diff --git a/dap-dlv-go.el b/dap-dlv-go.el
index 8e0bb9a1..5fd6dc82 100644
--- a/dap-dlv-go.el
+++ b/dap-dlv-go.el
@@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;; URL: https://github.com/emacs-lsp/dap-mode
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (dash "2.14.1") (lsp-mode "4.0") (f "0.20.0"))
-;; Version: 0.1
 ;;; Commentary:
 ;; Adapter for https://github.com/go-delve/delve
@@ -36,9 +32,9 @@
 (defcustom dap-dlv-go-delve-path
   (or (executable-find "dlv")
-	  (expand-file-name
-	   "dlv" (expand-file-name "bin" (or (getenv "GOPATH")
-										 (f-join (getenv "HOME") "go")))))
+      (expand-file-name
+       "dlv" (expand-file-name "bin" (or (getenv "GOPATH")
+                                         (f-join (getenv "HOME") "go")))))
   "The path to the delve command."
   :group 'dap-dlv-go
   :type 'string)
@@ -55,67 +51,67 @@
 (defun dap-dlv-go--populate-default-args (conf)
   "Populate CONF with the default arguments."
   (setq conf
-		(pcase (plist-get conf :mode)
-		  ("auto"
-		   (dap-dlv-go--populate-auto-args conf))
-		  ("test"
-		   (dap-dlv-go--populate-test-args conf))
-		  ("debug"
-		   (dap--put-if-absent
-			conf :program (f-dirname (buffer-file-name))))
-		  ("exec"
-		   (dap--put-if-absent
-			conf :program
-			(f-expand (read-file-name "enter path to executable: "))))
-		  ("remote"
-		   (dap--put-if-absent conf :host (read-string "enter host: " ""))
-		   (dap--put-if-absent conf :debugPort
-							   (string-to-number (read-string "enter port: " "2345"))))
-		  ("local"
-		   (dap--put-if-absent conf :cwd (f-dirname (buffer-file-name)))
-		   (dap--put-if-absent
-			conf :processId (string-to-number (read-string "enter pid: " "2345"))))))
+        (pcase (plist-get conf :mode)
+          ("auto"
+           (dap-dlv-go--populate-auto-args conf))
+          ("test"
+           (dap-dlv-go--populate-test-args conf))
+          ("debug"
+           (dap--put-if-absent
+            conf :program (f-dirname (buffer-file-name))))
+          ("exec"
+           (dap--put-if-absent
+            conf :program
+            (f-expand (read-file-name "enter path to executable: "))))
+          ("remote"
+           (dap--put-if-absent conf :host (read-string "enter host: " ""))
+           (dap--put-if-absent conf :debugPort
+                               (string-to-number (read-string "enter port: " "2345"))))
+          ("local"
+           (dap--put-if-absent conf :cwd (f-dirname (buffer-file-name)))
+           (dap--put-if-absent
+            conf :processId (string-to-number (read-string "enter pid: " "2345"))))))
   (when-let ((env-file (plist-get conf :envFile)))
-	(plist-put conf :env (dap-dlv-go--parse-env-file env-file)))
+    (plist-put conf :env (dap-dlv-go--parse-env-file env-file)))
   (let ((debug-port (if (string= (plist-get conf :mode)
-								 "remote")
-						(plist-get conf :debugPort)
-					  (dap--find-available-port))))
-	(dap--put-if-absent conf :host "localhost")
-	(when (not (string= "remote" (plist-get conf :mode)))
-	  (plist-put
-	   conf :program-to-start
-	   (format "%s dap --listen %s" dap-dlv-go-delve-path debug-port dap-dlv-go-extra-args)))
-	(plist-put conf :debugServer debug-port))
+                                 "remote")
+                        (plist-get conf :debugPort)
+                      (dap--find-available-port))))
+    (dap--put-if-absent conf :host "localhost")
+    (when (not (string= "remote" (plist-get conf :mode)))
+      (plist-put
+       conf :program-to-start
+       (format "%s dap --listen %s" dap-dlv-go-delve-path debug-port dap-dlv-go-extra-args)))
+    (plist-put conf :debugServer debug-port))
   (if (stringp (plist-get conf :args)) (plist-put conf :args (split-string (plist-get conf :args))) ())
   (when (string= (plist-get conf :name) "Test function")
-	(-when-let (name (dap-dlv-go--extract-current--method-or-function-name t))
-	  (dap--put-if-absent conf :args (list (format "-test.run=^%s$" name)))))
+    (-when-let (name (dap-dlv-go--extract-current--method-or-function-name t))
+      (dap--put-if-absent conf :args (list (format "-test.run=^%s$" name)))))
   (when (string= (plist-get conf :name) "Test subtest")
-	(-when-let (name (concat
-					  (dap-dlv-go--extract-current--method-or-function-name t)
-					  "/"
-					  (shell-quote-argument (dap-dlv-go--extract-current-subtest-name t))))
-	  (dap--put-if-absent conf :args (list (format "-test.run=^%s" name)))))
+    (-when-let (name (concat
+                      (dap-dlv-go--extract-current--method-or-function-name t)
+                      "/"
+                      (shell-quote-argument (dap-dlv-go--extract-current-subtest-name t))))
+      (dap--put-if-absent conf :args (list (format "-test.run=^%s" name)))))
   (-> conf
-	  (dap--put-if-absent :dlvToolPath dap-dlv-go-delve-path)
+      (dap--put-if-absent :dlvToolPath dap-dlv-go-delve-path)
-	  (dap--put-if-absent :type "go")
-	  (dap--put-if-absent :name "Go Dlv Debug")))
+      (dap--put-if-absent :type "go")
+      (dap--put-if-absent :name "Go Dlv Debug")))
 (defun dap-dlv-go--populate-auto-args (conf)
   "Populate auto arguments according to CONF."
   (dap--put-if-absent conf :program (buffer-file-name))
   (if (string-suffix-p "_test.go" (buffer-file-name))
-	  (plist-put conf :mode "test")
-	(plist-put conf :mode "debug")))
+      (plist-put conf :mode "test")
+    (plist-put conf :mode "debug")))
 (defun dap-dlv-go--populate-test-args (conf)
   "Populate auto arguments according to CONF."
@@ -124,59 +120,59 @@
 (defun dap-dlv-go--extract-current--method-or-function-name (&optional no-signal?)
   "Extract current method or function name."
   (let ((symbols (lsp--get-document-symbols)))
-	(or (->> symbols
-			 (-keep
-			  (-lambda ((&DocumentSymbol :kind :range :selection-range))
-				(-let (((beg . end) (lsp--range-to-region range)))
-				  (and (or (= lsp/symbol-kind-method kind)
-						   (= lsp/symbol-kind-function kind))
-					   (<= beg (point) end)
-					   (lsp-region-text selection-range)))))
-			 (car))
-		(unless no-signal?
