diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6b27b2d..9886b05 100644
--- a/README.md
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# express-graceful-exit
-A component in having zero downtime deploys for Node.js with [Express](http://expressjs.com/). It was developed for Express 3.X, so it may need work to be compatible with Express 2.X
+Gracefully decline new requests while shutting down your application. A component that helps support zero downtime deploys for Node.js with [Express](http://expressjs.com/).
-This module was originally developed for [Frafty](https://www.frafty.com/), a Daily Fantasy Sports site.
+The project was originally developed for Express v3.X, but is used in production with Express v4.X. Please write up an issue or submit a PR if you find bugs using express-graceful-exit with Express v4.X and higher.
## Installation
@@ -13,11 +13,15 @@ $ npm install express-graceful-exit
## Compatibility
-v0.X.X versions are backwards API compatible, with the caveate that process exit is called in a `setTimeout` block from v0.2.0 forward, so the timing is slightly different between v0.1.0 to v0.2.x+.
+v0.X.X versions are backwards API compatible, with these minor behavior changes:
+1. Process exit is called in a `setTimeout` block from v0.2.0 forward, so the timing is slightly different between v0.1.0 to v0.2.x+.
+2. After exit was triggered, incoming requests were mismanaged prior to v0.5.0.
As of v0.5.0 incoming requests are dropped cleanly by default, with new options such as responding with a custom error and/or performing one last request per connection.
## Usage
-The following two components must both be used to enable fully graceful exits.
+The following two components must both be used to enable clean server shutdown, where incoming requests are gracefully declined.
+There are multiple exit options for how in-flight requests are handled, ranging from forced exist after a specified deadline to waiting indefinitely for processing to complete.
### middleware
@@ -28,6 +32,9 @@ var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var gracefulExit = require('express-graceful-exit');
+var server = app.listen(port)
+gracefulExit.init(server) // use init() if configured to exit the process after timeout
@@ -40,7 +47,7 @@ This function tells express to accept no new requests and gracefully closes the
process.on('message', function(message) {
if (message === 'shutdown') {
gracefulExit.gracefulExitHandler(app, server, {
- socketio: app.settings.socketio
@@ -61,30 +68,32 @@ The following options are available:
__log__ | Print status messages and errors to the logger | false
__logger__ | Function that accepts a string to output a log message | console.log
__callback__ | Optional function that is called with the exit status code once express has shutdown, gracefully or not
Use in conjunction with `exitProcess: false` when the caller handles process shutdown | no-op
- __exitProcess__ | If true, the module calls `process.exit()` when express has shutdown, gracefully or not | true
- __exitDelay__ | Wait timer duration in the final internal callback (triggered either by gracefulExitHandler or the suicideTimeout) if `exitProcess: true` | 10ms
- __suicideTimeout__ | How long to wait before giving up on graceful shutdown, then returns exit code of 1 | 2m 10s (130s)
- __socketio__ | An instance of `socket.io`, used to close all open connections after timeout | none
+ __performLastRequest__ | Process the first request received per connection after exit starts, and include a connection close header for callers and load balancers.
`false` is the existing behavior, deprecated as of v0.5.0 | false
+ __errorDuringExit__ | Respond to incoming requests with an error instead of silently dropping them.
`false` is the existing behavior, deprecated as of v0.5.0 | false
+ __getRejectionError__ | Function returning rejection error for incoming requests during graceful exit | `function () { return new Error('Server unavailable, no new requests accepted during shutdown') }`
+ __exitProcess__ | If true, the module calls `process.exit()` when express has shutdown, gracefully or not | true
+ __exitDelay__ | Wait timer duration in the final internal callback (triggered either by gracefulExitHandler or the hard exit handler) if `exitProcess: true` | 10ms
+ __suicideTimeout__ | How long to wait before giving up on graceful shutdown, then returns exit code of 1 | 2m 10s (130s)
+ __socketio__ | An instance of `socket.io`, used to close all open connections after timeout | none
