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PyPI Version Python Compatibility License


HydReservoir is a comprehensive Python library for advanced hydrological calculations and water reservoir management.

Key Features

  • Detailed water balance calculations
  • Complex hydraulic system modeling
  • Support for multiple hydraulic components:
    • Pumps
    • Box culverts
    • Circular culverts
    • Gated spillways
    • Free spillways
    • Unknown discharge sources
  • Advanced reservoir regulation utilities


Install HydReservoir quickly using pip:

pip install hydreservoir

Getting Started

1. Water Balance Calculation

import pandas as pd

from hydreservoir.water_balance.v2.hydraulic_component import BoxCulvert
from hydreservoir.water_balance.v2.hydraulic_component import CircularCulvert
from hydreservoir.water_balance.v2.hydraulic_component import CircularCulvertV2
from hydreservoir.water_balance.v2.hydraulic_component import FreeSpillway
from hydreservoir.water_balance.v2.hydraulic_component import Pump
from hydreservoir.water_balance.v2.hydraulic_component import Unknown
from hydreservoir.water_balance.v2.hydraulic_component import GatedSpillway
from hydreservoir.water_balance.v2.wb import WB

df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')

free_spillway = FreeSpillway(
    'FS1', 109.3, 19.0

gated_spillway = GatedSpillway(
    'GS1', 109.3, 19.0,
    df['GatedA'].to_numpy(), free_spillway

circular_culvert = CircularCulvert(
    'CC1', 102.5, 0.4, df['CircularA'].to_numpy(), free_spillway,
    discharge_coefficient=0.9, contraction_coefficient=1.0

circular_culvert_v2 = CircularCulvertV2(
    'CC2', 102.5, 0.4, df['CircularA'].to_numpy(), free_spillway,
    discharge_coefficient=0.9, contraction_coefficient=1.0

box_culvert = BoxCulvert(
    'BC1', 102.5, 0.4, df['BoxA'].to_numpy(), free_spillway

pump = Pump(
    'P1', df['P'].to_numpy()

unknown = Unknown(
    'U1', df['P'].to_numpy()

timeseries = pd.to_datetime(df['Timeseries'])

wb = WB(


wb.calculate().to_csv('result.csv', index=False)

Result DataFrame Columns

The water balance calculation returns a detailed DataFrame with the following columns:

Column Name Description Unit Example
Timeseries Timestamp for the measurement Datetime 2022-01-01
WaterLevel Current water level in the reservoir Meters (m) 109.3
Capacity Reservoir capacity corresponding to the current water level Cubic meters (10^6m³) 2.53
Delta Change in water level since the previous measurement Meters (m) 0.0
Interval Time interval between consecutive measurements Seconds 86400
FreeSpillway.<Free Spillway ID>.<uuid> Flow rate through the free spillway with the specified ID Cubic meters per second (m³/s) 0.0
GatedSpillway.<Gated Spillway ID>.<uuid> Flow rate through a gated spillway port with the specified ID Cubic meters per second (m³/s) 0.0
CircularCulvert.<Circular Culvert ID>.<uuid> Flow rate through the circular culvert with the specified ID Cubic meters per second (m³/s) 4.046643
CircularCulvertV2.<Circular Culvert ID>.<uuid> Flow rate through the updated circular culvert with the specified ID Cubic meters per second (m³/s) 0.131839
BoxCulvert.<Box Culvert ID>.<uuid> Flow rate through the box culvert with the specified ID Cubic meters per second (m³/s) 0.573937
Pump.<Pump ID>.<uuid> Discharge rate for the pump with the specified ID Cubic meters per second (m³/s) 0.0
Unknown.<Unknown Source ID>.<uuid> Discharge rate for an unknown source with the specified ID Cubic meters per second (m³/s) 0.0
Inflow Total inflow into the reservoir Cubic meters per second (m³/s) 4.75242
Outflow Total outflow from all components Cubic meters per second (m³/s) 4.75242

