All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
1.8.0 (2023-02-15)
1.7.2 (2023-02-14)
- playback-core: Typescript + min acrobatics to make svelte and others happy (fdf34bb)
1.7.1 (2023-02-02)
Note: Version bump only for package @mux/mux-player
1.7.0 (2023-02-01)
- bring back play button to the control bar for small player size (#556) (38ef225), closes #554
- merge conflict fallout (4e4932c)
- mux-player: Migrate to use new Media Chrome media-live-button. (5613ba4), closes #2
- tests, improve attribute empty behavior (5f53a5e)
- upgrade Media Chrome v0.18.1 (fa7353b)
- use new MC template syntax (b656ccd)
- introduce a captions menu button (#549) (9cb8454)
- mux-player, mux-video, playback-core: Add API for CuePoints metadata. (1f0b40a)
1.6.0 (2023-01-20)
1.5.1 (2022-12-15)
- allow setting theme template via property (6ec0bb0)
1.5.0 (2022-12-13)
- duplicate render by using value cache key (031a89a), closes #517
- upgrade MC v0.16.1 (#513) (72da7a1)
- upgrade Media Chrome v0.16.2 (5db98fb)
- allow video, audio and player elements to get any metadata-* attrs set (#501) (8ee139d)
- implement Media Chrome HTML based theme (#498) (d83501a)
- Remove experimentalCmcd and add none to preferCmcd. Update secret docs. (2656631)
1.4.0 (2022-11-21)
- first iteration on player design update (#486) (a2befb5)
- mux-player: Add prefer cmcd attr and prop. (308e9a7)
1.3.0 (2022-10-25)
- check JWT before setting poster and storyboard urls (3c3d5c5)
- don't register prop --controls-backdrop-color (#480) (b820a14)
- update to media-chrome 0.15.0 (#483) (71f51ab)
- update to media-chrome 0.15.1 (#484) (fdc5c7a)
- add storyboard getter on player (26c3a7c)
- conditionally use title for title metadata (#475) (63166a4)
- mux-player: Add disable cookies attr and prop. (d8cbe69)
- mux-player: Expose and propagate experimental cmcd prop and attr. (dbcf85a)
1.2.0 (2022-10-19)
- playbackRate not working on mux-player-react (#470) (e2c64b6)
- should have focus outline on dialog's close button (#472) (da33141)
- mux-player: Add type-compliant seekable prop to video-api. (587266a)
1.1.3 (2022-10-12)
Note: Version bump only for package @mux/mux-player
1.1.2 (2022-10-10)
1.1.1 (2022-10-07)
Note: Version bump only for package @mux/mux-player
1.1.0 (2022-10-07)
1.0.0 (2022-10-05)
- chrome caption positioning workaround with a timer (#438) (5f3d921)
- disable all controls when the dialog is open (09579cb)
- hide fullscreen button when fullscreen is unavailable (#410) (e1446a7)
- ignore Safari for captions movement. (#404) (bbf1e00)
- mux-player audio height bugs (75139a1)
- mux-player: Add missing setter for defaultHiddenCaptions prop. (4d047cd)
- mux-player: Clean up crossOrigin and playsInline usage while respecting defaults/availability. (457672f)
- mux-player: Start making VideoApiElement conform to HTMLVideoElement interface. (bbcf8e3)
- playback-id or src nil value (#430) (8133d8a)
- preload property in mux-player (#435) (1920ab8)
- src unloading (#400) (ef4d97e)
- swap title property setting (1cd50e9)
- update to media-chrome 0.11.0 (#415) (54d3dbc)
- update to media-chrome 0.11.1 (#417) (1271fb4)
- use CSS.registerProperty on vars to declare them as colors (#441) (1d0da91)
- add
attribute (#402) (8da36d6) - default width: 100% in shadowDOM lets see if this has any bad side-effects (#413) (2062709)
- disable some controls when there isn't a playback-id (#416) (630df7c)
- remove deprecated .hls and .video props (#408) (2bd4861)
- remove deprecated .hls and .video props.