-		  (user-error "No method or function at point")))))
+    (or (->> symbols
+             (-keep
+              (-lambda ((&DocumentSymbol :kind :range :selection-range))
+                (-let (((beg . end) (lsp--range-to-region range)))
+                  (and (or (= lsp/symbol-kind-method kind)
+                           (= lsp/symbol-kind-function kind))
+                       (<= beg (point) end)
+                       (lsp-region-text selection-range)))))
+             (car))
+        (unless no-signal?
+          (user-error "No method or function at point")))))
 (defun dap-dlv-go--extract-current-subtest-name (&optional no-signal?)
   "Extract current subtest name."
-	(save-restriction
-	  (search-backward-regexp "^[[:space:]]*{" nil t)
-	  (search-forward-regexp "name:[[:space:]]+[\"`]\\(.*\\)[\"`]\," nil t)
-	  (or (match-string-no-properties 1)
-		  (unless no-signal?
-			(user-error "No subtest at point"))))))
+    (save-restriction
+      (search-backward-regexp "^[[:space:]]*{" nil t)
+      (search-forward-regexp "name:[[:space:]]+[\"`]\\(.*\\)[\"`]\," nil t)
+      (or (match-string-no-properties 1)
+          (unless no-signal?
+            (user-error "No subtest at point"))))))
 (defun dap-dlv-go--parse-env-file (file)
   "Parse env FILE."
-	(save-match-data
-	  (find-file file)
-	  (setq-local buffer-file-name nil)
-	  (replace-regexp "[[:space:]]*#.*$" "" nil (point-min) (point-max))
-	  (let ((res (make-hash-table)))
-		(goto-char (point-min))
-		(while (search-forward-regexp "\\(^[^=].*\\)=\\(.*\\)$" nil t)
-		  (ht-set res (match-string 1) (match-string 2)))
-		(kill-buffer)
-		res))))
+    (save-match-data
+      (find-file file)
+      (setq-local buffer-file-name nil)
+      (replace-regexp "[[:space:]]*#.*$" "" nil (point-min) (point-max))
+      (let ((res (make-hash-table)))
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (while (search-forward-regexp "\\(^[^=].*\\)=\\(.*\\)$" nil t)
+          (ht-set res (match-string 1) (match-string 2)))
+        (kill-buffer)
+        res))))
 (defun dap-dlv-go--get-cmd-pid (cmd)
   "Return pid of CMD."
-	(s-split-words
-	 (car
-	  (seq-filter
-	   (lambda(s) (s-contains? cmd s))
-	   (process-lines (executable-find "ps") "aux")))))))
+    (s-split-words
+     (car
+      (seq-filter
+       (lambda(s) (s-contains? cmd s))
+       (process-lines (executable-find "ps") "aux")))))))
 (defun dap-dlv-go--run-cmd-in-vterm (cmd buf)
   "Run CMD with vterm in BUF."
   (with-current-buffer buf
-	(require 'vterm)
-	(let ((vterm-shell cmd)
-		  (vterm-kill-buffer-on-exit nil))
-	  (vterm-mode))))
+    (require 'vterm)
+    (let ((vterm-shell cmd)
+          (vterm-kill-buffer-on-exit nil))
+      (vterm-mode))))
 (defun dap-dlv-go--run-cmd-in-vterm-get-pid (cmd buf)
   "Run CMD in vterm inside BUF and return pid."
@@ -188,80 +184,80 @@
 With `C-u' you can edit command before run."
   (let* ((exe (f-expand (read-file-name "enter path to executable: ")))
-		 (cmd (if (equal (car current-prefix-arg) 4)
-				  (read-string "command: " exe)
-				exe))
-		 (buf (generate-new-buffer
-			   (format "*%s console*"
-					   (f-base exe))))
-		 (debug-port (dap--find-available-port))
-		 (pid (dap-dlv-go--run-cmd-in-vterm-get-pid cmd buf)))
-	(dap-start-debugging-noexpand (list :type "go"
-										:request "attach"
-										:name "Attach to running process"
-										:mode "local"
-										:host "localhost"
-										:debugServer debug-port
-										:processId pid
-										:dlvToolPath dap-dlv-go-delve-path
-										:program-to-start
-										(format
-										 "%s dap --listen %s"
-										 dap-dlv-go-delve-path
-										 debug-port
-										 dap-dlv-go-extra-args)))
-	(display-buffer buf)
-	(dap-ui--show-buffer buf)))
+         (cmd (if (equal (car current-prefix-arg) 4)
+                  (read-string "command: " exe)
+                exe))
+         (buf (generate-new-buffer
+               (format "*%s console*"
+                       (f-base exe))))
+         (debug-port (dap--find-available-port))
+         (pid (dap-dlv-go--run-cmd-in-vterm-get-pid cmd buf)))
+    (dap-start-debugging-noexpand (list :type "go"
+                                        :request "attach"
+                                        :name "Attach to running process"
+                                        :mode "local"
+                                        :host "localhost"
+                                        :debugServer debug-port
+                                        :processId pid
+                                        :dlvToolPath dap-dlv-go-delve-path
+                                        :program-to-start
+                                        (format
+                                         "%s dap --listen %s"
+                                         dap-dlv-go-delve-path
+                                         debug-port
+                                         dap-dlv-go-extra-args)))
+    (display-buffer buf)
+    (dap-ui--show-buffer buf)))
 (dap-register-debug-provider "go" 'dap-dlv-go--populate-default-args)
 (dap-register-debug-template "Go Dlv Launch File Configuration"
-							 (list :type "go"
-								   :request "launch"
-								   :name "Launch File"
-								   :mode "auto"
-								   :program nil
-								   :buildFlags nil
-								   :args nil
-								   :env nil))
+                             (list :type "go"
+                                   :request "launch"
+                                   :name "Launch File"
+                                   :mode "auto"
+                                   :program nil
+                                   :buildFlags nil
+                                   :args nil
+                                   :env nil))
 (dap-register-debug-template "Go Dlv Attach Configuration"
-							 (list :type "go"
-								   :request "attach"
-								   :name "Attach to running process"
-								   :mode "auto"))
+                             (list :type "go"
+                                   :request "attach"
+                                   :name "Attach to running process"
+                                   :mode "auto"))
 (dap-register-debug-template "Go Dlv Launch Executable Configuration"
-							 (list :type "go"
-								   :request "launch"
-								   :name "Launch Executable"
-								   :mode "exec"
-								   :program nil
-								   :args nil
-								   :env nil))
+                             (list :type "go"
+                                   :request "launch"
+                                   :name "Launch Executable"
+                                   :mode "exec"
+                                   :program nil
+                                   :args nil
+                                   :env nil))
 (dap-register-debug-template "Go Dlv Remote Debug"
-							 (list :type "go"
-								   :request "attach"
-								   :name "Dlv Remote Debug"
-								   :mode "remote"))
+                             (list :type "go"
+                                   :request "attach"
+                                   :name "Dlv Remote Debug"
+                                   :mode "remote"))
 (dap-register-debug-template "Go Dlv Test Current Function Configuration"
-							 (list :type "go"
-								   :request "launch"
-								   :name "Test function"
-								   :mode "test"
-								   :program nil
-								   :args nil
-								   :env nil))
+                             (list :type "go"
+                                   :request "launch"
+                                   :name "Test function"
+                                   :mode "test"
+                                   :program nil
+                                   :args nil
+                                   :env nil))
 (dap-register-debug-template "Go Dlv Test Current Subtest Configuration"
-							 (list :type "go"
-								   :request "launch"
-								   :name "Test subtest"
-								   :mode "test"
-								   :program nil
-								   :args nil
-								   :env nil))
+                             (list :type "go"
+                                   :request "launch"
+                                   :name "Test subtest"
+                                   :mode "test"
+                                   :program nil
+                                   :args nil
+                                   :env nil))
 (provide 'dap-dlv-go)
 ;;; dap-dlv-go.el ends here
diff --git a/dap-gdb-lldb.el b/dap-gdb-lldb.el
index e0d41984..a2afc301 100644
--- a/dap-gdb-lldb.el
+++ b/dap-gdb-lldb.el
@@ -18,9 +18,6 @@
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;; URL: https://github.com/emacs-lsp/dap-mode
-;; Version: 0.2
 ;;; Commentary:
 ;; Adapter for https://github.com/WebFreak001/code-debug
diff --git a/dap-gdscript.el b/dap-gdscript.el
index ad00488a..e5b53186 100644
--- a/dap-gdscript.el
+++ b/dap-gdscript.el
@@ -36,22 +36,22 @@
 (defun dap-gdscript--populate-start-file-args (conf)
   "Populate CONF with the required arguments."
