All notable changes to the "aws-cloudformation-yaml" extension will be documented in this file.
Check Keep a Changelog for recommendations on how to structure this file.
- Intrinsic function snippets
- !Cidr
- Added jump marker to output section of AWSTemplate Snippet
- Fixed Bug with !Sub command
- After typing Sub completion result was !Sub: colon is wrong
- Changed description of AWSTemplate snippet
- ???
- Conditions section now as snippet available
- Intrinsic function snippets
- !GetAZs
- !Select
- !Split
- Intrinsic conditions
- !And
- !Equals
- !If
- !Not
- !Or
- Order of internal snippets
- Missing colons on Output and Export Snippet
- Wrong indentions in snippets
- CloudFormation intrinsic function !Sub
- New YAML snippet "MetadataParameterGroup", adds new ParameterGroup to CloudFormation::Interface
- Changed Type handling for new resources, now you do not have to specify double colons
- Changed cursor position after last placeholders
- Added new json language snippet.
- Json snippet that will create new configuration file in json with on Parameter section.
- Snippet that generates ParameterKey,ParameterValue in json files
- Make Extension available for Version 1.14.x
- Github URL to extension in README
- Parameter snippets type selection
Brief documentation to
- Default explanation about using snippets
- Fixed some spelling features
- Fixed indention in snippets structure
- Initial release