Generate and autoload custom helpers, It can generate multilevel helpers in the context of the directory.
This package helps to generate and autoload custom helpers, It can generate multilevel helpers in the context of the directory.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require limewell/laravel-make-extender
php artisan make:helper UserHelper
This will generate UserHelper.php under App/Helpers directory
php artisan make:helper Module/UserHelper
This will generate Module/UserHelper.php under App/Helpers/Module directory
php artisan make:service UserService
This will generate UserService.php under App/Services directory
(new UserService())->handle();
php artisan make:trait UserTrait
This will generate UserTrait.php under App/Traits directory
php artisan make:scope UserScope
This will generate UserScope.php under App/Scopes directory
see document here for how to use global scopes
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Limewell\LaravelMakeExtender\LaravelMakeExtenderServiceProvider" --tag="stubs"
This will export stubs into /stubs/vendor/laravel-make-extender for customization
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.