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Here is a typical usage scenario based on the current state of the project.

Managing the Vault

The PS Module uses a local Vault for its state persistence and management. The Vault root folder should have appropriate ACLs applied to guard the contents within which include sensitive elements, such as PKI private keys. The following examples are executed from a PowerShell console:

mkdir c:\Vault
cd c:\Vault
Import-Module ACMEPowerShell

You initialize the Vault and can optionally specify a base URL endpoint for the ACME Server. If unspecified, it defaults to the current LE staging CA (after final release, this will default to the LE production CA).

Initialize-ACMEVault -BaseURI

The first step is to create a new Registration with the ACME server, a root account that will own all associated DNS Identifiers and issued Certificates. Currently it is assumed that there is only one active Registration in the Vault. In the future we may support multiple and you'll be able to indicate a default and/or active one.

The only required argument for a Registration is one or more contacts. Email contacts must resolve to valid addresses with a valid MX domain.

New-ACMERegistration -Contacts

You will get a Terms-of-Service (TOS) Agreement URI which you should review, and then agree to.

Update-ACMERegistration -AcceptTOS

Next, you need to authorize an Identifier with the ACME server which associates it with your Registration and allows you to request certificates. The only Identifier type supported by the current ACME spec is a DNS-based one, and thus you will only be able to request Domain-Validated (DV) server certificates afterwards.

New-ACMEIdentifier -Dns -Alias dns1 -Label "My First DNS Identifier" `
    -Memo "A sample DNS domain"

This example also demonstrates the use of a few common options available with most of the POSH module cmdlets that allow you to create or update artifacts in the Vault:

  • -Alias - allows you to assign a unique name for the entity, must conform to regex [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_-/+]{0,49}
  • -Label - an optional, more-descriptive display name for the entity
  • -Memo - an optional, free-form attribute of notes and comments for the entity

The Alias allows you to reference the associated entity in subsequent operations. Besides the user-assigned Alias, a system generated ID (GUID) is assigned and returned when the entity is created or updated. To use the ID as a reference identifier, specify it prefixed with the = character. Lastly, an entity may also be referenced via its sequential index (zero-based) relative to its create order. In the example above, we assigned the unique Alias dns1 to the first Identifier we want to authorize.

After you create the new Identifier, it is immediately submitted to the ACME server which responds back with a list of one or more Challenges which must be completed in order to prove your ownership and authority over the requested DNS name. You will also get a list of combinations which indicate what combination of Challenges need to be completed for a successful authorization.

NOTE: Today, this ACME client supports the dns and simpleHttp Challenge types as described in the ACME spec, however, please note that first release of the Let's Encrypt CA (Boulder) implementation will only support simpleHttp and dvsni Challenge types, so only the simpleHttp Challenge type is in common between the LE server and this client.

Defining Providers

In order to complete a given Challenge, this client supports the notion of Providers which can make necessary configuration changes to DNS or Web servers to satisfy the Challenge. For each of the two Challenge types that we support (dns-01 and http-01), this client currently supports two Providers. The first Provider for each is a manual Provider which simply prints out the necessary details that must be manually implemented by the operator. The other Providers implemented offer an automated approach to completing the Challenge by making use of the AWS Route 53 and S3 services.

To make use of any Provider, you need to create an instance of it and adjust the configuration settings associated with that instance. In this example, we create an instance of each of the supported Providers across the two different supported Challenge types.

New-ACMEProviderConfig -WebServerProvider Manual      -Alias manualHttpProvider
New-ACMEProviderConfig -WebServerProvider IisSitePath -Alias iisSiteHttpProvider
New-ACMEProviderConfig -WebServerProvider AwsS3       -Alias s3HttpProvider
New-ACMEProviderConfig -DnsProvider Manual            -Alias manualDnsProvider
New-ACMEProviderConfig -DnsProvider AwsRoute53        -Alias r53DnsProvider

When you create a Provider instance it will return back a file path to a configuration file (JSON format) that you should update with the necessary details to let that Provider function. The manual Providers generally don't have any configuration as they simply print out details that must be configured to the console output. For the others, you need to provide details such as credentials and paths so that they can execute properly.

