All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning
- Dialog to select between different sorting options #388
- Button to reverse the current selected sorting #388
- Show file selection in toolBar after excluding or hiding a node instead of an empty toolBar #896
- Selectable metrics will only contain metrics from the visible maps
- Closing the attribute-side-bar by clicking somewhere in the map will now be triggered on mouse up instead of mouse down
- Search-panel opening for a short duration when importing a new file
- Fix vulnerability with nokogiri <1.10.8
- Loading Gif not displayed when preparing to render a new map #857
- Selecting zero files in Multiple mode will not trigger the 3D CodeMap creation
- Metrics in the dropdown menu now show the correct max value for the visible maps #876
- Replaced non standard
in sh scripts #849 - Improved performance for loading a new file #836
- Marked Packages are loaded from files #798
- GC Overhead Limit (OutOfMemory Exception) during analysis of large SCMLogs fixed #845
- Support for camel and kebab-case for ccsh arguments #772
- RawTextParser for analysis #660
- IndentationLevel as metric for RawTextParser #660
- Show additional Pairing Rate of Selected Building, simultaneously to the currently hovered Buildings #736
- Options of the ccsh are now consistently in kebab-case #772
- Path prefix handling in tokeiimporter #841
- Project name parameters in the ccsh #773
- Deployment
- Performance of loading maps with edges improved #823
- Calculation of other Group for fileExtensionBar #768
- Remove focus of UI elements when they are not visible anymore
- Show the relative number of files a folder includes compared to the project in the TreeView #380
- Show the number of files a folder includes in the TreeView when hovering #380
- When the File Extension Bar is hovered, all buildings corresponding to that extension are highlighted #545
- Toggle between percentage and absolute values when clicking the file extension details section #545
- Sum hovered delta values for folders #781
- Replaced Blacklist Hide with Flatten option #691
- Flattened buildings are not hidden by default #691
- Bump @types/three from 0.89.12 to 0.103.2 in /visualization #453
- Bump angularjs-slider from 6.5.1 to 7.0.0 in /visualization #454
- Bump webpack from 3.12.0 to 4.41.2 in /visualization #436
- [Security] Bump angular from 1.7.7 to 1.7.9 in /visualization #800
- Progress indicator for SonarImporter #544
- New style for hovered metric values #696
- Redesigned slider labels in ribbonBar sections #696
- Shortened ribbonBar sections #696
- Missing pictures and broken links in docs #785
- SCMLogParser is now more resilient to unusual SVN commit messages #763
- New github-pages
- Sum symbol for hovered metric values only shows for folders #775
- Temporal coupling edges generated by SCMLogParser #622
- Downloaded files are no longer formatted #679
- Added highly and median coupled files metrics to non-churn metric list of SCMLogParser #622
- Moved nodePathPanel to toolBar and updated style #607
- Removed attributes from downloaded files that should not be there #679
- Sidebar with information regarding the selected building #527
- Sidebar closes when selected buildings is excluded #748
- Animation to show or hide the legend panel #527
- Expandable detail panel in lower left corner #527
- Removed option to maximize/minimize detail panel #527
- Autofocus and label size for focused nodes #747
- Selected buildings stays selected when settings are changed #748
- IllegalStateException when scanning single file in SourceCodeParser #573
- SourceCodeParser places files in the project root correctly into the hierarchy #574
- Open and close the ribbonBar sections independently with an updated animation
- Camera is now resetted correctly, when unfocusing #634
- Inputs of Color Range Slider now waits a second before it commits its values #676
- Fixed root folder name in TreeView after new map after loading new map #649
- Increased size of ribbonBar for big screens #644
- File-Extension-Bar will not display excluded nodes anymore #725
- Sanitize input for shelljs #600
- Bump jacoco from 0.8.1 to 0.8.4 in /analysis
- Checkbox in global Settings for disabling camera reset, when new map is loaded #685
- Pipe support for SourceCodeParser #716
- Pipe support for SCMLogParser #717
- Pipe support for SonarImporter #715
- Exclude and Hide options are disabled for empty and already existing search patterns #654
- Tokei Importer #538
- Prominent Notice that we use Sonar-jar #713
- Bump kotlin-reflect from 1.3.41 to 1.3.50 in /analysis
- Bump json from 20180813 to 20190722 in /analysis
- Bump rxjava from 2.2.9 to 2.2.12 in /analysis
- Bump assertj-core from 3.12.2 to 3.13.2 in /analysis
- Bump sonar-java-plugin from to in /analysis
- Edge Previews (Palm-Tree-Effect) #529
- Dropdown to select Edge Metric, including Edge Counter #529