   (let ((conf (-> conf
-				  (dap--put-if-absent :host dap-gdscript-debug-host)
-				  (dap--put-if-absent :debugServer dap-gdscript-debug-port)
-				  (dap--put-if-absent :type "gdscript")
-				  (dap--put-if-absent :cwd default-directory)
-				  (dap--put-if-absent :name "Gdscript Debug")
-				  (dap--put-if-absent :args ""))))
-	conf))
+                  (dap--put-if-absent :host dap-gdscript-debug-host)
+                  (dap--put-if-absent :debugServer dap-gdscript-debug-port)
+                  (dap--put-if-absent :type "gdscript")
+                  (dap--put-if-absent :cwd default-directory)
+                  (dap--put-if-absent :name "Gdscript Debug")
+                  (dap--put-if-absent :args ""))))
+    conf))
 (dap-register-debug-provider "gdscript" #'dap-gdscript--populate-start-file-args)
 (dap-register-debug-template "Gdscript Run Configuration"
-							 (list :type "gdscript"
-								   :cwd nil
-								   :request "launch"
-								   :program nil
-								   :name "Gdscript::Run"))
+                             (list :type "gdscript"
+                                   :cwd nil
+                                   :request "launch"
+                                   :program nil
+                                   :name "Gdscript::Run"))
 (provide 'dap-gdscript)
 ;;; dap-gdscript.el ends here
diff --git a/dap-go.el b/dap-go.el
index 16b2defd..69e4a672 100644
--- a/dap-go.el
+++ b/dap-go.el
@@ -33,20 +33,20 @@
 (defcustom dap-go-debug-program
-	,(let ((old (f-join dap-go-debug-path "extension/out/src/debugAdapter/goDebug.js"))
-		   (new (f-join dap-go-debug-path "extension/dist/debugAdapter.js")))
-	   (if (f-exists? old)
-		   (progn
-			 (lsp--warn "Go debug adapter is outdated; some features will not work properly (map debugging).\n\
+    ,(let ((old (f-join dap-go-debug-path "extension/out/src/debugAdapter/goDebug.js"))
+           (new (f-join dap-go-debug-path "extension/dist/debugAdapter.js")))
+       (if (f-exists? old)
+           (progn
+             (lsp--warn "Go debug adapter is outdated; some features will not work properly (map debugging).\n\
 Update `dap-go' using `C-u M-x dap-go-setup'")
-			 old)
-		 new)))
+             old)
+         new)))
   "The path to the go debugger."
   :group 'dap-go
   :type '(repeat string))
 (defcustom dap-go-delve-path (or (executable-find "dlv")
-								 (expand-file-name "dlv" (expand-file-name "bin" (getenv "GOPATH"))))
+                                 (expand-file-name "dlv" (expand-file-name "bin" (getenv "GOPATH"))))
   "The path to the delve command."
   :group 'dap-go
   :type 'string)
@@ -56,96 +56,96 @@ Update `dap-go' using `C-u M-x dap-go-setup'")
 (defun dap-go--populate-default-args (conf)
   "Populate CONF with the default arguments."
   (lwarn '(dap-go) :warning
-		 "`dap-go' is deprecated. Use `dap-dlv-go' instead.
+         "`dap-go' is deprecated. Use `dap-dlv-go' instead.
  See https://emacs-lsp.github.io/dap-mode/page/configuration/#go")
   (setq conf
-		(pcase (plist-get conf :mode)
-		  ("auto" (dap-go--populate-auto-args conf))
-		  ("debug" (dap--put-if-absent conf :program (f-dirname (buffer-file-name))))
-		  ("exec" (dap--put-if-absent conf :program (read-file-name "enter full path to executable without tilde:")))
-		  ("remote" (dap--put-if-absent conf :program (f-dirname (buffer-file-name)))
-		   (dap--put-if-absent conf :host (read-string "enter host:" ""))
-		   (dap--put-if-absent conf :port (string-to-number (read-string "Enter port: " "2345"))))
-		  ("local"
-		   (dap--put-if-absent conf :cwd (f-dirname (buffer-file-name)))
-		   (dap--put-if-absent conf :processId (string-to-number (read-string "Enter pid: " "2345"))))))
+        (pcase (plist-get conf :mode)
+          ("auto" (dap-go--populate-auto-args conf))
+          ("debug" (dap--put-if-absent conf :program (f-dirname (buffer-file-name))))
+          ("exec" (dap--put-if-absent conf :program (read-file-name "enter full path to executable without tilde:")))
+          ("remote" (dap--put-if-absent conf :program (f-dirname (buffer-file-name)))
+           (dap--put-if-absent conf :host (read-string "enter host:" ""))
+           (dap--put-if-absent conf :port (string-to-number (read-string "Enter port: " "2345"))))
+          ("local"
+           (dap--put-if-absent conf :cwd (f-dirname (buffer-file-name)))
+           (dap--put-if-absent conf :processId (string-to-number (read-string "Enter pid: " "2345"))))))
   (if (stringp (plist-get conf :args)) (plist-put conf :args (split-string (plist-get conf :args))) ())
   (-> conf
-	  (dap--put-if-absent :dap-server-path dap-go-debug-program)
-	  (dap--put-if-absent :dlvToolPath dap-go-delve-path)
-	  (dap--put-if-absent :packagePathToGoModPathMap
-						  (ht<-alist `((,(f-dirname (buffer-file-name))  . ,(lsp-find-session-folder (lsp-session) (buffer-file-name))))))
-	  (dap--put-if-absent :type "go")
-	  (dap--put-if-absent :name "Go Debug")))
+      (dap--put-if-absent :dap-server-path dap-go-debug-program)
+      (dap--put-if-absent :dlvToolPath dap-go-delve-path)
+      (dap--put-if-absent :packagePathToGoModPathMap
+                          (ht<-alist `((,(f-dirname (buffer-file-name))  . ,(lsp-find-session-folder (lsp-session) (buffer-file-name))))))
+      (dap--put-if-absent :type "go")
+      (dap--put-if-absent :name "Go Debug")))
 (defun dap-go--populate-auto-args (conf)
   "Populate auto arguments."
