illustrated how to using and witnesses to prove universally quantifie…
illustrated how to using and witnesses to prove universally quantifie…
Updated libfiles to reflect renaming of lang/Forall.scala to lang/Qua…
Updated libfiles to reflect renaming of lang/Forall.scala to lang/Qua…
Add Exists quantifier (axiomatized). Rename library to Quantifiers.
Add Exists quantifier (axiomatized). Rename library to Quantifiers.
Update lecture for 2nd year course
Update lecture for 2nd year course
Fix LibrarySuite test
Fix LibrarySuite test
Force push
Fix LibrarySuite test
Fix LibrarySuite test
Force push
Fix LibrarySuite test
Fix LibrarySuite test
Force push
remove print that was causing errors
remove print that was causing errors
temporary fix , with one temp folder per CI, which is cleaned up anyway
temporary fix , with one temp folder per CI, which is cleaned up anyway
trying to reduce path
trying to reduce path
change permission of temp folder
change permission of temp folder