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Barbarian Tutorials

Jay Ryan edited this page Oct 24, 2019 · 44 revisions

Combat Training

Training a Barbarian in DR-Scripts is pretty straight forward. Train all the weapons evenly, maintain stealth training (because it's easy), and climb the ladder. For a nearly-capped Barbarian example YAML, please check out Chuno's on the Github.


The biggest question to begin with is how to train your weapons. There are 3 basic options:

  1. Train all weapons in a single hunt (my personal recommendation). You're going to level/circle slowly anyway, so there's no reason to rush it. The benefit of being a Barb at higher circles is that you can train all weapons in a single hunt using whirlwind. Another addition I added was the ability to train weapons in the offhand while aiming, this has greatly increased our learning rates. An example of this power is:
   Parry Ability:   1XXX 45% very riveted  (29/34)     Small Edged:   1XXX 49% riveted       (28/34)
     Large Edged:   1XXX 34% riveted       (28/34) Twohanded Edged:   1XXX 86% engrossed     (27/34)
     Small Blunt:   1XXX 52% riveted       (28/34)     Large Blunt:   1XXX 51% riveted       (28/34)
 Twohanded Blunt:   1XXX 67% riveted       (28/34)          Slings:   1XXX 83% engrossed     (27/34)
             Bow:   1XXX 77% captivated    (26/34)        Crossbow:   1XXX 67% fascinated    (25/34)
          Staves:   1XXX 88% engrossed     (27/34)        Polearms:   1XXX 05% engrossed     (27/34)
    Light Thrown:   1XXX 16% engrossed     (27/34)    Heavy Thrown:   1XXX 16% engrossed     (27/34)
        Brawling:   1XXX 02% engrossed     (27/34)  Offhand Weapon:   1XXX 56% mind lock     (34/34)
   Melee Mastery:   1XXX 70% mind lock     (34/34) Missile Mastery:   1XXX 61% mind lock     (34/34)
       Expertise:   1XXX 17% enthralled    (32/34)
  1. Train 4 primary weapons (required for circling) in a main hunt, and train the other 11 in a second hunt.
  2. Split the weapons into two hunts with 7 in one and 8 in the other. This is how I originally did it, and I wish I hadn't. If doing this method, you should split your throwing weapons and loadables up so that you don't get such huge RTs. This may be a moot point with the new offhand training during aiming though.


Get Panther, do not neglect stealth! Early on the best way to train stealth is as a training_ability:

  Stealth: 30

When you get 250 ranks of stealth or so, you'll hit minimum RT and be able to train with use_stealth_attacks: true. Both of these stop stealthing once you get above 31/34 stealth and just maintain that level over the rest of the hunt.

Dual Load

Dual load is supported if you meet the requirements using the below setting:

dual_load: true


This skill can be trained two ways with dr-scripts.

Barbarian Analyze Combos

Four analyze combos are currently supported; we maintain the buffs and fill in with Analyze Flame, this helps maintain IF. Use use_barb_combos: true to automatically use them based on Expertise skill.

  1. Flame (0 ranks)
  2. Accuracy (50 ranks)
  3. Damage (125 ranks)
  4. Balance (600 ranks)

Combat Manuevers

Combat Maneuvers in training_abilities:, is another method of training Expertise. This will use a maneuver on a timer based on the current weapon being held.

  Charged Maneuver: 30


Whirlwind is supported if you meet the requirements. This is handled in DR-Scripts using whirlwind_trainables. We don't currently support two-handed whirlwinding. Two handers are used to maintain Barbarian Analyze Combos. You must use 1 handed templates for Whirlwinding. Turn combos on, turn weak attacks off (these override combos), and list all the weapons you want to use for whirlwinding in the whirlwind_trainables section:

use_analyze_combos: true
use_weak_attacks: false
  - Large Edged
  - Small Edged
  - Large Blunt
  - Small Blunt
  - Polearms
  - Staves

NOTE: use_barb_combos: true is deprecated

Training While Aiming

This will train the lowest skill listed in the offhand. One of the benefits of Barbarians is that we can train large weapons in the offhand, so just put everything in there. Utilizes the setting using_light_crossbow: true which if set to true, opens up 'swinging' options in the trainer.

Remember, the weapons must be one handed and not swappable!

using_light_crossbow: true #only put true if true!
- Tactics
- Brawling
- Small Edged
- Large Edged
- Small Blunt
- Large Blunt
- Light Thrown
- Heavy Thrown
- Staves
- Polearms

Magic Training, Buffing, & Skill Recommendations

It is highly suggested that you aim for obtaining Powermonger early as it gives the time remaining numbers for more accurate buffing, and helps maintain better levels of IF. Mastery's Titan and Tribalist are also imperitive as they give even more IF maintainance with their ability to lower the cost of our skills. Eventually you'll be at the point where you can maintain 5 berserks, 5 forms, and 3 meditations.

