Here is a list of all the extensions I use.
- Apache Conf
- Astro
- Auto Close Tag
- Auto Rename Tag
- Batch Rename
- Better Comments
- Code Spell Checker
- Color Highlight
- Conventional Commits
- DotENV
- Edit csv
- EditorConfig for VS Code
- ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets
- ESLint
- Expo Tools
- GistPad
- Git Graph
- GitHub Actions
- GitHub Copilot
- GitHub Copilot Chat
- GitHub Pull Requests
- GitLens
- GraphQL for VSCode
- GraphQL: Inline Operation Execution
- GraphQL: Language Feature Support
- GraphQL: Syntax Highlighting
- Highlight Matching Tag
- Import Cost
- indent-rainbow
- IntelliCode
- IntelliCode API Usage Examples
- JavaScript (ES6) code snippets
- Live Preview
- Live Server
- Live Share
- Markdown All in One
- Markdown Preview Enhanced
- Material Icon Theme
- Material Theme
- MongoDB for VS Code
- NativeBase VS Code Extension
- npm Intellisense
- Path Intellisense
- Peacock
- Prettier - Code formatter
- Pretty TypeScript Errors
- Prisma
- Pylance
- Python
- Python Debugger
- Rainbow CSV
- React Native Tools
- REST Client
- solidity
- Sort JSON objects
- stylus
- Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
- Test Adapter Converter
- Test Explorer UI
- Version Lens
- vscode-json
- vscode-styled-components