   (dap--put-if-absent conf :program (buffer-file-name))
   (if (string-suffix-p "_test.go" (buffer-file-name))
-	  (plist-put conf :mode "test")
-	(plist-put conf :mode "debug")))
+      (plist-put conf :mode "test")
+    (plist-put conf :mode "debug")))
 (dap-register-debug-provider "go" 'dap-go--populate-default-args)
 (dap-register-debug-template "Go Launch File Configuration"
-							 (list :type "go"
-								   :request "launch"
-								   :name "Launch File"
-								   :mode "auto"
-								   :program nil
-								   :buildFlags nil
-								   :args nil
-								   :env nil
-								   :envFile nil))
+                             (list :type "go"
+                                   :request "launch"
+                                   :name "Launch File"
+                                   :mode "auto"
+                                   :program nil
+                                   :buildFlags nil
+                                   :args nil
+                                   :env nil
+                                   :envFile nil))
 (dap-register-debug-template "Go Launch Debug Package Configuration"
-							 (list :type "go"
-								   :request "launch"
-								   :name "Launch Debug Package"
-								   :mode "debug"
-								   :program nil
-								   :buildFlags nil
-								   :args nil
-								   :env nil
-								   :envFile nil))
+                             (list :type "go"
+                                   :request "launch"
+                                   :name "Launch Debug Package"
+                                   :mode "debug"
+                                   :program nil
+                                   :buildFlags nil
+                                   :args nil
+                                   :env nil
+                                   :envFile nil))
 (dap-register-debug-template "Go Launch Unoptimized Debug Package Configuration"
-							 (list :type "go"
-								   :request "launch"
-								   :name "Launch Unoptimized Debug Package"
-								   :mode "debug"
-								   :program nil
-								   :buildFlags "-gcflags '-N -l'"
-								   :args nil
-								   :env nil
-								   :envFile nil))
+                             (list :type "go"
+                                   :request "launch"
+                                   :name "Launch Unoptimized Debug Package"
+                                   :mode "debug"
+                                   :program nil
+                                   :buildFlags "-gcflags '-N -l'"
+                                   :args nil
+                                   :env nil
+                                   :envFile nil))
 (dap-register-debug-template "Go Launch Executable Configuration"
-							 (list :type "go"
-								   :request "launch"
-								   :name "Launch Executable"
-								   :mode "exec"
-								   :program nil
-								   :args nil
-								   :env nil
-								   :envFile nil))
+                             (list :type "go"
+                                   :request "launch"
+                                   :name "Launch Executable"
+                                   :mode "exec"
+                                   :program nil
+                                   :args nil
+                                   :env nil
+                                   :envFile nil))
 (dap-register-debug-template "Go Attach Executable Configuration"
-							 (list :type "go"
-								   :request "attach"
-								   :name "Attach to Executable"
-								   :mode "local"
-								   :program nil
-								   :args nil
-								   :env nil
-								   :envFile nil))
+                             (list :type "go"
+                                   :request "attach"
+                                   :name "Attach to Executable"
+                                   :mode "local"
+                                   :program nil
+                                   :args nil
+                                   :env nil
+                                   :envFile nil))
 (dap-register-debug-template "Go Connect Remote dlv Configuration"
-							 (list :type "go"
-								   :request "launch"
-								   :name "Connect to Remote dlv"
-								   :mode "remote"
-								   :program nil
-								   :args nil
-								   :env nil
-								   :envFile nil))
+                             (list :type "go"
+                                   :request "launch"
+                                   :name "Connect to Remote dlv"
+                                   :mode "remote"
+                                   :program nil
+                                   :args nil
+                                   :env nil
+                                   :envFile nil))
 (provide 'dap-go)
 ;;; dap-go.el ends here
diff --git a/dap-netcore.el b/dap-netcore.el
index 7f1512fa..b76d9ee5 100644
--- a/dap-netcore.el
+++ b/dap-netcore.el
@@ -45,84 +45,84 @@ with libxml2 support."
   "Update netcoredbg."
   (let ((backup (concat dap-netcore-install-dir ".old")))
-	(when (f-exists-p dap-netcore-install-dir)
-	  (f-move dap-netcore-install-dir backup))
-	(condition-case err
-	(dap-netcore--debugger-install)
-	  (error (f-move backup dap-netcore-install-dir)
-		 (signal (car err) (cdr err)))
-	  (:success (when (f-exists-p backup)
-		  (f-delete backup t))))))
+    (when (f-exists-p dap-netcore-install-dir)
+      (f-move dap-netcore-install-dir backup))
+    (condition-case err
+        (dap-netcore--debugger-install)
+      (error (f-move backup dap-netcore-install-dir)
+             (signal (car err) (cdr err)))
+      (:success (when (f-exists-p backup)
+                  (f-delete backup t))))))
 (defun dap-netcore--debugger-install ()
   "Download the latest version of netcoredbg and extract it
 to `dap-netcore-install-dir'."
