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RunAI Tutorial

Before following this tutorial, if you are not familiar with docker we highly recommend that you get familiar with docker.

You do not need to be an expert but you need to know:

  1. What is a Docker image
  2. What is a Docker container
  3. How to read a Dockerfile

This video might help.

You also need to setup runai by following the instructions here.


This tutorial has been made on windows with WSL 2 (ubuntu).

If you are on Mac, Windows or another distribution and some of the commands are not recognized, you might need to change them. For example 'sudo service docker start' will not work on Mac or on the Powershell of Windows (on Mac, you can instead open Docker Desktop and then wait for the Docker engine to start).

Remember to use a search engine or a chatbot to help.


Here are the main steps to run a job on the cluster using RunAI:

  1. Write your scripts (train, eval, preprocessed, etc...)
  2. Write and build a docker image that can run your scripts
  3. Upload your image on EPFL's ic registry (it will be available on the cloud)
  4. Run the image on the cluster using RunAI

Remember to make sure that your scripts and docker are working locally before submitting anything to the cluster (think twice, compute once).

Basic docker image

In this section, we will see how to build and run a simple docker image that saves a text file on you local machine using python.

Below is the Dockerfile

# Use the minimalistic Python Alpine image for smaller size.
FROM python:3.9-alpine

# Set the working directory in docker

# Create a directory for the data volume
RUN mkdir /results

# Copy the Python script into the container at /app

# Always use the Python script as the entry point
ENTRYPOINT ["python", ""]

# By default, write "hello world" to the file hello.txt
CMD ["--text", "hello world", "--output", "hello.txt"]

Starting docker (as said before, Mac users can also just start the Docker Desktop app and then wait for the Docker Engine to be started)

sudo service docker start

Build a Docker image with the tag helloworld-image from the current directory (indicated by the . at the end).

docker build -t helloworld-image .

Run the image. Will execute the ENTRYPOINT with the default parameter in CMD.

docker run helloworld-image

Nothing is created on our machine.

To deal with this: option -v maps a directory from your local machine (host) to a directory inside the container. Here we map the current directory to the /app directory in the container.

docker run -v $(pwd):/app helloworld-image

But our python script has an argument: "--text"

If we specify it in when running the container, it will override CMD (the default value)

docker run -v $(pwd):/app helloworld-image --text="New Hello Word" --output=="new_hello.txt"

If you want to remove all your docker images

docker system prune -a

RunAI RCP CaaS and IC CaaS clusters

First, a lot of information can be found at this url (you need to be connected to the VPN)

Swap between RCP and IC

To swap between the two services, the steps are at the follwoing url:

Run the docker image with Runai

First let us login to RunAI

runai login

You should be prompted with a link to get a password.

If you receive the error below, make sure that you have properly set up runai by following the instructions here.

ERRO[0000] 404 Not Found: {"error":"Realm does not exist","error_description":"For more on this error consult the server log at the debug level."}

Now let us login to the registry. Use one of the follwoing command depending on which service you want to use (try with sudo if does not work)

docker login # for the IC CaaS
docker login # for the RCP CaaS

Use your Tequila credentials.

Tag your image to the registry to want to use (notice that on the IC registry we are d-vet but on RCP, we are ml4ed)

docker tag helloworld-image # for the IC CaaS
docker tag helloworld-image # for the RCP CaaS

If you forgot the name of your image:

docker images

Now we can push our image:

docker push # for the IC CaaS
docker push # for the RCP CaaS

Checking the existing RunAI projects.

runai list project

Submit your job (here on the rcp cluster). And do not forget to change your uid and gid as weel as the path in the command, now the file will be writter in frej. They can be found in your EPFL page

runai submit --name hello1 \
--image \
--run-as-uid 12345 \
--run-as-gid 12345 \
--gpu 0 \
--cpu 1 \
--cpu-limit 1 \
--memory 256Mi \
--memory-limit 512Mi \
--existing-pvc claimname=ml4ed-scratch,path=/results \
--node-pools default \
command: "-- python --text Hello Again --output /results/frej/hello_again.txt"

How to check the job:

runai describe job hello1 -p ml4ed-frej

Checking the logs:

 kubectl logs hello1-0-0 -n runai-ml4ed-frej

How to list all jobs

runai list jobs -p ml4ed-frej

How to delete the job:

runai delete job -p ml4ed-frej hello1

The file should be saved in our scratch. To get it, fisrt ssh to the scratch (change frej to your username):

Then it should be in /mnt/ml4ed/scratch/ followed by the path you decided to put in the output argument.

Script to make a yaml config into a submit command

To avoid having to type very long commands on the CLI, I made a small script that take a simple yaml file with all the arguments into the runai submit command

python --config rcp-runai-job.yaml

If you get "PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/results'" when checking the logs, make sure you replace the uid and giu with your own.