The library of the CUDA/C++ Otaku, by the CUDA/C++ Otaku(?), for the CUDA/C++ Otaku shall not perish from the earth.
This library is under developing. Destructive changes may occur.
cutf is a tiny CUDA template library.
- header file only
- at least C++14
- release/devel : GitLab - mutsuki/cutf
- release : GitHub - enp1s0/cutf
// Compile:
// nvcc -I/path/to/cutf/include/ ...
#include <cutf/math.hpp>
#include <cutf/type.hpp>
#include <cutf/error.hpp>
#include <cutf/memory.hpp>
constexpr float PI = 3.f;
constexpr std::size_t N = 15;
template <class T, int N>
__global__ void kernel_example(T* const output, const T* const input){
const auto tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if( tid >= N ) return;
output[tid] = cutf::math::sin( __ldg(input + tid) * cutf::type::cast<T>(PI) );
using T = float;
int main(){
auto in = cutf::memory::get_device_unique_ptr<T>(N);
auto out = cutf::memory::get_device_unique_ptr<T>(N);
auto h_out = cutf::memory::get_host_unique_ptr<T>(N);
kernel_example<T, N><<<(N+15)/16,16>>>(out.get(), in.get());
CUTF_CHECK_ERROR(cutf::memory::copy(h_out.get(), out.get(), N));
├─ cp_async
├─ cublas
├─ cublaslt
├─ cuda
├─ cufft
├─ cupti
├─ curand
├─ curand_kernel
├─ cusolver
├─ cutensor
├─ debug
│ ├─ fp
│ └─ print
├─ device
├─ driver
├─ error
├─ event
├─ experimental
│ └─ fp
├─ graph
├─ math
├─ memory
├─ nvrtc
├─ type
│ └─ rounding
└─ thread
cutf cuBLAS Functions Reference
cutf cuSOLVER Functions Reference
cutf NVRTC Functions Reference
cutf Debug Functions Reference
cutf Experimental Functions Reference
Copyright (c) 2018 - 2021 tsuki (enp1s0) Released under the MIT license