   (let* ((temp-file (make-temp-file "netcoredbg" nil
-									(if (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
-										".zip"
-									  ".tar.gz")))
-		 (install-dir-full (expand-file-name dap-netcore-install-dir))
-		 (unzip-script (pcase system-type
-						 (`windows-nt (format "powershell -noprofile -noninteractive -nologo -ex bypass Expand-Archive -path '%s' -dest '%s'" temp-file install-dir-full))
-						 ((or `gnu/linux `darwin) (format "mkdir -p %s && tar xvzf %s -C %s" dap-netcore-install-dir temp-file dap-netcore-install-dir))
-						 (_ (user-error (format "Unable to extract server - file %s cannot be extracted, please extract it manually" temp-file))))))
-	(if (and (not dap-netcore-download-url)
-		 (fboundp 'libxml-available-p)
-		 (fboundp 'dom-search)
-		 (fboundp 'dom-attr))
-	(url-retrieve "https://github.com/Samsung/netcoredbg/releases"
-			  (lambda (_)
-			(setq dap-netcore-download-url
-				  (concat
-				   "https://github.com"
-				   (dom-attr
-				(dom-search
-				 (if (libxml-available-p)
-					 (libxml-parse-html-region (point-min) (point-max))
-				   (xml-parse-region (point-min) (point-max)))
-				 (lambda (node)
-				   (string-match-p (pcase system-type
-							 (`gnu/linux (if (string-match-p system-configuration ".*arm")
-									 ".*linux-arm64\\.tar\\.gz"
-								   ".*linux-amd64\\.tar\\.gz"))
-							 (`darwin ".*osx.*\\.tar\\.gz")
-							 (`windows-nt ".*win64.*\\.zip"))
-						   (or (dom-attr node 'href) ""))))
-				'href)))
-			(lsp-download-install
-			 (lambda (&rest _)
-			   (shell-command unzip-script))
-			 (lambda (error &rest _)
-			   (user-error "Error during netcoredbg downloading: %s" error))
-			 :url dap-netcore-download-url
-			 :store-path temp-file)))
-	  (if dap-netcore-download-url
-	  (lsp-download-install
-	   (lambda (&rest _)
-		 (shell-command unzip-script))
-	   (lambda (error &rest _)
-		 (user-error "Error during netcoredbg downloading: %s" error))
-	   :url dap-netcore-download-url
-	   :store-path temp-file)
-	(user-error "`dap-netcore-download-url' is not set. You can customize it")))))
+                                    (if (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
+                                        ".zip"
+                                      ".tar.gz")))
+         (install-dir-full (expand-file-name dap-netcore-install-dir))
+         (unzip-script (pcase system-type
+                         (`windows-nt (format "powershell -noprofile -noninteractive -nologo -ex bypass Expand-Archive -path '%s' -dest '%s'" temp-file install-dir-full))
+                         ((or `gnu/linux `darwin) (format "mkdir -p %s && tar xvzf %s -C %s" dap-netcore-install-dir temp-file dap-netcore-install-dir))
+                         (_ (user-error (format "Unable to extract server - file %s cannot be extracted, please extract it manually" temp-file))))))
+    (if (and (not dap-netcore-download-url)
+             (fboundp 'libxml-available-p)
+             (fboundp 'dom-search)
+             (fboundp 'dom-attr))
+        (url-retrieve "https://github.com/Samsung/netcoredbg/releases"
+                      (lambda (_)
+                        (setq dap-netcore-download-url
+                              (concat
+                               "https://github.com"
+                               (dom-attr
+                                (dom-search
+                                 (if (libxml-available-p)
+                                     (libxml-parse-html-region (point-min) (point-max))
+                                   (xml-parse-region (point-min) (point-max)))
+                                 (lambda (node)
+                                   (string-match-p (pcase system-type
+                                                     (`gnu/linux (if (string-match-p system-configuration ".*arm")
+                                                                     ".*linux-arm64\\.tar\\.gz"
+                                                                   ".*linux-amd64\\.tar\\.gz"))
+                                                     (`darwin ".*osx.*\\.tar\\.gz")
+                                                     (`windows-nt ".*win64.*\\.zip"))
+                                                   (or (dom-attr node 'href) ""))))
+                                'href)))
+                        (lsp-download-install
+                         (lambda (&rest _)
+                           (shell-command unzip-script))
+                         (lambda (error &rest _)
+                           (user-error "Error during netcoredbg downloading: %s" error))
+                         :url dap-netcore-download-url
+                         :store-path temp-file)))
+      (if dap-netcore-download-url
+          (lsp-download-install
+           (lambda (&rest _)
+             (shell-command unzip-script))
+           (lambda (error &rest _)
+             (user-error "Error during netcoredbg downloading: %s" error))
+           :url dap-netcore-download-url
+           :store-path temp-file)
+        (user-error "`dap-netcore-download-url' is not set. You can customize it")))))
 (defun dap-netcore--debugger-cmd ()
   "The location of the netcoredbg executable."
   (let ((file-ext (pcase system-type
-					(`windows-nt ".exe")
-					(_ ""))))
-	(or
-	 (executable-find "netcoredbg")
-	 (expand-file-name (concat "netcoredbg" file-ext) (f-join dap-netcore-install-dir "netcoredbg")))))
+                    (`windows-nt ".exe")
+                    (_ ""))))
+    (or
+     (executable-find "netcoredbg")
+     (expand-file-name (concat "netcoredbg" file-ext) (f-join dap-netcore-install-dir "netcoredbg")))))
 (defun dap-netcore--debugger-locate-or-install ()
   "Return the location of netcoredbg."
   (let ((dbg (dap-netcore--debugger-cmd)))
-	(unless (file-exists-p dbg)
-	  (if (yes-or-no-p "Netcoredbg is not installed. Do you want to install it?")
-		  (dap-netcore--debugger-install)
-		(error "Cannot start debugger configuration without netcoredbg")))
-	dbg))
+    (unless (file-exists-p dbg)
+      (if (yes-or-no-p "Netcoredbg is not installed. Do you want to install it?")
+          (dap-netcore--debugger-install)
+        (error "Cannot start debugger configuration without netcoredbg")))
+    dbg))
 (defun dap-netcore--locate-dominating-file-wildcard (file name)
   "Starting at FILE, look up directory hierarchy for directory containing NAME.
@@ -138,62 +138,62 @@ the function needs to examine, starting with FILE."
   ;; `name' in /home or in /.
   (setq file (abbreviate-file-name (expand-file-name file)))
   (let ((root nil)
-		try)
-	(while (not (or root
-					(null file)
-					(string-match locate-dominating-stop-dir-regexp file)))
-	  (setq try (if (stringp name)
-					(and (file-directory-p file)
-			 (file-expand-wildcards (f-join file name)))
-				  (funcall name file)))
-	  (cond (try (setq root file))
-			((equal file (setq file (file-name-directory
-									 (directory-file-name file))))
-			 (setq file nil))))
-	(if root (file-name-as-directory root))))
+        try)
+    (while (not (or root
+                    (null file)
+                    (string-match locate-dominating-stop-dir-regexp file)))
+      (setq try (if (stringp name)
+                    (and (file-directory-p file)
+                         (file-expand-wildcards (f-join file name)))
+                  (funcall name file)))
+      (cond (try (setq root file))
+            ((equal file (setq file (file-name-directory
+                                     (directory-file-name file))))
+             (setq file nil))))
+    (if root (file-name-as-directory root))))
 (defun dap-netcore--populate-args (conf)
   "Populate CONF with arguments to launch or attach netcoredbg."
