This week the team will be talking about Database in particular RDS
RDS is a relational database. this means is composed of multiple tables and rows. This differs from the none relational database which has 1 table and the structure is not fixed.
- Make sure to create the database in the region as it should be compliant with the local law. For example, due to the GDPR, database can not be outside the EU
- Another best practice is to set the encryption on your database.
- The database should not be publicly accessible.
- Must enable deletion protection for unintentional deletion.
- Must be available amazon organization with the SCP put in place.
- Active cloudtrail for auditing purposes and guard duty
- Set on the SG only to the ip for dev/admin so they can access the instance. Do not put
- Delete the database if not in use.
- Use a secret manager to manage the user/password access for the db
- Encryption in transit and at rest
- Limit the operation of the users.
- Authentication using IAM or Kerberos.
from the terminal post the following command to create the RDS Instance
aws rds create-db-instance \
--db-instance-identifier cruddur-db-instance \
--db-instance-class db.t3.micro \
--engine postgres \
--engine-version 14.6 \
--master-username root \
--master-user-password huEE33z2Qvl383 \
--allocated-storage 20 \
--availability-zone eu-west-1a \
--backup-retention-period 0 \
--port 5432 \
--no-multi-az \
--db-name cruddur \
--storage-type gp3 \
--publicly-accessible \
--storage-encrypted \
--enable-performance-insights \
--performance-insights-retention-period 7 \
- For the availability zone check the console so the everything match according on where you are working
Once the rds is running, make sure to put it in stop so you dont incure with extra cost. Note that this is valid only for 7 days so it is not permanent.
from the terminal type the following code
psql -Upostgres --host localhost
Common Psql commands
\x on -- expanded display when looking at data
\q -- Quit PSQL
\l -- List all databases
\c database_name -- Connect to a specific database
\dt -- List all tables in the current database
\d table_name -- Describe a specific table
\du -- List all users and their roles
\dn -- List all schemas in the current database
CREATE DATABASE database_name; -- Create a new database
DROP DATABASE database_name; -- Delete a database
CREATE TABLE table_name (column1 datatype1, column2 datatype2, ...); -- Create a new table
DROP TABLE table_name; -- Delete a table
SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name WHERE condition; -- Select data from a table
INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, ...); -- Insert data into a table
UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ... WHERE condition; -- Update data in a table
DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition; -- Delete data from a table
Type the following command to create the database within the PSQL client
CREATE database cruddur;
from backend flask, create a folder called db and inside a file called schema.sql
and insert the following sql command on the schema.sql created before
exit from the psql command by typing the following command
and type the following command
psql cruddur < backend-flask/db/schema.sql -h localhost -U postgres
and type the password and type the following command to create the env var
export CONNECTION_URL="postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/cruddur"
gp env CONNECTION_URL="postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/cruddur"
do the same steps for the rds (not necessary at this point unless you start connecting with the rds)
from backend-flask create a folder call bin and inside create 3 files called"db-create" "db-drop" and "db-schema-load" and inside for each file created, insert the following command
#! /usr/bin/bash
to change the executable of the file created before, type the following code:
chmod u+x bin/db-create
chmod u+x bin/db-drop
chmod u+x bin/db-schema-load
from the file db-drop add the following code
echo "db-drop"
NO_DB_CONNECTION_URL=$(sed 's/\/cruddur//g' <<<"$CONNECTION_URL")
For more information about sed visit the following link
from the file db-create add the following command
echo "db-create"
NO_DB_CONNECTION_URL=$(sed 's/\/cruddur//g' <<<"$CONNECTION_URL")
psql $NO_DB_CONNECTION_URL -c "create database cruddur;"
from the file db-schema-load add the following command
#echo "== db-schema-load"
printf "${CYAN}== ${LABEL}${NO_COLOR}\n"
schema_path="$(realpath .)/db/schema.sql"
echo $schema_path
if [ "$1" = "prod" ]; then
echo "Running in production mode"
psql $URL cruddur < $schema_path
for the coloring the echo refer to the following link
on schema.sql insert the code to create the table users and table activities
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.users;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.activities;
CREATE TABLE public.users (
uuid UUID DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() PRIMARY KEY,
display_name text,
handle text,
cognito_user_id text,
created_at TIMESTAMP default current_timestamp NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE public.activities (
uuid UUID DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() PRIMARY KEY,
user_uuid UUID not null,
message text NOT NULL,
replies_count integer DEFAULT 0,
reposts_count integer DEFAULT 0,
likes_count integer DEFAULT 0,
reply_to_activity_uuid integer,
expires_at TIMESTAMP,
created_at TIMESTAMP default current_timestamp NOT NULL
create a script inside the folder bin called db-connect
#! /usr/bin/bash
and change the permission of the file
chmod u+x bin/db-connection
create a file on db called seed.sql and create inside bin a file called db-seed with following code
#! /usr/bin/bash
#echo "== db-seed-load"
printf "${CYAN}== ${LABEL}${NO_COLOR}\n"
seed_path="$(realpath .)/db/seed.sql"
echo $seed_path
if [ "$1" = "prod" ]; then
echo "Running in production mode"
psql $URL cruddur < $seed_path
and on the seed.sql insert this code
-- this file was manually created
INSERT INTO public.users (display_name, handle, cognito_user_id)
('Andrew Brown', 'andrewbrown' ,'MOCK'),
('Andrew Bayko', 'bayko' ,'MOCK');
INSERT INTO public.activities (user_uuid, message, expires_at)
(SELECT uuid from public.users WHERE users.handle = 'andrewbrown' LIMIT 1),
'This was imported as seed data!',
current_timestamp + interval '10 day'
If you have stopped and rerun you gitpod/codespace enviroment, make sure to rerun the db-create, db-schema-load and db-seed in the order mention before running the db-connect. Make sure the containers are up and running first before making the connection! There will be an instruction later how to implement the automazation once you launch the CDE enviroment without launching.