2. Custom Hydraulic Components

import numpy as np

from hydreservoir.water_balance.v2.hydraulic_component import BaseFreeSpillway, BaseGatedSpillway, BaseCircularCulvert,\
    BaseBoxCulvert, SimpleDischarge
from hydreservoir.water_balance.v2.hydraulic_component.core import Core

class CustomFromScratch(Core):

    def provide_discharge(self, water_level: np.ndarray[float], capacity: np.ndarray[float]) -> np.ndarray[float]:
        return np.zeros(len(water_level))

class CustomFreeSpillway(BaseFreeSpillway):
    def calculate_free_spillway_discharge(self, water_level: float, capacity: float) -> float:
        m = self._spillway_discharge_coefficient
        g = self._gravitational_acceleration
        _B = self._dimension
        _H = water_level - self._elevation
        # do something ...
        return 0

class CustomGatedSpillway(BaseGatedSpillway):
    def calculate_gated_spillway_discharge(self, water_level: float, capacity: float, opening: float) -> float:
        # access properties
        # do something ...
        return 0

class CustomCircularCulvert(BaseCircularCulvert):
    def calculate_circular_culvert_discharge(self, water_level: float, capacity: float, opening: float) -> float:
        # access properties
        # do something ...
        return 0

class CustomBoxCulvert(BaseBoxCulvert):
    def calculate_box_culvert_discharge(self, water_level: float, capacity: float, opening: float) -> float:
        # access properties
        # do something ...
        return 0

class CustomPump(SimpleDischarge):
    def provide_discharge(
            self, water_level: np.ndarray[float], capacity: np.ndarray[float]
    ) -> np.ndarray[float]:
        return self._discharge

3. Reservoir Regulation Analysis

from hydreservoir.regulation import regulation
from hydreservoir.regulation.dataset import Dataset as RDataset

# ... calculate init components for water balance
df = wb.calculate()

# Regulation analysis
P = 90.0
eps = 0.1
P_n = regulation.P_n(RDataset.from_wb_df_to_dataset(df), V_c=1.0, gt_10_years=True)

print(P_n - P <= eps)

3. Mapping Functions for Water Levels and Capacities

These functions allow efficient mapping between water levels and reservoir capacities, with optional support for nearest neighbor interpolation.

get_capacity Maps a single water level to its corresponding capacity using a provided mapping dictionary. Supports optional nearest neighbor interpolation for unmatched values.

from hydreservoir.utils import get_capacity

water_level_capacity_map = {0.0: 0.0, 1.0: 100.0, 2.0: 200.0}
capacity = get_capacity(1.5, water_level_capacity_map, nearest_mapping=True)
print(capacity)  # Output: 100.0

map_capacity Maps an array of water levels to their corresponding capacities using a provided mapping dictionary. Supports optional nearest neighbor interpolation for unmatched values.

from hydreservoir.utils import map_capacity

water_level_capacity_map = {0.0: 0.0, 1.0: 100.0, 2.0: 200.0}
water_levels = [0.5, 1.5, 2.0]
capacities = map_capacity(water_levels, water_level_capacity_map, nearest_mapping=True)
print(capacities)  # Output: [0.0, 100.0, 200.0]

get_water_level Maps a single capacity to its corresponding water level using a provided mapping dictionary. Supports optional nearest neighbor interpolation for unmatched values.

from hydreservoir.utils import get_water_level

capacity_water_level_map = {0.0: 0.0, 100.0: 1.0, 200.0: 2.0}
water_level = get_water_level(150.0, capacity_water_level_map, nearest_mapping=True)
print(water_level)  # Output: 1.0

map_water_level Maps an array of capacities to their corresponding water levels using a provided mapping dictionary. Supports optional nearest neighbor interpolation for unmatched values.

from hydreservoir.utils import map_water_level

capacity_water_level_map = {0.0: 0.0, 100.0: 1.0, 200.0: 2.0}
capacities = [50.0, 150.0, 200.0]
water_levels = map_water_level(capacities, capacity_water_level_map, nearest_mapping=True)
print(water_levels)  # Output: [0.0, 1.0, 2.0]


This library is released under the MIT License.