   (dap--put-if-absent conf :dap-server-path (list (dap-netcore--debugger-locate-or-install) "--interpreter=vscode"))
   (pcase (plist-get conf :mode)
-	("launch"
-	 (dap--put-if-absent
-	  conf
-	  :program
-	  (let ((project-dir (f-full
-			  (or
-			   (dap-netcore--locate-dominating-file-wildcard
-				default-directory "*.*proj")
-			   (lsp-workspace-root)))))
-	(save-mark-and-excursion
-	  (find-file (concat (f-slash project-dir) "*.*proj") t)
-	  (let ((res (if (libxml-available-p)
-			 (libxml-parse-xml-region (point-min) (point-max))
-			   (xml-parse-region (point-min) (point-max)))))
-		(kill-buffer)
-		(f-join project-dir "bin" "Debug"
-			(dom-text (dom-by-tag res 'TargetFramework))
-			(dom-text (dom-by-tag res 'RuntimeIdentifier))
-			(concat (car (-take-last 1 (f-split project-dir))) ".dll")))))))
-	("attach"
-	 (dap--put-if-absent conf :processId (string-to-number (read-string "Enter PID: " "2345"))))))
+    ("launch"
+     (dap--put-if-absent
+      conf
+      :program
+      (let ((project-dir (f-full
+                          (or
+                           (dap-netcore--locate-dominating-file-wildcard
+                            default-directory "*.*proj")
+                           (lsp-workspace-root)))))
+        (save-mark-and-excursion
+          (find-file (concat (f-slash project-dir) "*.*proj") t)
+          (let ((res (if (libxml-available-p)
+                         (libxml-parse-xml-region (point-min) (point-max))
+                       (xml-parse-region (point-min) (point-max)))))
+            (kill-buffer)
+            (f-join project-dir "bin" "Debug"
+                    (dom-text (dom-by-tag res 'TargetFramework))
+                    (dom-text (dom-by-tag res 'RuntimeIdentifier))
+                    (concat (car (-take-last 1 (f-split project-dir))) ".dll")))))))
+    ("attach"
+     (dap--put-if-absent conf :processId (string-to-number (read-string "Enter PID: " "2345"))))))
 (dap-register-debug-template ".Net Core Attach (Console)"
-							 (list :type "coreclr"
-								   :request "attach"
-								   :mode "attach"
-								   :name "NetCoreDbg::Attach"))
+                             (list :type "coreclr"
+                                   :request "attach"
+                                   :mode "attach"
+                                   :name "NetCoreDbg::Attach"))
 (dap-register-debug-template ".Net Core Launch (Console)"
-							 (list :type "coreclr"
-								   :request "launch"
-								   :mode "launch"
-								   :name "NetCoreDbg::Launch"
-				   :dap-compilation "dotnet build"))
+                             (list :type "coreclr"
+                                   :request "launch"
+                                   :mode "launch"
+                                   :name "NetCoreDbg::Launch"
+                                   :dap-compilation "dotnet build"))
 (provide 'dap-netcore)
 ;;; dap-netcore.el ends here
diff --git a/dap-node.el b/dap-node.el
index 3760c7c1..666b96ad 100644
--- a/dap-node.el
+++ b/dap-node.el
@@ -18,23 +18,19 @@
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;; URL: https://github.com/emacs-lsp/dap-mode
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (dash "2.14.1") (lsp-mode "4.0"))
-;; Version: 0.2
 ;;; Code:
 (require 'dap-mode)
 (require 'dap-utils)
 (defcustom dap-node-debug-path (expand-file-name "vscode/ms-vscode.node-debug2"
-                                                   dap-utils-extension-path)
+                                                 dap-utils-extension-path)
   "The path to node vscode extension."
   :group 'dap-node
   :type 'string)
 (defcustom dap-node-debug-program `("node"
-                                      ,(f-join dap-node-debug-path "extension/out/src/nodeDebug.js"))
+                                    ,(f-join dap-node-debug-path "extension/out/src/nodeDebug.js"))
   "The path to the node debugger."
   :group 'dap-node
   :type '(repeat string))
diff --git a/dap-ocaml.el b/dap-ocaml.el
index 4ae19337..b7814c21 100644
--- a/dap-ocaml.el
+++ b/dap-ocaml.el
@@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;; URL: https://github.com/yyoncho/dap-mode
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (dash "2.14.1") (lsp-mode "4.0"))
-;; Version: 0.2
 ;;; Commentary:
 ;; Adapter for OCaml Earlybird (https://github.com/hackwaly/ocamlearlybird)
diff --git a/dap-overlays.el b/dap-overlays.el
index 593334a5..c50d646f 100644
--- a/dap-overlays.el
+++ b/dap-overlays.el
@@ -16,10 +16,6 @@
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;; URL: https://github.com/emacs-lsp/dap-mode
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
-;; Version: 0.2
 ;;; Commentary:
 ;; Use `dap-overlays--make-overlay' to place a generic overlay at point. Or use
 ;; `dap-overlays--make-result-overlay' to place an interactive eval result overlay at
@@ -113,9 +109,9 @@ This function also removes itself from `post-command-hook'."
   (add-hook 'post-command-hook #'dap-overlays--remove-result-overlay nil 'local))
 (cl-defun dap-overlays--make-result-overlay (value &rest props &key where duration (type 'result)
-                                        (format (concat " " dap-overlays-eval-result-prefix "%s "))
-                                        (prepend-face 'dap-result-overlay-face)
-                                        &allow-other-keys)
+                                                   (format (concat " " dap-overlays-eval-result-prefix "%s "))
+                                                   (prepend-face 'dap-result-overlay-face)
+                                                   &allow-other-keys)
   "Place an overlay displaying VALUE at the end of line.
 VALUE is used as the overlay's after-string property, meaning it is
 displayed at the end of the overlay.  The overlay itself is placed from
diff --git a/dap-php.el b/dap-php.el
index 5ddec242..38c2e4a2 100644
--- a/dap-php.el
+++ b/dap-php.el
@@ -19,10 +19,6 @@
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;; URL: https://github.com/emacs-lsp/dap-mode
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (dash "2.14.1") (lsp-mode "4.0"))
-;; Version: 0.2
 ;;; Commentary:
 ;; Adapter for https://github.com/felixfbecker/vscode-php-debug
diff --git a/dap-pwsh.el b/dap-pwsh.el
index 9da68a3e..76f0b097 100644
--- a/dap-pwsh.el
+++ b/dap-pwsh.el
@@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;; URL: https://github.com/emacs-lsp/dap-mode
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (lsp-mode "4.0") (dap-mode "0.2"))
-;; Version: 0.2
 ;;; Commentary:
 ;;; Code:
diff --git a/dap-python.el b/dap-python.el
index 25688c23..84e8a367 100644
--- a/dap-python.el
+++ b/dap-python.el
@@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;; URL: https://github.com/emacs-lsp/dap-mode
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (dash "2.14.1") (lsp-mode "4.0"))
-;; Version: 0.2
 ;;; Commentary:
 ;; Adapter for ptvsd (https://github.com/Microsoft/ptvsd)
@@ -89,9 +85,9 @@ https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv-which-ext."
