- Trigger workflow using slash commands (can be restricted to specific roles, pass a parameter)
- bot/index.ts refactored into multiple files (discordClientEvents/..., ipcEvents/...)
- Discord Send node will now loop over items
- Triggers can ben listened from all (text) channels if none is specified
- Fix attachments webhook checking
- Trigger: Attachments field
- Trigger: Interaction
- Send: Persistent button/select
- User mention notifications are now sent
- Trigger: User joins the server
- Trigger: User leaves the server
- Trigger: User presence update
- Trigger: User role added
- Trigger: User role removed
- Action : Add role to user
- Action : Remove role from user
- Bot crash when a non-administrator try to use bot "/" commands
- base64 on embeds & files
- more context returned by executed nodes (trigger/send)
- type "Action" added on the Discord Send node, with one action possible at the moment: "Remove messages"
- bot customization (activity, activity type, status)
- You can now send embeds without "content"
- Error when using prompt if no placeholderId
- Fix subdomain regex
- prevent bot crashes
- fix baseUrl
- fix placeholder animation
- Added base url field to Discord credentials, so there is no need to use env var and have conflict with different formats