- Edge Metric settings for Edge Height, Number of Previews & show only building with Edges #529
- Edge Visualization to better distinguish between incoming and outgoing edges #529
- Distribution metric is by default the same as area metric #689
- MapTreeView below searchBar opens the first level by default #690
- Focus metric search when opening metricChooser #693
- Edge Options in Context menu #529
- SourceCodeParser now skips custom metrics for files, if the syntax tree cannot be created
- Nodes with color metric equals 0 are colored correct again #677
- [Security] Bump mixin-deep from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 in /visualization
- Search for metrics and an indicator for the highest value in dropdown #575
- Button to enable PresentationMode that uses Flashlight-Hovering #576
- Clarifying information which file is which in the file bar when in delta mode #615
- Replaced Scenario dropdown with button on the left of the metric sections #628
- New Metric in SourceCodeParser: Maximum-Nesting-Level #659
- Label hight adjustment now matches scaling of map #594
- SCMLogParser now guesses the input file encoding #614
- New Search Bar #526
- Number of Renames Metric to SCMLogParser #621
- Age In Weeks Metric for SCMLogParser #620
- ToolBar now shows partially cut-off controls if the window is too small #582
- Position of the legendPanel was moved to the bottom-right corner #633
- RibbonBar only opens the three metric section
- Moved Scenario-select to the right in order to use less space
- Moved loading-gif from ribbonBar to toolBar
- RibbonBar toggle button
- FileExtensionBar height to not show a bottom-margin in Chrome
- PointerEvents not being propagated when RibbonBar was extended
- Reduced memory usage of SCMLogParser to avoid OutOfMemory Exception #631
- [Security] Bump lodash.mergewith from 4.6.1 to 4.6.2 in /visualization
- [Security] Bump lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.13 in /visualization
- [Security] Bump fstream from 1.0.11 to 1.0.12 in /visualization
- Moved Button to reset the map to the center next to the view-cube #606
- Moved FileExtensionBar #527
- Burger Menu / SideNav #526
- Colors in File-Extension-Bar will be displayed in MS Edge and Standlone now #584
- Releasing will now remind the developer to manually add the release notes #533
- StructureModifier to remove and move nodes and set root of projects #547 / #181
- More informative log messages regarding the success of project merging #547
- Release Notes are not generated and added automatically to a release #533
- Margin will now be set correctly depending on whether dynamicMargin is enabled or not #602
- Automatically generates release notes from changelog and appends it to release #533
- Adds global settings-menu with settings from options panel and weblinks #528
- Moved File Settings from Ribbon Bar to new File Setting Bar #525
- Rename sample file codemap-nodes #587
- Hide checkbox to select white-positive-buildings in delta state #345
- Removes Options panel from sidebar #528
- Removes Weblinks panel from sidebar #528
- Removed URL-parameter info from sidebar #525
- Unary Metric will no longer be auto-selected when a new map is loaded #579
- FileExtensionBar to show file-distribution of chosen metric #495
- sum icon is now displayed on the left of the metric value #364
- Added Pop-up dialog before downloading file to set filename and see what data will be stored #523
- Fix set default ColorRange when resetting color section #560
- SVN log parser keeps track of renaming of files for metric calculation #542
- Entries with renaming information in SVN logs are attributed to correct file #542
- Unary metric will no longer be removed from the MetricChooser-Dropdown when a folder was excluded or hidden #548
- Changing margin and then file or mode will no longer freeze the application #524
- [Security] Bump tar from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2 in /visualization
- Added SonarJava to Source code parser #343
- Added exclude and defaultExclude options to SourceCodeParser #508
- Show loading-gif in ribbonBar when rerendering map
- Using Sonar Plugins for Source code parser, giving the Sonar Metrics #343
- Use debounced settings update instead of throttled
- Filename of downloaded file now contains time #484
- Fixed issue with too long line in ccsh.bat #506
- Prevent downloaded files from having multiple Timestamps #484
- Do not show loadingGif when cancelling the fileChooser #498
- Excluding a building now updates the maximum value of colorRange #355
- Bump angular-material from 1.1.9 to 1.1.14 in /visualization
- [Security] Bump jquery from 3.3.1 to 3.4.0 in /visualization
- Settings as URL parameters #470
- Fixed issue with trailing slash in URL parameter of SonarImporter #356
- Bump d3 from 4.13.0 to 5.9.2 in /visualization
- Bump sinon from 4.5.0 to 7.3.1 in /visualization
- Project Name can be specified for merge filter #394
- Throw a MergeException if project names do not match in MergeFilter #394
- Excluded buildings are no longer used for aggregated metric calculation #352
- Bump browser-sync-webpack-plugin from 1.2.0 to 2.2.2 in /visualization
- Bump @types/node from 8.10.19 to 11.11.3 in /visualization
- Bump html-webpack-plugin from 2.30.1 to 3.2.0 in /visualization
- Bump load-grunt-tasks from 3.5.2 to 4.0.0 in /visualization #444
- Bump ajv from 5.5.2 to 6.10.0 in /visualization #447
- Bump resolve-url-loader from 2.3.0 to 3.0.1 in /visualization #448
- Added buttons to select all/none/inversion of revisions/maps in multiple mode #391
- Merge filter can merge all files of folders #392
- Fixed bug that code map was not re-loaded when changing from multiple to single revision mode #396
- Fixed missing apiVersion in aggregated map #398
- Input Fields of color sliders adjust width according to content #409
- Bump nouislider from 11.1.0 to 13.1.1 in /visualization
- Bump typescript from 2.7.2 to 3.3.3333 in /visualization
- Bump @types/d3 from 4.13.0 to 5.7.1 in /visualization
- When entering Multiple Mode, all Maps/revisions are preselected
- Fixing non-existent metric aggregation on root-level when using multiple Files
- Hovering a node in the map also hovers it in the tree view #351
- Fixing sync between treeview hovering and map hovering #351
- Folders can no longer be colored in the CodeMap or TreeView #359
- Color searched node names green in TreeView #225
- Add option buttons (three dots) in TreeViewSearch to
matching nodes #298 - Show blacklist entry counter in blacklistPanel header #298
- Option checkbox 'Hide Flattened Buildings' #225
- Hide/Flatten non-searched buildings #225
- Hide/Flatten all buildings, if searchPattern can't find any matching nodes #225
- Show maxValue of each metric in metricChooser select list #204
- Colored color-slider inside the RibbonBar #318
- Option to color positive buildings white #311
- Clicking the ribbonBar section-titles toggles the ribbonBar #324
- View-Cube displayed in top right corner #274
- Adding prettier formatter
- Adapt colorRange when changing colorMetric #330
- Update TreeView filter with search field #225
- Use 'gitignore' style matching in TreeViewSearch #225
- Reorder
buttons in nodeContextMenu #298 - Reorder sidebarPanels (BlacklistPanel beneath TreeViewSearchPanel) #298
- Use
-icon as symbols for blacklistPanel (instead offa-list
) #298 - Use
-icon as symbols for blacklistTypeExclude
(instead offa-times
) #298 - Label size keeps readable for large maps or a high distance between camera and map #237
- updated dependencies to fix vulnerabilities
- Scenarios only update settings which exist in Scenario and not all #224
- MergeFilter to merge unique blacklist entries #275
- MergeFilter to only merge unique attributeType entries #275
- Remove invertHeight checkbox in delta-view #306
- Remove option to add blacklist entries from inside the blacklistPanel #298
- Remove statistic functions in Experimental panel #308
- CodeMap does not move anymore when navigating in text-fields #307
- Merge blacklist in multipleFile view and convert paths #275
- Show logo in NW.js standalone application #233
- button to unfocus node
- NodeContextMenu: Option to only hide dependent edges
- plop support
- Renaming 'isolate node' to 'focus node'
- Focusing a node does not remove the blacklist items of type Hide
- NodeContextMenu: Option to 'show all' nodes, which used to unhide all nodes
- Reshow hidden nodes from Treeview or Blacklist
- Deleted files in delta view use their previous area value in order to be visible #254
- Buildings in the delta view are not colored correctly #253
- Reset Button in RibbonBar to reset 'Invert Colors' #255
- Remove lag of 'Invert Color' checkboxes, when selecting single/delta mode #255
- Integration with Jasome through JasomeImporter #245
- URL parameter 'mode' with the values Single, Multiple or Delta
- Blacklist to persist excluded or hidden nodes #205
- Option to exclude nodes in nodeContextMenu #205
- BlacklistPanel in SettingsSidebar to manage blacklist #205
- Save-Button to download current CodeMap #205
- Publishing visualization on Docker Hub #252
- No longer fat jar of every subcomponent of analysis, baked into ccsh
- Changed simple syserr write to logger call for analysis #243
- URL parameter 'delta' does not exist anymore
- Show delta of CodeMap when URL parameter mode=delta is set
- Invert delta colors moved from color to heigh metric column in ribbon bar #220
- Delta value now as kindOfMap shown #220
- Aggreate maps as multiple rename #220
- Single/delta buttons now correctly activated when delta in ulr shown #220
- CodeMaatImport for temporal coupling dependencies #172
- EdgeFilter to aggregate edge-attributes as node-attributes #222
- Option to show and hide dependent edges from node-context-menu #218
- MergeFilter merges edges #172
- missing event in firefox #232
- gitlab + dotnet manual
- add the option to add multiple files via url parameter (e.g. ?file=a&file=b...)