     :name :kind
     :range (&Range :start (&Position :line start-line
-                                               :character start-character)
-                             :end (&Position :line end-line
-                                             :character end-character))))
+                                     :character start-character)
+                   :end (&Position :line end-line
+                                   :character end-character))))
    :name name
    :type (alist-get kind lsp-symbol-kinds)
diff --git a/dap-ruby.el b/dap-ruby.el
index 0a3e2fc3..90a455ee 100644
--- a/dap-ruby.el
+++ b/dap-ruby.el
@@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;; URL: https://github.com/emacs-lsp/dap-mode
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (dash "2.14.1") (lsp-mode "4.0"))
-;; Version: 0.2
 ;;; Commentary:
 ;; Adapter for https://github.com/rubyide/vscode-ruby
diff --git a/dap-swi-prolog.el b/dap-swi-prolog.el
index 55a456dc..577ae7f9 100644
--- a/dap-swi-prolog.el
+++ b/dap-swi-prolog.el
@@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;; URL: https://github.com/emacs-lsp/dap-mode
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (dash "2.14.1") (lsp-mode "4.0"))
-;; Version: 0.3
 ;;; Commentary:
 ;; Adapter for https://www.swi-prolog.org
@@ -30,7 +26,7 @@
 (require 'dap-mode)
 (defcustom dap-swi-prolog-debug-program
-    '("swipl" "-g" "[library(debug_adapter/main)]" "-t" "halt")
+  '("swipl" "-g" "[library(debug_adapter/main)]" "-t" "halt")
   "The path to the SWI-Prolog debug adapter."
   :group 'dap-swi-prolog
   :type '(repeat string))
diff --git a/dap-tasks.el b/dap-tasks.el
index 9344a84f..d036a76e 100644
--- a/dap-tasks.el
+++ b/dap-tasks.el
@@ -105,22 +105,22 @@ The order of presedence within vscode is:
 (defun dap-tasks-configuration-get-depends (conf)
   "Given a debug CONF, get an ordered list of all the dependant tasks."
   (cl-labels ((loop-fn (confs tasks)
-                       "Loop through TASKS to find all dependants."
-                       (-when-let* ((deps (-mapcat (lambda (task)
-                                                     (-if-let* (((&plist :dependsOn) task))
-                                                         (if (stringp dependsOn)
-                                                             (loop-fn
-                                                              (list (dap-tasks-get-configuration-by-label dependsOn))
-                                                              (append (list (dap-tasks-get-configuration-by-label dependsOn)) tasks))
-                                                           (loop-fn
-                                                            (cl-map 'list #'dap-tasks-get-configuration-by-label (append dependsOn nil))
-                                                            (append (cl-map 'list #'dap-tasks-get-configuration-by-label (append dependsOn nil)) tasks)))
-                                                       task))
-                                                   confs)))
-                         (cl-remove-duplicates
-                          (append deps tasks)
-                          :test (lambda (lhs rhs)
-                                  (string= (plist-get lhs :label) (plist-get rhs :label)))))))
+                "Loop through TASKS to find all dependants."
+                (-when-let* ((deps (-mapcat (lambda (task)
+                                              (-if-let* (((&plist :dependsOn) task))
+                                                  (if (stringp dependsOn)
+                                                      (loop-fn
+                                                       (list (dap-tasks-get-configuration-by-label dependsOn))
+                                                       (append (list (dap-tasks-get-configuration-by-label dependsOn)) tasks))
+                                                    (loop-fn
+                                                     (cl-map 'list #'dap-tasks-get-configuration-by-label (append dependsOn nil))
+                                                     (append (cl-map 'list #'dap-tasks-get-configuration-by-label (append dependsOn nil)) tasks)))
+                                                task))
+                                            confs)))
+                  (cl-remove-duplicates
+                   (append deps tasks)
+                   :test (lambda (lhs rhs)
+                           (string= (plist-get lhs :label) (plist-get rhs :label)))))))
     (-filter #'listp (loop-fn `(,conf) `(,conf)))))
 (defun dap-tasks-configuration-prepend-name (conf)
diff --git a/dap-ui.el b/dap-ui.el
index 8098224d..4eea6cb1 100644
--- a/dap-ui.el
+++ b/dap-ui.el
@@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;; URL: https://github.com/emacs-lsp/dap-mode
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (tree-mode "") (bui "1.1.0"))
-;; Version: 0.2
 ;;; Commentary:
 ;; DAP Windows/overlays
@@ -447,15 +443,15 @@ DEBUG-SESSION is the debug session triggering the event."
         'point (cl-second file-data)))
 (bui-define-interface dap-ui-breakpoints-ui list
-                      :buffer-name "*Breakpoints*"
-                      :get-entries-function 'dap-ui--breakpoints-entries
-                      :format '((file-name dap-ui--get-file-info 30 t)
-                                (line nil 8 bui-list-sort-numerically-2)
-                                (verified  nil 8 t)
-                                (condition nil 25 t)
-                                (hit-condition nil 20 t)
-                                (log-message nil 15 t))
-                      :sort-key '(file-name))
+  :buffer-name "*Breakpoints*"
+  :get-entries-function 'dap-ui--breakpoints-entries
+  :format '((file-name dap-ui--get-file-info 30 t)
+            (line nil 8 bui-list-sort-numerically-2)
+            (verified  nil 8 t)
+            (condition nil 25 t)
+            (hit-condition nil 20 t)
+            (log-message nil 15 t))
+  :sort-key '(file-name))
 (defun dap-ui-breakpoints-goto ()
   "Go to breakpoint under cursor."
@@ -645,32 +641,32 @@ DEBUG-SESSION is the debug session triggering the event."