You can always see all Providers defined, as well as the current configuration file path of an existing Provider in the Vault.

Edit-ACMEProviderConfig -List
Edit-ACMEProviderConfig -Ref s3HttpProvider

Here is an example Provider configuration file for the AwsS3 Provider. After you create an instance you should edit the configuration file and update the properties as necessary.

    "Provider": {
        "$type": "LetsEncrypt.ACME.WebServer.AwsS3WebServerProvider, LetsEncrypt.ACME",
        "BucketName": "",
        "AccessKeyId": "IAM-Account-AccessKey",
        "SecretAccessKey": "IAM-Account-SecretKey",
        "Region": "us-east-1",
        "DnsProvider": {
            "$type": "LetsEncrypt.ACME.DNS.AwsRoute53DnsProvider, LetsEncrypt.ACME",
            "HostedZoneId": "Route53-Hosted-Zone-ID",
            "AccessKeyId": "IAM-Account-AccessKey",
            "SecretAccessKey": "IAM-Account-SecretKey",
            "Region": "us-east-1"
        "DnsCnameTarget":  ""

Once, the Provider(s) are created and configured, you can complete the Challenges posed by the ACME server.

Get-ACMEIdentifier -Ref dns1
Complete-ACMEChallenge -Ref dns1 -Challenge http-01 -ProviderConfig s3HttpProvider

After you've completed all the Challenges you need to satisfy, you submit your responses for each Challenge type for validation by the ACME server.

Submit-ACMEChallenge -Ref dns1 -Challenge http-01

You can check on the status of a particular Identifier, and you should see the status change from 'pending' to 'valid' if all the Challenges have been satisfied.

Update-ACMEIdentifier -Ref dns1

After an Identifier is authorized, you can create a new certificate request against it. You can either provide your private key and CSR in PEM format, or have the PS module create new ones for you.

## Either import existing key/csr PEM files...
New-ACMECertificate -Identifier dns1 -Alias cert1 `
    -KeyPemFile path\to\key.pem -CsrPemFile path\to\csr.pem

## ...or generate new ones
New-ACMECertificate -Identifier dns1 -Alias cert1 -Generate

Then you submit the request and it either gets approved (or denied) immediately, or gets deferred and you can refresh the status after some delay.

Submit-ACMECertificate -Ref cert1
Update-ACMECertificate -Ref cert1

At this point you should have your issued (signed) certificate in the Vault. You can get at it any time and export various elements in a few different formats.

Get-ACMECertificate -Ref cert1 `
    -ExportKeyPEM cert1-key.pem `
    -ExportCsrPEM cert1-csr.pem `
    -ExportCertificatePEM cert1-crt.pem `
    -ExportCertificateDER cert1-crt.der `
    -ExportPkcs12 cert1-all.pfx

Installing Certificates

Once you have a certificate issued, you can export the various components as shown in the last example and you can use those any way necessary to install the certificate. However, this project also includes some automation-supporting installation cmdlets that cater to a few specific server/service use cases.

Windows IIS

For IIS 7.0 and greater (on Windows 2008 and greater), you can use the IIS installer cmdlet that's included in a PowerShell Script Module with this ACME client package to automatically install the PKI certificate and configure an endpoint on a Web Site.

NOTE: This module requires the WebAdministration PowerShell Module that can be installed from Windows Roles and Features administration. This module needs to be installed on the server that's hosting IIS which is not necessarily the same computer from which you're running the ACME client (see below). You can also install it from an admin console as follows:

  • On Windows 2008 (PowerShell or CMD):
    • servermanagercmd.exe -install "Web-Scripting-Tools" -allSubFeatures
  • On Windows 2008R2 (PowerShell):
    • Add-WindowsFeature "Web-Scripting-Tools" -IncludeAllSubFeature
  • On Windows 2012 (PowerShell):
    • Install-WindowsFeature "Web-Scripting-Tools" -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools

Once you've successfully requested and retrieved your PKI certificate from the ACME server and it's stored in your Vault, you can install the certificate and configure the IIS endpoint to use it.

