closes #{Issue number}
{Descriptive pull request text}
A task/pull request will not be considered to be complete until all these items can be checked off.
- All requirements mentioned in the issue are implemented
- Does match the Code of Conduct and the Contribution file
- Task has its own GitHub issue (something it is solving)
- Issue number is included in the commit messages for traceability
- Update the with any changes/additions made
- Update the with any changes/additions made
- Enough test coverage to ensure that uncovered changes do not break functionality
- All tests pass
- Descriptive pull request text, answering:
- What problem/issue are you fixing?
- What does this PR implement and how?
- Assign your PR to someone for a code review
- This person will be contacted first if a bug is introduced into
- This person will be contacted first if a bug is introduced into
- Manual testing did not fail