        (treemacs-pulse-on-failure "No node at point"))))
 (dap-ui-define-action dap-ui-session-select (:session)
-                      (dap--switch-to-session session))
+  (dap--switch-to-session session))
 (dap-ui-define-action dap-ui-thread-select (:session :thread-id)
-                      (setf (dap--debug-session-thread-id session) thread-id)
-                      (dap--switch-to-session session)
-                      (dap--select-thread-id session thread-id))
+  (setf (dap--debug-session-thread-id session) thread-id)
+  (dap--switch-to-session session)
+  (dap--select-thread-id session thread-id))
 (dap-ui-define-action dap-ui-delete-session (:session)
-                      (dap-delete-session session))
+  (dap-delete-session session))
 (dap-ui-define-action dap-ui-disconnect (:session)
-                      (dap-disconnect session))
+  (dap-disconnect session))
 (dap-ui-define-action dap-ui-continue (:session :thread-id)
-                      (dap-continue session thread-id))
+  (dap-continue session thread-id))
 (dap-ui-define-action dap-ui-restart-frame (:session :stack-frame)
-                      (dap-restart-frame session (gethash "id" stack-frame)))
+  (dap-restart-frame session (gethash "id" stack-frame)))
 (dap-ui-define-action dap-ui-select-stack-frame (:session :thread-id :stack-frame)
-                      (setf (dap--debug-session-thread-id session) thread-id
-                            (dap--debug-session-active-frame session) stack-frame)
-                      (dap--switch-to-session session))
+  (setf (dap--debug-session-thread-id session) thread-id
+        (dap--debug-session-active-frame session) stack-frame)
+  (dap--switch-to-session session))
 (dap-ui-define-action dap-ui-thread-stop (:session :thread-id)
-                      (dap-stop-thread-1 session thread-id))
+  (dap-stop-thread-1 session thread-id))
 (defvar dap-ui-session-mode-map
   (-doto (make-sparse-keymap)
@@ -840,13 +836,13 @@ array variables."
   :type 'number)
 (dap-ui-define-action dap-ui-set-variable-value (:session :variables-reference :value :name)
-                      (dap--send-message
-                       (dap--make-request "setVariable"
-                                          (list :variablesReference variables-reference
-                                                :name name
-                                                :value (read-string (format "Enter value for %s: " name ) value)))
-                       (dap--resp-handler)
-                       session))
+  (dap--send-message
+   (dap--make-request "setVariable"
+                      (list :variablesReference variables-reference
+                            :name name
+                            :value (read-string (format "Enter value for %s: " name ) value)))
+   (dap--resp-handler)
+   session))
 (defun dap-ui-render-variables (debug-session variables-reference &optional indexed-variables named-variables _node)
   "Render hierarchical variables for treemacs.
@@ -1032,7 +1028,7 @@ request."
 (dap-ui-define-action dap-ui-expressions-mouse-remove (:expression)
-                      (dap-ui-expressions-remove expression))
+  (dap-ui-expressions-remove expression))
 (defun dap-ui-expressions-refresh ()
@@ -1128,34 +1124,34 @@ request."
 (defvar dap-exception-breakpoints nil)
 (dap-ui-define-action dap-ui-breakpoints-toggle (:filter :session :default)
-                      (let ((type (plist-get (dap--debug-session-launch-args session) :type)))
-                        (setf (alist-get
-                               filter
-                               (alist-get type dap-exception-breakpoints nil nil #'string=)
-                               nil nil #'string=)
-                              (not (dap--breakpoint-filter-enabled
-                                    filter
-                                    type
-                                    default))))
-                      (dap--set-exception-breakpoints session #'dap-ui-breakpoints--refresh))
+  (let ((type (plist-get (dap--debug-session-launch-args session) :type)))
+    (setf (alist-get
+           filter
+           (alist-get type dap-exception-breakpoints nil nil #'string=)
+           nil nil #'string=)
+          (not (dap--breakpoint-filter-enabled
+                filter
+                type
+                default))))
+  (dap--set-exception-breakpoints session #'dap-ui-breakpoints--refresh))
 (dap-ui-define-action dap-ui-breakpoints-goto-breakpoint (:file-name :point)
-                      (select-window (get-mru-window (selected-frame) nil))
-                      (find-file file-name)
-                      (goto-char point))
+  (select-window (get-mru-window (selected-frame) nil))
+  (find-file file-name)
+  (goto-char point))
 (dap-ui-define-action dap-ui-breakpoint-delete (:file-name :breakpoint)
-                      (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file-name)
-                        (dap-breakpoint-delete breakpoint file-name)))
+  (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file-name)
+    (dap-breakpoint-delete breakpoint file-name)))
 (dap-ui-define-action dap-ui-breakpoint-condition (:file-name :breakpoint)
-                      (dap-breakpoint-condition file-name breakpoint))
+  (dap-breakpoint-condition file-name breakpoint))
 (dap-ui-define-action dap-ui-breakpoint-hit-condition (:file-name :breakpoint)
-                      (dap-breakpoint-hit-condition file-name breakpoint))
+  (dap-breakpoint-hit-condition file-name breakpoint))
 (dap-ui-define-action dap-ui-breakpoint-log-message (:file-name :breakpoint)
-                      (dap-breakpoint-log-message file-name breakpoint))
+  (dap-breakpoint-log-message file-name breakpoint))
 (defun dap-ui--breakpoints-data ()
   (-let (((debug-session &as &dap-session 'launch-args 'current-capabilities 'breakpoints all-session-breakpoints)
diff --git a/dap-unity.el b/dap-unity.el
index 35e53e87..6dfbf161 100644
--- a/dap-unity.el
+++ b/dap-unity.el
@@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;; URL: https://github.com/emacs-lsp/dap-mode
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (dash "2.14.1") (lsp-mode "4.0"))
-;; Version: 0.2
 ;;; Commentary:
 ;; Adapter for https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Unity.unity-debug
@@ -31,24 +27,24 @@
 (require 'dap-utils)
 (defcustom dap-unity-debug-path (expand-file-name "vscode/Unity.unity-debug"
-                                                   dap-utils-extension-path)
+                                                  dap-utils-extension-path)
   "The path to unity-debug vscode extension."
   :group 'dap-unity
   :type 'string)
 (defcustom dap-unity-debug-program (expand-file-name "extension/bin/UnityDebug.exe"
-						     dap-unity-debug-path)
+                                                     dap-unity-debug-path)
   "The path to the unity debugger."
   :group 'dap-unity
   :type 'string)
 (dap-utils-vscode-setup-function "dap-unity" "Unity" "unity-debug"
-				 nil
-				 (lambda () ;; After adapter is downloaded, flag the debugger as executable
-				   (unless (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
-				     (shell-command
-				      (concat "chmod u+x " dap-unity-debug-program)))))
+                                 nil
+                                 (lambda () ;; After adapter is downloaded, flag the debugger as executable
+                                   (unless (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
+                                     (shell-command
+                                      (concat "chmod u+x " dap-unity-debug-program)))))
 (defun dap-unity--populate-start-file-args (conf)
   "Populate CONF with the required arguments."
diff --git a/dap-utils.el b/dap-utils.el
index 19bb4bc3..4e6b8cf7 100644
--- a/dap-utils.el
+++ b/dap-utils.el
@@ -18,10 +18,6 @@
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;; URL: https://github.com/emacs-lsp/dap-mode
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
-;; Version: 0.2
 ;;; Commentary:
 ;; Dap-mode utils