## Make sure you cd to your local Vault root directory
cd c:\Vault

Import-Module ACMEPowerShell
Import-Module ACMEPowerShell-IIS

## If the computer that's hosting IIS is the local computer this will install
## the certificate on the default HTTPS endpoint (*:443) of the default site
Install-ACMECertificateToIIS -Certificate cert1 `
        -WebSite "Default Web Site" -Replace

## You can optionally narrow down the HTTPS interface with a
## specific IP address, port or (on Win2012R2) SNI hostname
Install-ACMECertificateToIIS -Certificate cert1 `
        -WebSite "Default Web Site" -Port 8443

Install-ACMECertificateToIIS -Certificate cert1 `
        -WebSite "Default Web Site" -IPAddress `

You can also target a remote computer to configure instead of the local host. In this case, IIS must be installed on the target computer, and the WebAdministration module should be installed on that host. You first need to establish a remote PSSession with that box, which can be done using a variety of configuration and authentication parameters.

## Here we simply rely on integrated AD (Kerberos) authentication
$pss = New-PSSession -ComputerName INTERNAL-WEB-SERVER

## Connect up using a non-standard WinRM port
$pss = New-PSSession -ComputerName INTERNAL-WEB-SERVER -Port 15986 -UseSSL 

## Connect up using Basic authentication and a cred
## which will be collected from the current operator
$pss = New-PSSession -ComputerName INTERNAL-WEB-SERVER -UseSSL -Authentication Basic `
    -Credential ((Get-Credential -Message "I want your password" -UserName "myDom\myUsername") 

## Once you have a session, you can optionally make sure that the WebAdministration
## module is installed; there's no harm in running this if it's already installed
Invoke-Command -Session $pss { Install-WindowsFeature Web-Scripting-Tools }

## Finally, you can install any cert that's in the local Vault, same as above
Install-ACMECertificateToIIS -Certificate cert1 -RemoteSession $pss `
        -WebSite "Default Web Site" -Replace

Install-ACMECertificateToIIS -Certificate cert1 -RemoteSession $pss `
        -WebSite MyCustomWebSite -Port 8443 `
        -SNIHostname -SNIRequired

## Don't forget to clean up your mess
Remove-Session $pss

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

In AWS, there are several services that make use of customer-provided PKI certificates to host customer content over an SSL/TLS interface. Some of these include the Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) service, the CloudFront service, the Elastic Beanstalk service and the OpsWorks service. (See here for more details.)

For all of these services, AWS maintains a customer-managed repository of PKI certificates inside the AWS IAM service. Once a certificate is installed into IAM, it can be referenced by any of the other services listed above.

This ACME client package includes a PowerShell Script Module that allows you to install a PKI certificate into IAM, and optionally to configure an existing ELB listener endpoint to use it. (The other services need to be manually configured to use an IAM server certificate.)

NOTE: This module requires the AWSPowerShell module, which is installed as part of the AWS Tools for Windows.

## Make sure you cd to your local Vault root directory
cd c:\Vault

Import-Module ACMEPowerShell
Import-Module ACMEPowerShell-AWS

Install-ACMECertificateToAWS -Certificate cert1 `
        -IAMName myFirstAwsAcmeCert -IAMPath /Optional/Path `
        -ELBName MY-FIRST-ELB -ELBPort 8443

Additionally, the installation cmdlet also accepts various combinations of parameters that resolve the user's authentication to the AWS services, the same as all other AWSPowerShell Cmdlets, such as -AccessKey, -SecretKey, -Region or -ProfileName.

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