The Barcelona Release (v 0.2) of the SDK Tools library includes the following: * Application of Google Style Guidelines to the template code base * Generated POM changes for appropriate repository information for distribution/repos management, checkstyle plugins, etc.
- Fixed Device equality logic
- Added check for service existence after initialization to Base Service
- #15 - Adds null check in BaseService contributed by Tyler Cox (trcox)
- #14 - Fixes device comparison logic contributed by Tyler Cox (trcox)
- #13 - Fixes pom formatting contributed by Tyler Cox (trcox)
- #12 - Cleans up Attributes Class contributed by Tyler Cox (trcox)
- #11 - Attribute cleanup contributed by Tyler Cox (trcox)
- #10 - Fixes microservice name contributed by Tyler Cox (trcox)
- #9 - Update scheduler classes to use Google style contributed by Tony Espy (tonyespy)
- #8 - Update protocol classes to use Google style contributed by Tony Espy (tonyespy)
- #7 - Update domain classes to use Google style contributed by Tony Espy (tonyespy)
- #6 - Update data classes to use Google style contributed by Tony Espy (tonyespy)
- #5 - Update handler classes to use Google style contributed by Tony Espy (tonyespy)
- #4 - Update controller classes to use Google style contributed by Tony Espy (tonyespy)
- #3 - Update org.edgexfoundry classes to use Google style contributed by Tony Espy (tonyespy)
- #2 - Removes extra Maven dependencies contributed by Tyler Cox (trcox)
- #1 - Contributed Project Fuse source code contributed by Tyler Cox (trcox)