityTakeDamage(Entity entity, damageInfo) -- server
function GM:DoPlayerDeath(Player client, attacker, dmginfo) -- server
function GM:PlayerHurt(Player client, attacker, healthleft, healthtaken) -- server
function GM:PropBreak(Player attacker, Entity prop)
function GM:PlayerNoClip(Player client, state) -- shared
function GM:FindUseEntity(Player client, Entity entity)
function GM:PlayerSpray(Player client)
function GM:PlayerStartTaunt(Player client, actid, length)
function GM:PlayerSwitchWeapon(Player client, oldwep, newwep)
function GM:PlayerCanPickupItem(Player client, entity)
function GM:PlayerCanPickupWeapon(Player client, entity)
function GM:PlayerDroppedWeapon(Player client, weapon)
function GM:PlayerCanPickupWeapon(Player client, Weapon weapon) -- server
function GM:AllowPlayerPickup(Player client, Entity entity) -- server
function GM:WeaponEquip(Weapon weapon, Player client) -- server
function GM:PlayerSwitchFlashlight(Player client, on) -- server
function GM:PlayerShouldTakeDamage(Player client, attacker) -- server
function GM:GetFallDamage(Player client, speed) -- server
function GM:PlayerCanHearPlayersVoice(Player listener, Player speaker) -- server
function GM:PlayerStartVoice(Player client)
function GM:PlayerEndVoice(Player client)
function GM:PlayerSay(Player client, text) -- server
function GM:TranslateActivity(Player client, number act) -- shared
function GM:CalcMainActivity(Player client, Vector velocity) -- shared
function GM:UpdateAnimation(Player client, Vector velocity, number maxSeqGroundSpeed) -- shared
function GM:HandlePlayerJumping(Player client, velocity, plyTable)
function GM:HandlePlayerNoClipping(Player client, velocity, plyTable)
function GM:HandlePlayerVaulting(Player client, velocity, plyTable)
function GM:HandlePlayerDucking(Player client, velocity, plyTable)
function GM:HandlePlayerSwimming(Player client, velocity, plyTable)
function GM:HandlePlayerLanding(Player client, velocity, WasOnGround)
function GM:HandlePlayerDriving(Player client, plyTable)
function GM:MouthMoveAnimation(Player client)
function GM:DoAnimationEvent(Player client, event, data)
function GM:PlayerUse(Player client, Entity entity) -- server
function GM:ShowHelp(Player client)
function GM:ShowTeam(Player client) -- server
function GM:HideTeam() -- client
function GM:PreventScreenClicks()
function GM:GUIMousePressed(number mouseCode, Vector aimVector)
function GM:GUIMouseReleased(number mouseCode, Vector aimVector)
function GM:PlayerBindPress(Player client, string bind, bool isPressed, BUTTON_CODE buttonCode) -- client
function GM:GUIMouseDoublePressed(MOUSE mouseCode, Vector aimVector) -- client
function GM:AdjustMouseSensitivity(float default) -- client
function GM:PlayerButtonDown(Player client, BUTTON_CODE buttonCode) -- shared
function GM:PlayerButtonUp(Player client, BUTTON_CODE buttonCode) -- shared
function GM:KeyRelease(Player client, key) -- shared
function GM:KeyPress(Player client, key) -- shared
function GM:InputMouseApply(CUserCmd command, number x, number y, Angle angle)
function GM:StartCommand(PlayerPlayer client, CUserCmd ucmd) -- shared
function GM:Move(Player client, CMoveData moveData) -- shared
function GM:CreateMove(CUserCmd command)
function GM:ShouldCollide(Entity ent1, Entity ent2) -- shared
function GM:FinishMove(Player client, mv)
function GM:SetupMove(Player client, mv,CUserCmd command)
function GM:GravGunOnDropped(Player client, Entity entity)
function GM:GravGunOnPickedUp(Player client, Entity entity)
function GM:GravGunPickupAllowed(Player client, Entity entity) -- server
function GM:GravGunPunt(Player client, Entity entity) -- shared
function GM:PlayerSay(Player client, text, teamonly)
function GM:OnPlayerChat(Player client, string text, bool isTeamOnly, bool isDead) -- client
function GM:PlayerCanSeePlayersChat( strText, bTeamOnly, pListener, pSpeaker)
function GM:StartChat(bool isTeamOnly) -- client
function GM:FinishChat() -- client
function GM:ChatTextChanged(string text) -- client
function GM:OnChatTab(string currentChatText) -- client
function GM:ChatText(integer playerIndex, string playerName, string text, string filterType) -- client
joinleave - Player join and leave messages
namechange - Player name change messages
servermsg - Server messages such as convar changes
teamchange - Team changes?
chat - (Obsolete?) Player chat? Seems to trigger when server console uses the say command
none - A fallback value
function GM:RenderScreenspaceEffects() -- client
function GM:HUDPaint()
function GM:PostRenderVGUI()
function GM:CalcView(Player client, origin) -- client
function GM:HUDWeaponPickedUp(Weapon weapon) -- client
function GM:HUDItemPickedUp(string itemName) -- client
function GM:HUDAmmoPickedUp(string itemName, amount) -- client
function GM:HUDDrawPickupHistory() -- client
function GM:HUDShouldDraw(string name) -- client
function GM:GetTeamColor(Entity entity) -- client
function GM:GetTeamNumColor(integer teamIndex) -- client
function GM:HUDPaintBackground() -- client
function GM:PostProcessPermitted(string effectClassName) -- client
function GM:PreRender()
function GM:PostRender() -- client
function GM:PostRenderVGUI() -- client
function GM:RenderScene(Vector origin, Angle angle, integer fov) -- client
function GM:PrePlayerDraw(Player client)
function GM:ShouldDrawLocalPlayer(Player client) -- client
function GM:PostPlayerDraw(Player client, STUDIO studioFlags)
function GM:GetMotionBlurValues(number horizontal, number vertical, number forward, number spin) -- client
function GM:PreDrawSkyBox()
function GM:PostDrawSkyBox()
function GM:PostDraw2DSkyBox()
function GM:PreDrawTranslucentRenderables(bool isDrawingDepth, bool isDrawingSkybox, bool isDraw3DSkybox) -- client
function GM:PreDrawOpaqueRenderables(bool isDrawingDepth, bool isDrawingSkybox, bool isDraw3DSkybox) -- client
function GM:PostDrawOpaqueRenderables(bool isDrawingDepth, bool isDrawingSkybox, bool isDraw3DSkybox) -- client
function GM:PostDrawTranslucentRenderables(bool isDrawingDepth, bool isDrawingSkybox, bool isDraw3DSkybox) -- client
function GM:PreDrawViewModel(Entity viewModel, Player client, Weapon weapon)
function GM:PostDrawViewModel(Entity viewModel, Player client, Weapon weapon)
function GM:OnViewModelChanged( vm, old, new)
function GM:PreDrawHUD()
function GM:PostDrawHUD()
function GM:DrawMonitors()
function GM:PreDrawEffects()
function GM:PostDrawEffects()
function GM:PreDrawHalos()
function GM:PostDrawHalos()
function GM:ScoreboardShow()
function GM:ScoreboardHide()
function GM:HUDDrawScoreBoard()
function GM:DrawOverlay()
function GM:HUDDrawTargetID()
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: