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YAMLScript Track Exercises Left To Do

This a list of the active (not deprecated) Problem Specifications that have not yet been added to the YAMLScript track.

The 2 numbers before each exercise are:

  • Number of tracks that have implemented it (out of 71)
  • The median difficulty rating from all the implementations

See the Contributing page for more instructions on how to contrbute.


  • 66 - 2 - acronym - DONE
  • 29 - 5 - affine-cipher
  • 59 - 5 - all-your-base - DONE
  • 65 - 3 - allergies - DONE
  • 20 - 5 - alphametics
  • 65 - 4 - anagram - DONE
  • 63 - 2 - armstrong-numbers
  • 58 - 5 - atbash-cipher - DONE
  • 29 - 3 - bank-account - DONE
  • 62 - 2 - binary-search - DONE
  • 32 - 1 - binary-search-tree
  • 64 - 3 - bob - DONE
  • 26 - 7 - book-store
  • 17 - 3 - bottle-song - DONE
  • 31 - 8 - bowling
  • 29 - 5 - change
  • 45 - 8 - circular-buffer
  • 45 - 4 - clock
  • 66 - 2 - collatz-conjecture
  • 26 - 3 - complex-numbers
  • 20 - 7 - connect
  • 42 - 1 - crypto-square
  • 28 - 4 - custom-set
  • 59 - 1 - darts - DONE
  • 45 - 5 - diamond
  • 68 - 2 - difference-of-squares - DONE
  • 42 - 3 - dnd-character
  • 22 - 8 - dominoes
  • 46 - 3 - eliuds-eggs
  • 55 - 2 - etl - DONE
  • 33 - 3 - flatten-array
  • 30 - 5 - food-chain
  • 25 - 7 - forth
  • 12 - 7 - game-of-life
  • 51 - 4 - gigasecond
  • 10 - 8 - go-counting
  • 43 - 5 - grade-school
  • 64 - 2 - grains
  • 16 - 4 - grep
  • 67 - 2 - hamming
  • 71 - 1 - hello-world - DONE
  • 38 - 2 - high-scores
  • 24 - 4 - house
  • 43 - 3 - isbn-verifier
  • 65 - 2 - isogram - DONE
  • 13 - 4 - killer-sudoku-helper
  • 41 - 5 - kindergarten-garden
  • 37 - 6 - knapsack
  • 53 - 7 - largest-series-product - DONE
  • 71 - 1 - leap - DONE
  • 9 - 5 - ledger
  • 33 - 5 - linked-list
  • 46 - 3 - list-ops
  • 60 - 4 - luhn - DONE
  • 13 - 6 - markdown
  • 59 - 5 - matching-brackets - DONE
  • 37 - 4 - matrix
  • 42 - 1 - meetup
  • 7 - 2 - micro-blog
  • 42 - 8 - minesweeper - DONE
  • 45 - 1 - nth-prime - DONE
  • 59 - 2 - nucleotide-count - DONE
  • 25 - 6 - ocr-numbers
  • 28 - 6 - palindrome-products
  • 65 - 2 - pangram - DONE
  • 23 - 7 - parallel-letter-frequency
  • 49 - 4 - pascals-triangle
  • 51 - 2 - perfect-numbers - DONE
  • 55 - 5 - phone-number - DONE
  • 45 - 3 - pig-latin
  • 20 - 8 - poker
  • 13 - 9 - pov
  • 46 - 1 - prime-factors
  • 58 - 2 - protein-translation - DONE
  • 35 - 2 - proverb
  • 36 - 3 - pythagorean-triplet
  • 51 - 4 - queen-attack - DONE
  • 26 - 4 - rail-fence-cipher
  • 70 - 2 - raindrops - DONE
  • 22 - 5 - rational-numbers
  • 17 - 8 - react
  • 20 - 7 - rectangles
  • 48 - 1 - resistor-color
  • 45 - 1 - resistor-color-duo
  • 30 - 3 - resistor-color-trio
  • 10 - 7 - rest-api
  • 63 - 1 - reverse-string - DONE
  • 69 - 1 - rna-transcription - DONE
  • 51 - 5 - robot-simulator - DONE
  • 67 - 4 - roman-numerals - DONE
  • 54 - 4 - rotational-cipher - DONE
  • 50 - 4 - run-length-encoding - DONE
  • 33 - 1 - saddle-points
  • 13 - 7 - satellite
  • 37 - 5 - say
  • 63 - 2 - scrabble-score - DONE
  • 59 - 3 - secret-handshake - DONE
  • 44 - 2 - series
  • 11 - 9 - sgf-parsing
  • 61 - 2 - sieve
  • 27 - 1 - simple-cipher
  • 64 - 2 - space-age - DONE
  • 42 - 4 - spiral-matrix
  • 33 - 2 - square-root
  • 11 - 5 - state-of-tic-tac-toe
  • 40 - 3 - strain
  • 40 - 6 - sublist
  • 55 - 1 - sum-of-multiples - DONE
  • 23 - 3 - tournament
  • 28 - 5 - transpose
  • 64 - 2 - triangle - DONE
  • 26 - 1 - twelve-days
  • 32 - 6 - two-bucket
  • 65 - 1 - two-fer - DONE
  • 23 - 6 - variable-length-quantity
  • 55 - 2 - word-count - DONE
  • 14 - 7 - word-search
  • 33 - 5 - wordy
  • 49 - 3 - yacht - DONE
  • 30 - 8 - zebra-puzzle
  • 17 - 8 - zipper