__force__ | Instructs the module to forcibly close sockets once the suicide timeout elapses.
For this option to work you must call `gracefulExit.init(server)` when initializing the HTTP server | false
## Details
-To gracefully exit this module will do the following things:
+To gracefully exit this module does the following things:
-1. Close the http server so no new connections are accepted
-2. Mark that the server will gracefully exit, so if a connection that is using the Keep-Alive header is still active, it will be told to close the connection
-The HTTP status code of 502 is returned, so nginx, ELB, etc will try again with a working server
-3. If a socket.io instance is passed in the options, it enumerates all connected clients and disconnects them
-The client should have code to reconnect on disconnect
-4. Server fully disconnects or the hard exit timer runs
- 1. Once all connected clients are disconnected, the exit handler returns `0`
- 2. OR If there are any remaining connections after `suicideTimeout` ms, the handler returns `1`
-5. In either case, if exitProcess is set to true the exit handler waits exitDelay ms and calls `process.exit`
+1. Closes the http server so no new connections are accepted
+2. Sets connection close header for Keep-Alive connections, if configured for responses The HTTP status code of 502 is returned, so nginx, ELB, etc will try with an active server If `errorDuringExit` and/or `performLastRequest` are set to true, a response is sent with a `Connection: close` header
+3. If a socket.io instance is passed in the options, all connected clients are immediately disconnected (socket.io v0.X through v1.4.x support) The client should have code to reconnect on disconnect
+4. Once the server fully disconnects or the hard exit timer runs
+ 1. If all in-flight requests have resolved and/or disconnected, the exit handler returns `0`
+ 2. OR if any connections remain after `suicideTimeout` ms, the handler returns `1`
+5. In either case, if exitProcess is set to true the hard exit handler waits exitDelay ms and calls `process.exit(x)`, this allows the logger time to flush and the app's callback to complete, if any
## Zero Downtime Deploys
This module does not give you zero downtime deploys on its own. It enables the http server to exit gracefully, which when used with a module like naught can provide zero downtime deploys.
#### Author: [Jon Keating](http://twitter.com/emostar)
+This module was originally developed for Frafty (formerly www.frafty.com), a Daily Fantasy Sports site.
#### Maintainer: [Ivo Havener](https://github.com/ivolucien)
diff --git a/lib/graceful-exit.js b/lib/graceful-exit.js
index 9d707e0..9e8994e 100644
--- a/lib/graceful-exit.js
+++ b/lib/graceful-exit.js
@@ -1,11 +1,24 @@
var _ = require('underscore');
+var inspect = require('util').inspect;
var sockets = [];
var options = {};
var hardExitTimer;
var connectionsClosed = false;
+var defaultOptions = {
+ errorDuringExit : false, // false is existing behavior, deprecated as of v0.5.0
+ performLastRequest: false, // false is existing behavior, deprecated as of v0.5.0
+ log : false,
+ logger : console.log,
+ getRejectionError : function (err) { return err; },
+ suicideTimeout : 2*60*1000 + 10*1000, // 2m10s (nodejs default is 2m)
+ exitProcess : true,
+ exitDelay : 10, // wait in ms before process.exit, if exitProcess true
+ force : false
function logger (str) {
if (options.log) {
@@ -90,15 +103,6 @@ exports.hardExitHandler = function hardExitHandler () {
hardExitTimer = null;
-var defaultOptions = {
- log : false,
- logger : console.log,
- suicideTimeout : 2*60*1000 + 10*1000, // 2m10s (nodejs default is 2m)
- exitProcess : true,
- exitDelay : 10, // wait in ms before process.exit, if exitProcess true
- force : false
exports.gracefulExitHandler = function gracefulExitHandler (app, server, _options) {
// Get the options set up
if (!_options) {
@@ -140,18 +144,49 @@ exports.gracefulExitHandler = function gracefulExitHandler (app, server, _option
hardExitTimer = setTimeout(exports.hardExitHandler, options.suicideTimeout);
+exports.handleFinalRequests = function handleFinalRequests (req, res, next) {
+ var headers = inspect(req.headers) || '?'; // safe object to string
+ if (options.performLastRequest && connection.lastRequestStarted === false) {
+ logger('Server exiting, performing last request for this connection. Headers: ' + headers);
+ req.connection.lastRequestStarted = true;
+ return next();
+ }
+ if (options.errorDuringExit) {
+ logger('Server unavailable, incoming request rejected with error. Headers: ' + headers);
+ return next(
+ options.getRejectionError() ||
+ defaultOptions.getRejectionError(
+ new Error('Server unavailable, no new requests accepted during shutdown')
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ // else silently drop request without response (existing deprecated behavior)
+ logger('Server unavailable, incoming request dropped silently. Headers: ' + headers);
+ res.end(); // end request without calling next()
+ return null;
exports.middleware = function middleware (app) {
// This flag is used to signal the below middleware when the server wants to stop.
- // New connections are handled for us by Node, but existing connections using the
- // Keep-Alive header require this workaround to close.
app.set('graceful_exit', false);
return function checkIfExitingGracefully (req, res, next) {
- if (app.settings.graceful_exit === true) {
- // sorry keep-alive connections, but we need to part ways
- req.connection.setTimeout(1);
+ var connection = req.connection || {};
+ if (app.settings.graceful_exit === false) {
+ connection.lastRequestStarted = connection.lastRequestStarted || false;
+ next();
- next();
+ // Set connection closing header for response, if any. Fix to issue 14, thank you HH
+ res.set('Connection', 'close');
+ return exports.handleFinalRequests(req, res, next);