- e2e tests are running in CI Environment (headless)
- pupeteer as e2e test framework
- Show names of marked packages in legend
- Added a source code importer that can analyse rloc,mcc for java source code
- keep settings when the user changes a file
- Added option to set white background
- cypress
- Changed folder detail metrics from mean to sum
- Added UnderstandImporter to Analysis
- Packages can be highlighted in different colors #152
- Adding a context menu with highlighting colors and convenience methods for the tree view and 3D view #155
- Folders and files to highlight can be described in the cc.json #165
- Dynamic/automatic margin computing de/activated by tick
- Details panel: using the sum of the childrens metrics instead of the mean value
- Display buttons do not trigger map changes #185
- Flickering surfaces when zooming out
- Layout switcher #141
- Added CrococosmoImporter to Analysis
- Added type, dirs, name to CSVExporter
- Invert height of building checkbox
- Aggregate multiple maps in visualization #110
- Auto Focus selected map part
- Timmer added to applySettings in SettingsService
- Crococosmo xml files will now generate a cc.json file for each version
- Suppressing ARIA warnings
- Simplified gradle structure of analysis part
- Deltas added in the metric quick access panel #138
- Ticks and ResetValue Buttons call to onSettingsChange to avoid applySettings timer
- compacting empty middle packages #150
- Detail panel minimized by default
- filter by regex shows parent nodes #116
- typo in scss file
- horizontal quick access metric chooser
- Link behind filepath in detailPanel #84
- Double click event-handler on Buildings #84
- Detail Panel can be minimized and maximized
- Settings option to minimize Detail Panel
- cypress as an e2e test runner
- metric details from legend
- metric chooser from settings panel
- a sonar importer bug which prevented the importer to fetch the last page #122
- SASS support
- simple regex filter
- Reset Button
- Dialog Service replaces console log calls and window.alert calls
- linking tree view and map hover
- auto fit scene button
- anugularJS material
- Scenarios are now filtered by compatibility for the given map
- Link in visualization #84
- materialize-css
- grunt
- less flickering and artifacts
- Clean up UI #86
- Updated analysis dependencies
- Delta View shows Deltas of itself as non-trivial if nodes have same name #89: Compare deltas by path not name
- Delta calculation performance boost #91
- Problems when intermediate nodes missed metrics #92
- removed unnecessary calculations
- removed bug in SonarImporter that slowed up performance and missed out multiple metrics
- minor bugs
- sorting treeview by folders and names
- added preliminary CSVExporter for visualisation data
- padding rendering
- minimal building height is 1 to prevent clipping issues
- fallback values for visualization when no metric is available (area = 1, height = 1, color = grey). Data in data structure will not be changed.
- detail panel bug fix
- moved to unscoped npm packages
- detail panel background is white now. better visibility
- revision chooser moved to settings panel and uses now understandable dropdowns instead of links. Part of the #82 proposals
- Experimental dependency support
- loading indicator
- file path to detail panel
- collapsible tree view and visibility/isolation per node toggles
- added a ray-aabb intersection test before precise testing. Less time is spent in intersection methods.
