Typescript library for diffing and merging JSON models
- easy-to-use conflict management
- comparison and merging functionality in a general way
- platform-independent REST API that can handle model conflicts in JSON format
- 2-way and 3-way merge supported
- state of the merging progress is saved and handled with session cookies
POST /dicome/compare
Content-Type: application/json
"original": {
"package": {
"id": "scml",
"classes": [
"id": "xyz",
"name": "Smart City"
"left": {
"package": {
"id": "scml",
"classes": [
"id": "xyz",
"name": "SmartCity"
"right": {
"package": {
"id": "scml",
"classes": [
"id": "xyz",
"name": "Smart_City"
POST /dicome/compare
initial endpoint, if request header not set then new session is created (set cookie header for all following requests)
Request Header: optional current session - session cookie
Request Body: model left, model right (and original)
Response: diffmodel
GET /dicome/model/left
Request Header: current session - session cookie
Request Body: -
Response: left model
GET /dicome/model/right
Request Header: current session - session cookie
Request Body: -
Response: right model
GET /dicome/model/diff
Request Header: current session - session cookie
Request Body: -
Response: diff model
PUT /dicome/apply/[ltr | rtl]
Request Header: current session - session cookie
Parameter: ltr (left to right) or rtl (right to left)
Request Body: list of 1-n changes to apply
Response: JSON patch (if technically possible) of diff model and left/right
PUT /dicome/accept
for conflicts, if this is a left change then right automatically rejected and vis a versa
Request Header: current session - session cookie
Request Body: list of 1-n changes to apply
Response: JSON patch (if technically possible) of diff model and left/right
PUT /dicome/reject
for conflicts, if this is a left change then right automatically acctepted and vis a versa
Request Header: current session - session cookie
Request Body: list of 1-n changes to reject
Response: JSON patch (if technically possible) of diff model and left/right
DELETE /dicome/session
triggers cleanup (remove models)
Request Header: current session - session cookie
Request Body: -
Response: 200 OK
npx tsc
or npm run build
and then
node dist/src/api/testRunner.js
from package.json command:
npm run test
from console:
NODE_OPTIONS="$NODE_OPTIONS --experimental-vm-modules" npx jest