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WizzleBear edited this page Mar 25, 2018 · 33 revisions

Enabling the scoreboard

In the config.yml, go to the scoreboard section. In there, there will be two parts: f-info and the default scoreboard. The f-info variable is when you walk into a faction's territory, it will show you information about that faction. To enable it, set finfo-enabled: to true.

  finfo-enabled: false

The other variable is the default scoreboard. This is constantly there, unlike f-info. To enable it, change default-enabled: to true.

  default-enabled: false

Configuring the scoreboards

To set the expiration for the f-info scoreboard, change it to whatever number you want.

  also-send-chat: true
  expiration: 7

To change what f-info says, change each line in the quotation marks to what you want. Accepts color codes.

    - "&6Power"
    - "{power}"
    - "&3Members"
    - "{online}/{members}"
    - "&4Leader"
    - "{leader}"
    - "&bTerritory"
    - "{chunks}"

To show faction relations and faction names in the tablist, set default-prefixes: to true. The scoreboard must be enabled for it to work. To change the title and format of the default scoreboard, change what's inside the quotation marks to whatever you want in it. Placeholders do not work in the title. Accepts color codes.

default-prefixes: false
default-title: "i love drt"
default-update-interval: 1
    - "&cFaction"
    - "&7{faction}"
    - "&3Your Power"
    - "{power}"
    - "&aBalance"
    - "${balance}"

The variable below it, factionless, only shows if you do not have a faction and when you set factionless-enabled to true. Configure this to what you want to show them. Accepts color codes.

  factionless-enabled: false
    - "Make a new Faction"
    - "Use /f create"

Scoreboards support internal and third-party (PlaceholderAPI and MVdW) placeholders.

NOTE: Restarting will create the scoreboard, /f reload will not.

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