- fixed a minor bug
- canvas mouse event listener are now limited to the canvas dom element. UI events will not trigger the canvas listeners anymore
- canvas mouse events distinguish now between click and drag. Dragging does not reset selection anymore
- slider input #64
- rz slider initialization bug
- increasing test coverage
- deltas where calculated on map loading even though, they were disabled
- url to homepage
- analysis package
- npm pachage scoped to @maibornwolff
- Defined further scenarios via json file
- Added description for metrics and scenarios
- using fixed point values in detail panel (ui) to truncate infinite or long decimals
- folders now use the mean attributes of their buildings(leaves)
- Bugfix: detail panel should be cleared before setting new details else old values may survive
- added anonymous git log generator anongit
- browser demo shows codecharta-visualization sonar analysis
- rewrote command line interface
- linking ccsh to bin/ccsh will be deleted later
- No underscore for scenarios in tooltips #71
- fixed broken SonarImporter due to jdk9 migration
- added npm publish for analysis
- simple release script for automatic changelog updates, commits, tags, version bumps
- added support for git log --raw and git log --numstat --raw
- added support for git log --numstat and codechurn
- added support for renames in SCMLogParser for git log --name-status
- added support for renames in SCMLogParser for git log --numstat, git log --raw and git log --numstat --raw
- added new SCM experimental metrics range_of_weeks_with_commits and successive_weeks_of_commits
- the file origin of a node is displayed in the details now
- sonarqube analysis on CI build
- npm publish support in visualization
- Deltas are no longer experimental
- two selected delta maps now merge their nodes correctly. The map where a node was missing get's a copy of this node with metrics=0. File additions/deletions are therefore only visible when areaMetric is unary and deltas are activated.
- delta display bug for heights
- going back from delta view now correctly removes deltas from node data
- Delta shown although not in delta mode #60
- Allow inversion of delta colors #57
- npm binary error
- scaling slider now has steps of 0.1. This allows the user to select precise values like 2.0
- updated jdk to jdk9
- Opening the same file a second time does not work #53
- added missing require declaration
- added glsl loader in testing environment
- Native Application support is bugged while building in Travis CI #48
- command line parameter to toggle "authors" attribute in SCMLogParser
- when passing a file through the "file" parameter in the URL, the map now renders correctly
- experimental delta functionality
- loading multiple maps
- experimental margin slider
- faster rendering
- nwjs packages and native apps due to a bug
- using color metric instead of height metric for color range slider ceil
- Typescript support
- Browsersync
- added advanced merging strategy "leaf" in MergeFilter
- advanced merging with restructuring
- Browserify replaced with Webpack
- Better debugging
- Karma instead of Mocha
- add slider controls for color thresholds #19
- Added additional structuring in SonarImporter for multi-module projects
- button to generate current url parameters
- camera position is now a setting (e.g. in scenarios or url parameters)
- margin slider: make it easier to find out to which package/folder a class belongs #20
- better url parameter resolution (nested parameters are handled correctly)
- changed hover color. Allows better distinction between hover and select
- obsolete helper grid
- changing display or color settings resets scaling #18
- scenario description #32
- Scaling should not scale the labels #35
- Prevented override of URL-parameters by default scenario
- Adding simple merge functionality for multiple json files
- Added CSVImporter
- Added Translation for SonarQube metrics
- Added descriptions for metrics
- Changed uppercase metrics, e.g. RLOC, to lowercase metrics
- Simple cc.json does not display anything #17
- Adding Labels and UI
- Support for links to source page of SonarQube in sonarimporter
- Added SCMLogParser
- GitHub Issue: legend is wrong #21
- Wrong version numbers in analysis part
- Scenarios and default scenario
- Translation API for Metrics
- Metric tooltips in dropdown
- GitHub Issue: Sonarimporter crashes with null pointer exception when there is a component without path. #13
- Support for SonarQube Measures-API
- Error logging for sonarqube errors
- Standard Sonar metric is now complexity,ncloc,functions,duplicated_lines,classes,blocker_violations,generated_lines,bugs,commented_out_code_lines,lines,violations,comment_lines,duplicated_blocks
- Translation API for Metrics
- GitHub Issue: Flickering surfaces #3
- GitHub Issue: Unable to install due to readlink error on macOS #4
- SourceMonitorImporter for importing projects from SourceMonitor.
- SonarImporter for importing projects from SonarQube.
- ValidationTool for validating an existing json file.