1.0.0-beta.0 (2022-09-16)
- Add exportparts to mux-player so we can style nested video (#392) (db107c1)
- audio and nohotkeys props not being removed when set to false (#383) (671b9a9)
- don't throw an error when removing tokens or playback id (71db6b8)
- template parts issue (#371) (6c5a124)
- types for testing (8fe0851)
- update PlaybackEngine types (1873781)
- update to media-chrome 0.10.2 (#377) (15d148e)
- update to media-chrome 0.10.4 (#391) (885b1d4)
- vertical alignment of UI controls (#394) (add2d56)
- add --controls-backdrop-color CSS var to allow changing the backdrop color (#353) (1ba84a2)
- export gesture-layer as a part (89e90ee), closes #379
0.1.0-beta.27 (2022-08-31)
- add rest of block controlslist attr values (e19a88f)
- add top and bottom parts to elements (66072f6)
- AttributeTokenList attribute bug on removal (48bc25e)
- mux-player: Add font sizes to title for different permutations. (33374fa)
- mux-player: Extra type safety, because tests are confused. (391c61e)
- mux-player: Re-add poster to theme template (lost in rebase merge). (2b7d84c)
- mux-player: Update live indicator position per new designs. (3e7faa6)
- mux-player: Use css vars in theme to hide unavailable controls. (43b2e82)
- mux-player: Use css vars in theme to hide unavailable controls. (4be4c1f)
- polyfills mutating global (#355) (71d18a4)
- add foundation of controlsList logic (c8e39b3)
- Add hotkeys blocklist and turn off hotkey seeking when any live (#341) (ce76b1b), closes #336
- mux-player, mux-player-react: make hide-duration a controlsList value. (cb3b2f2)
- mux-player: Add delimiter for live + title case. (8881274)
- mux-player: Add Media Chrome poster to player theme. (29ed915)
- mux-player: Add support for configurable playbackrates. Update types to use a generic component type. (6b7b608)
- mux-player: Add support for hiding the duration display. (bba5063)
- mux-player: Add support for showing remaining time by default. (7e24c97)
- mux-player: Add title UI to Mux Player. (2fb5ff2)
- use CSS vars to toggle off elements (#349) (69128d6)
0.1.0-beta.26 (2022-08-03)
- update stream-type values in warning log (d995694)
0.1.0-beta.25 (2022-08-02)
- move nohotkeys type to more appropriate place (49f9c4e)
- mux-player: Account for attr vs. 'prop' naming overlap in state propogation. (5c05af8)
- add CSS parts for controls (#310) (e28c71e)
- nohotkeys prop, only use the template (4cde791)
- support media-chrome keyboard shortcuts, use nohotkeys to turn off (b8ed7f5)
- upgrade to media-chrome 0.9.0 (f257e0d)
0.1.0-beta.24 (2022-07-21)
- add Mux flavor cast icon & fix xs size bug (#299) (8374ff1)
- mux-player: Clean up how metadata is set from mux-player to underlying mux-video element. Force upgrades and init when setting metadata. (d3b2347)
- upgrade MC to v0.8.0 and adjust time range styles (#294) (030fdc6)
- upgrade MC v0.8.1 (#298) (fc4a74c)
- add ability to choose a Media Theme via attribute (#269) (77d0386)
- add defaultMuted, defaultPlaybackRate props (#252) (1a72165)
- mux-player: Add textTracks prop alongside add/remove tracks methods. (c041a72)
- playback-core, mux-player: Add support to removeTextTrack. Remove all identified tracks on hls destroy. Add methods to mux-player. (d090b06)
0.1.0-beta.23 (2022-07-11)
Note: Version bump only for package @mux/mux-player
0.1.0-beta.22 (2022-07-05)
Note: Version bump only for package @mux/mux-player
- add an error if a token is provided via the playback ID (d09446d)
- add patched template-parts fork (b200e9f)
- attrs not available in constructor (#240) (add468a)
- bump LIVE_SEGMENT_SECS to 5 (3fdf72d)
- bump media-chrome dep for fullscreen bugfix (7ba458c)
- child custom element mux-video upgraded after mux-player (#171) (9db8037)
- clear some state on playbackId change (#174) (af0738e)
- clear state on other src related attrs (17e75e7)
- custom video events handling (#203) (a909f89)
- devLog links to GH base URL (022f69f)
- don't shift captions on iphones (a4ae5f1)
- don't shift captions on live, unless secondary color is set (b474980)
- enable cast docs + cast fix (#253) (421d515)
- fullscreen controls layout (#208) (7bda89d)
- get polyfill from playback core in mux-player (ec053f9)
- importing castable-video (44cbb2f)
- keep .hls but have it log a warning saying to use ._hls (11e6c10)
