- Proposed
- Prototype: Complete
- Implementation: In Progress
- Unit Tests
- Code Diagnostic Tool.
- Specification: Not Started
Assume an implicit default value for optional parameter.
Simplifies the type of the more common usage case, that of using the default value of the associated type as the default to value of the parameter.
Eg Foo(Optional size As String = Nothing)
to Foo(Optional size As String)
The grammar definition for an Optional Parameter
is something similar to this.
OptionalParameter ::= "Optional" ParameterName Typing? DefaultToValue?
Typing ::= "As" TypeIdentifier
DefaultToValue ::= "=" ( "Nothing" | ConstantValue )
The following forms will be support by this proposal, which in essence the type of the optional parameter must be specified.
Foo( Optional arg1 As String ) ' --> Foo( Optional arg1 As String = Nothing )
Foo( Optional arg2 As String = Nothing ) ' --> Foo( Optional arg2 As String = Nothing )
Foo( Optional arg4 As Integer ) ' --> Foo( Optional arg4 As Integer = Nothing )
Foo( Optional arg5 As Integer = 0 ) ' --> Foo( Optional arg5 As Integer = 0 )
Foo( Optional arg6 As Integer = 1 ) ' --> Foo( Optional arg6 As Integer = 1 )
Optional Parameters that don't specify a will function as existing (where the type is defined to object).
As not to introduce a breaking change. (As pointed out by @AnthonyDGreen)
Foo( Optional arg0 ) ' --> Foo( Optional arg0 As Object = Nothing )
Foo( Optional arg3 = "" ) ' --> Foo( Optional arg3 As String = "" )
Foo( Optional arg7 = 7 ) ' --> Foo( Optional arg7 As Integer = 7 )
Using the following code authored by @AnthonyDGreen
Imports System.Console
Imports System.IO
Module Program
Sub Main()
Dim log = New StringWriter()
Dim nothingDefaultCount = 0,
nonNothingDefaultCount = 0
For Each filename In Directory.EnumerateFiles("<roslyn-repo-path>", "*.vb", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
Dim tree = VisualBasicSyntaxTree.ParseText(File.ReadAllText(filename))
Dim root = tree.GetRoot()
For Each decl In root.DescendantNodes.OfType(Of ParameterSyntax)
If decl.Default Is Nothing Then Continue For
If decl.Default.Value.IsKind(SyntaxKind.NothingLiteralExpression) OrElse
decl.Default.Value.IsKind(SyntaxKind.FalseLiteralExpression) OrElse
decl.Default.Value.ToString() = "0" _
nothingDefaultCount += 1
nonNothingDefaultCount += 1
Dim text = decl.ToString()
End If
End Sub
End Module
Running it on my roslyn repo clone it reports that of all the optional parameter declarations in VB in Roslyn 2229 out of 2612 of them, or > 85% use the default value of the parameter type as the default value of the parameter. So your suggestion would clean up 85% of the uses of Optional in Roslyn. Sounds like value to me!
The following invariants must be preserved to maintain compatibility with legacy / preexisting code.
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim r = Foo()
End Sub
Function Foo(<CallerLineNumber> Optional x As Integer = 0) As Integer
Return x
End Function
End Module
With Feature
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim r = Foo()
End Sub
Function Foo(<CallerLineNumber> Optional x As Integer) As Integer
Return x
End Function
End Module
Why should we not do this?
What other designs have been considered? What is the impact of not doing this?
What parts of the design are still TBD?