How to see the connection
create a file called db-sessions under backend-flask/bin
NO_DB_CONNECTION_URL=$(sed 's/\/cruddur//g' <<<"$CONNECTION_URL")
psql $NO_DB_CONNECTION_URL -c "select pid as process_id, \
usename as user, \
datname as db, \
client_addr, \
application_name as app,\
state \
from pg_stat_activity;"
changed the permission of the file:
chmod u+x ./db-sessions
create a file called db-setup under backend-flask/bin
#! /usr/bin/bash
-e # stop if it fails at any point
printf "${CYAN}==== ${LABEL}${NO_COLOR}\n"
bin_path="$(realpath .)/bin"
source "$bin_path/db-drop"
source "$bin_path/db-create"
source "$bin_path/db-schema-load"
source "$bin_path/db-seed"
changed the permission of the file:
chmod u+x ./db-setup
Add the following libraries into the requirements.txt of the backend flask
and run the for this time the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
create a file under lib called this will be the connection for your backend
from psycopg_pool import ConnectionPool
import os
def query_wrap_object(template):
sql = f"""
(SELECT COALESCE(row_to_json(object_row),'{{}}'::json) FROM (
) object_row);
return sql
def query_wrap_array(template):
sql = f"""
(SELECT COALESCE(array_to_json(array_agg(row_to_json(array_row))),'[]'::json) FROM (
) array_row);
return sql
connection_url = os.getenv("CONNECTION_URL")
pool = ConnectionPool(connection_url)
and insert the library on home_activities
from lib.db import pool,query_wrap_array
and add the following code
sql = """
FROM public.activities
LEFT JOIN public.users ON users.uuid = activities.user_uuid
ORDER BY activities.created_at DESC
span.set_attribute("app.result_length", len(results))
with pool.connection() as conn:
with conn.cursor() as cur:
# this will return a tuple
# the first field being the data
json = cur.fetchall()
return json[0]
from the file docker-compose change the CONNECTIONS_URL with the following
CONNECTION_URL: "postgresql://postgres:password@db:5432/cruddur"
From the console active the RDS if it is in pause mode
create the PROD_CONNECTION_URL that will point to the RDS
create the local env and on gitpod/codespace
export PROD_CONNECTION_URL="postgresql://userofthedb:masterpassword@endpointofthedb:5432/cruddur"
gp env PROD_CONNECTION_URL="postgresql://userofthedb:masterpassword@endpointofthedb:5432/cruddur"
Note: the password should not ending with ! as the url will be !@ and it could cause some error during the launching the command. if you experience an error "bash bla bla cruddur" you need to change the password for the DB of rds
In order to connect to the RDS instance we need to provide our Gitpod IP and whitelist for inbound traffic on port 5432.
export GITPOD_IP=$(curl
create the env var for the security group and the security group rule
export DB_SG_ID="sg-sdfsdf"
gp env DB_SG_ID="sg-sdfsdf"
export DB_SG_RULE_ID="sgr-sdfsdfsdf"
gp env DB_SG_RULE_ID="sgr-sdfsdfsdf"
Since the ip address changes everytime, you need to change the ip on the security group of the rds instance here is the script to add to the file rds-update-sg-rule under bin
aws ec2 modify-security-group-rules \
--group-id $DB_SG_ID \
--security-group-rules "SecurityGroupRuleId=$DB_SG_RULE_ID,SecurityGroupRule={Description=GITPOD,IpProtocol=tcp,FromPort=5432,ToPort=5432,CidrIpv4=$GITPOD_IP/32}"
on the file gitpod.yml* add this line so it will get the ip of the instance
before: |
export GITPOD_IP=$(curl
source "$THEIA_WORKSPACE_ROOT/backend-flask/bin/rds-update-sg-rule"
Create a lambda in the region where are your services and create the same file under aws/lambdas calling the file
import json
import psycopg2
def lambda_handler(event, context):
user = event['request']['userAttributes']
user_display_name = user['name']
user_email = user['email']
user_handle = user['preferred_username']
user_cognito_id = user['sub']
conn = psycopg2.connect(os.getenv('CONNECTION_URL'))
cur = conn.cursor()
sql = f"""
"INSERT INTO users (
except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error:
if conn is not None:
print('Database connection closed.')
return event
the env var for the lambda will be CONNECTION_URL which has the variable of the PROD_CONNECTION_URL set on gitpod/codespace (example: PROD_CONNECTION_URL="postgresql://userofthedb:masterpassword@endpointofthedb:5432/cruddur)
Once you create the env var, create also the layer>add layers> select specify arn
arn:aws:lambda:your region:898466741470:layer:psycopg2-py38:1
now it is time to create the trigger for cognito. from cognito, select the user pool and go to the user pool properties to find the lambda triggers. follow the configuration according to the image below:
Make sure to attach the following policy AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole to the lambda role by going to configuration>permission> link under the Role name.
Once attached the policy, go to VPC and select the VPC where resides the RDS, the subnet mask (i suggest selecting just 1 as you could have timeout error during the execution of the lambda) and select the same security group of the rds. In my case i took the default vpc for my region as i deployed there, the subnetmask in my case eu-west-2a (make sure to verify where reside your rds by going to EC2>Network Interface under network & security) and security group please make sure to insert the new inbound rule
This command see if the connection is estabilished