- keep mux-player#video for backward compatibility (ddf3c6e)
- lower captions offset for safari (2f97a45)
- make height larger for touch temporarily (86aaa84)
- make mux-player size based on video element (#185) (e4af9a8)
- make mux-video errors more uniform, fix async (#183) (0ea4dc3)
- move hasPlayed into mux-player (62bcd07)
- mux-player: Add cc btn to Vod XS chrome. (#249) (cf4ebe0)
- mux-player: Add support for event handlers to template parts processing. (704d2e3)
- mux-player: adding test for metadata attrs. (a460566)
- mux-player: don't fire the closed event twice per close on the dialog WC. (0231b1a)
- mux-player: Ensure that the externally set poster attr is used iff it's set. (e761073)
- mux-player: Make sure internal state monitoring setup happens after relevant elements exist. (43e9566)
- mux-player: metadata fields should be set based on 'external'/attr values in mux-player. (bd474b6)
- mux-player: temp fix conditional render bug (73534dc)
- mux-player: Update theme css to better account for audio vs. non-audio styling. (81aa045)
- mux-player: upgrade Media Chrome to 0.6.5 (45415e6)
- mux-player: Use onclose event handler in template. Clear errors onclose. (1eca0ef)
- playback core should handle seek to live on first play (805070a)
- point pkgjson#browser at mjs build for webpack 4 (#191) (a73a495)
- prettier format all elements files (741d607)
- prevent dialog from focus if outside player (#196) (6c73219)
- prevent non-fatal error events propagating (#179) (2103800)
- primary color should be also used for the text color on controls (d44da1b)
- put progress bar above controls (3f454e0)
- switch cjs extension to .cjs.js (30e83c3)
- update media-chrome to 0.5.4 (21e7884)
- upgrade Media Chrome v0.6.9 (#267) (0ec48f7)
- add background color to have sufficient contrast on controls (#78) (4b47ef0)
- add beaconCollectionDomain option to replace beaconDomain (a44b699)
- add casting logic without cast-button (#237) (f7f1fe9)
- add errorTranslator prop & muxVideo.error property (#195) (3afc2f0)
- add media-theme-mux as a replaceable element (#175) (ee3c186)
- default-hidden-captions to turn off showing captions by default (#98) (9edc3cd)
- dvr: Initial effort for DVR support. (d58d78f)
- Extended autoplay options (#116) (475e838)
- Handle inferred mux data env key for custom domain cases. (eedc19e)
- Improve error handling / messaging (#132) (b1f2dd0)
- mux-player: Add audio-only support. Update vanilla example for audio use case. (28c3db1)
- mux-player: Add basic chromes for audio only live & dvr. (bc7dfdf)
- mux-player: Add basic support for custom video domains. (d355705)
- mux-player: Add chromecast button for audio only chromes. (3f2462b)
- mux-player: Add more seek to live behavior tests. Add event for inLiveWindow change. (f334328)
- mux-player: Add thumbnail-time support to mux-player. Document attr&prop. Warn when used with thumbnail-token. (ee235e0)
- mux-player: Don't use disabled to toggle seek to live btn functionality. (14f1f1c)
- mux-player: minor cleanup for audio only UI. (909a5ea)
- mux-player: move captions up when controls are showing (e8d9842)
- mux-player: new iteration on error handling (a89af8a)
- mux-player: Seek to live button impl with live edge window detection and play on seek/seek on play behavior. (77c8c5f)
- mux-player: use aria-disabled instead of non-standard attr. Add consts/code comments. fix css var. (8c73f60)
- only autoplay with the autoplay attribute (#99) (c6204fb)
- player: Add inLiveWindow getter to player. Start tests for seek to live button behaviors. (8217a4e)
- rename .video to .media for consistency with media-chrome (52c3a1d)
- rename hls to _hls (2d53bc2)
- subtitles for M3U8 playlists, resume session, add cast-button (#239) (89793d0)
- vertical align progress bar and improve second color background (#235) (37e9eb7)
0.1.0-beta.20 (2022-06-23)
- enable cast docs + cast fix (#253) (421d515)
- mux-player: Add cc btn to Vod XS chrome. (#249) (cf4ebe0)
- mux-player: Update theme css to better account for audio vs. non-audio styling. (81aa045)
- upgrade Media Chrome v0.6.9 (#267) (0ec48f7)
- Handle inferred mux data env key for custom domain cases. (eedc19e)
- mux-player: Add basic chromes for audio only live & dvr. (bc7dfdf)
- mux-player: Add basic support for custom video domains. (d355705)