You can train magics a couple ways, they are:

Magic Training

All of our skills are used in the buff_nonspells section. These skills are handled by doing the string on the timer. In the example below, the string roar quiet wail will be executed every 60 seconds. You can literally put almost anything here and it will do that on the timer. yell Chuno is my king: 30 is something I'm not opposed to. 👍

Buff spells are also handled here. Using the barb_buffs: tag, you can list all of your abilities here. Most buffs are supported, some are not. Please see lich/scripts/data/base-spells.yaml for a list of supported Barb buffs.

Note that while Tsunami is listed, it isn't really supported at this time due to how it works with only held non thrown and non-ranged weapons.

  roar quiet wail: 60
  - Contemplation
  - Tenacity
  - Bastion
  - Python
  - Piranha
  - Eagle
  - Dragon
  - Monkey
  - Famine
  - Tornado
  - Earthquake
  - Wildfire
  - Landslide

Barbarian Research

This is helpful early until you get more skills, and late when skills don't teach as well. This section only trains when the skill associated with it is below 30. This does incur a good sized RT (like 4-8 seconds), but you can research any skill in the training_abilities section (Note: this applies only to combat-trainer training):

  Barb Research Warding: 120
  Barb Research Augmentation: 120
  Barb Research Debilitation: 120

General Advice

If you feel like you are taking too much damage and having an issue climbing up, set priority_defense: Parry Ability, this should help. I actually run it all the time without an issue. Being a Weapons Primary, we drain quickly so this should be kept as capped as possible.

Barbarian's have a very simple skillset, and apart from hunting, take minimal skills to move. You can effectively move 41-43 skills with ease.

    Shield Usage:   1XXX 47% mind lock     (34/34)     Light Armor:   1XXX 36% mind lock     (34/34)
     Chain Armor:   1XXX 31% mind lock     (34/34)      Brigandine:   1XXX 60% very rapt     (31/34)
     Plate Armor:   1XXX 32% very riveted  (29/34)       Defending:   1XXX 94% mind lock     (34/34)
   Parry Ability:   1XXX 45% very riveted  (29/34)     Small Edged:   1XXX 49% riveted       (28/34)
     Large Edged:   1XXX 34% riveted       (28/34) Twohanded Edged:   1XXX 86% engrossed     (27/34)
     Small Blunt:   1XXX 52% riveted       (28/34)     Large Blunt:   1XXX 51% riveted       (28/34)
 Twohanded Blunt:   1XXX 67% riveted       (28/34)          Slings:   1XXX 83% engrossed     (27/34)
             Bow:   1XXX 77% captivated    (26/34)        Crossbow:   1XXX 67% fascinated    (25/34)
          Staves:   1XXX 88% engrossed     (27/34)        Polearms:   1XXX 05% engrossed     (27/34)
    Light Thrown:   1XXX 16% engrossed     (27/34)    Heavy Thrown:   1XXX 16% engrossed     (27/34)
        Brawling:   1XXX 02% engrossed     (27/34)  Offhand Weapon:   1XXX 56% mind lock     (34/34)
   Melee Mastery:   1XXX 70% mind lock     (34/34) Missile Mastery:   1XXX 61% mind lock     (34/34)
       Expertise:   1XXX 17% enthralled    (32/34)      Inner Fire:   1XXX 57% mind lock     (34/34)
          Arcana:    xxx 91% fascinated    (25/34)    Augmentation:   1XXX 75% nearly locked (33/34)
    Debilitation:   1XXX 61% mind lock     (34/34)         Warding:   1XXX 67% mind lock     (34/34)
         Evasion:   1XXX 89% mind lock     (34/34)       Athletics:   1XXX 11% very rapt     (31/34)
      Perception:   1XXX 82% rapt          (30/34)         Stealth:   1XXX 23% very rapt     (31/34)
    Locksmithing:   1XXX 04% captivated    (26/34)        Thievery:    xxx 12% captivated    (26/34)
       First Aid:    xxx 44% clear          (0/34) Outdoorsmanship:    xxx 82% clear          (0/34)
        Skinning:   1XXX 48% mind lock     (34/34)         Forging:    xxx 80% enthralled    (32/34)
     Engineering:    xxx 08% clear          (0/34)      Outfitting:    xxx 06% clear          (0/34)
         Alchemy:    xxx 81% clear          (0/34)     Scholarship:    xxx 72% clear          (0/34)
 Mechanical Lore:     94 47% clear          (0/34)       Appraisal:   1XXX 18% nearly locked (33/34)
     Performance:    xxx 72% clear          (0/34)         Tactics:   1XXX 20% rapt          (30/34)

It is imperative you train all weapons. Not doing so is a huge detriment to our guild. Lich is setup to do just that, take advantage of it. Don't be that Barb!

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