- mux-player: Add chromecast button for audio only chromes. (3f2462b)
0.1.0-beta.19 (2022-06-07)
- importing castable-video (44cbb2f)
0.1.0-beta.18 (2022-06-06)
- attrs not available in constructor (#240) (add468a)
- don't shift captions on iphones (a4ae5f1)
- don't shift captions on live, unless secondary color is set (b474980)
- lower captions offset for safari (2f97a45)
- add casting logic without cast-button (#237) (f7f1fe9)
- dvr: Initial effort for DVR support. (d58d78f)
- mux-player: Add audio-only support. Update vanilla example for audio use case. (28c3db1)
- mux-player: minor cleanup for audio only UI. (909a5ea)
- subtitles for M3U8 playlists, resume session, add cast-button (#239) (89793d0)
- vertical align progress bar and improve second color background (#235) (37e9eb7)
0.1.0-beta.17 (2022-05-26)
- add an error if a token is provided via the playback ID (d09446d)
0.1.0-beta.16 (2022-05-23)
Note: Version bump only for package @mux-elements/mux-player
0.1.0-beta.15 (2022-05-23)
- mux-player: upgrade Media Chrome to 0.6.5 (45415e6)
0.1.0-beta.14 (2022-05-20)
- switch cjs extension to .cjs.js (30e83c3)
0.1.0-beta.13 (2022-05-19)
- bump LIVE_SEGMENT_SECS to 5 (3fdf72d)
0.1.0-beta.12 (2022-05-12)
- bump media-chrome dep for fullscreen bugfix (7ba458c)
0.1.0-beta.11 (2022-05-11)
- mux-player: Ensure that the externally set poster attr is used iff it's set. (e761073)
- mux-player: Add thumbnail-time support to mux-player. Document attr&prop. Warn when used with thumbnail-token. (ee235e0)
0.1.0-beta.10 (2022-05-10)
- clear state on other src related attrs (17e75e7)
- fullscreen controls layout (#208) (7bda89d)
- make height larger for touch temporarily (86aaa84)
- move hasPlayed into mux-player (62bcd07)
- put progress bar above controls (3f454e0)
0.1.0-beta.9 (2022-05-03)
- custom video events handling (#203) (a909f89)
- keep .hls but have it log a warning saying to use ._hls (11e6c10)
- keep mux-player#video for backward compatibility (ddf3c6e)
- playback core should handle seek to live on first play (805070a)
- prevent dialog from focus if outside player (#196) (6c73219)
- add errorTranslator prop & muxVideo.error property (#195) (3afc2f0)
- add media-theme-mux as a replaceable element (#175) (ee3c186)
- rename .video to .media for consistency with media-chrome (52c3a1d)
- rename hls to _hls (2d53bc2)
0.1.0-beta.8 (2022-04-22)
0.1.0-beta.7 (2022-04-18)
- make mux-player size based on video element (#185) (e4af9a8)
- make mux-video errors more uniform, fix async (#183) (0ea4dc3)
0.1.0-beta.6 (2022-04-13)
- get polyfill from playback core in mux-player (ec053f9)
0.1.0-beta.5 (2022-04-12)
- clear some state on playbackId change (#174) (af0738e)
- mux-player: adding test for metadata attrs. (a460566)
- mux-player: metadata fields should be set based on 'external'/attr values in mux-player. (bd474b6)
- prevent non-fatal error events propagating (#179) (2103800)
0.1.0-beta.4 (2022-04-08)
- child custom element mux-video upgraded after mux-player (#171) (9db8037)
- primary color should be also used for the text color on controls (d44da1b)
- mux-player: Add more seek to live behavior tests. Add event for inLiveWindow change. (f334328)
- mux-player: Don't use disabled to toggle seek to live btn functionality. (14f1f1c)
- mux-player: Seek to live button impl with live edge window detection and play on seek/seek on play behavior. (77c8c5f)
- mux-player: use aria-disabled instead of non-standard attr. Add consts/code comments. fix css var. (8c73f60)
- player: Add inLiveWindow getter to player. Start tests for seek to live button behaviors. (8217a4e)
0.1.0-beta.3 (2022-04-01)
- devLog links to GH base URL (022f69f)
- mux-player: Make sure internal state monitoring setup happens after relevant elements exist. (43e9566)
0.1.0-beta.2 (2022-04-01)
- mux-player: temp fix conditional render bug (73534dc)
- mux-player: new iteration on error handling (a89af8a)
- Revert "Publish" (42fc528)
0.1.0-beta.1 (2022-03-28)
- add patched template-parts fork (b200e9f)
- mux-player: Add support for event handlers to template parts processing. (704d2e3)
- mux-player: don't fire the closed event twice per close on the dialog WC. (0231b1a)
- mux-player: Use onclose event handler in template. Clear errors onclose. (1eca0ef)
- prettier format all elements files (741d607)
- update media-chrome to 0.5.4 (21e7884)