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Parameter Server Interface for GPU Tensor

mshadow-ps provides asynchronize parameter server interface for mshadow GPU/CPU Tensor. This allows you to do multi-GPU and disrtibuted (deep) learning in an easy and unified way.

mshadow-ps implemented a two-level parameter server. The architecture is shown in the following figure. Typically, a GPU card or a cpu core runs a worker node, then a level-1 server node communicates with the worker nodes on the same machine. Inter-machine communication is then via the level-2 server nodes.

The rational is that both the bandwidth and latency between the worker nodes in a single machine is usually 10x better than the inter-machine ones. By using the two level parameter server, we can use different consistency models at different level to better trade-off the algorithm efficiency and system performance. For example, we can use a sequential consistency model, also known as BSP, on level 1 for guaranteed algorithm convergence, but use a eventual consistency model on level 2 to hide the network latency. See our OSDI'14 paper for more details.


####List of Resources

Working with Level-1 Server

Suppose that we are now implementing a Multi-GPU learning program. One way to do that is through data parallelism. We can launch many threads, with each thread compute gradient on one GPU, and aggregate the statistics together. However, the gradient synchronization step could be cost time, and in many cases, we can do the computation in an smarter way, so that we overlaps the computation with the synchronization.

mshadow-ps provides interface to do such synchronization in an easy way. The following documents provides a way

Getting Sum from Multiple GPUs

We first get familiar with the interface of mshadow-mshadow_ps. Through the following program in local_sum-inl.h. You can compile the program by setup the according to your computers's enviroment, and type make.

In the following program, each thread first does some computation locally, then tries to get the sum of data through mshadow-ps interface. There are four key functions in ISharedModel interface

  • InitKey allocates a key to specific tensor shape
  • Push pushes out the local data to the synchronization interface
    • The data pushed by different devices will be aggregated together by key
    • Push is an asynchronize call and returns immediately
  • PullReq requests the result of synchronization to be copied back
    • In the local default case, the synchronized result is the sum of pushed data
    • mshadow-ps also support the weight update on server side, where the result of PullReq is the updated weight instead of sum of gradient
    • PullReq is also asynchronize
  • PullWait wait until the pull request of corresponding key finishes
// this function is runed by specific thread
template<typename xpu>
inline void RunWorkerThread(int devid,
                            mshadow::ps::ISharedModel<xpu, float> *ps) {
  // initialize tensor engine
  mshadow::Stream<xpu> *stream  = mshadow::NewStream<xpu>();
  // allocate tensor on xpu
  mshadow::TensorContainer<xpu, 2> data(mshadow::Shape2(2, 3));
  // set the computation stream to the new allocated stream
  // this will make subsequent computation whose target is data
  // to use the stream, stream is needed for async execution in GPU
  // assume these operations sets the content of dataient
  data[0] = 1.0f;
  data[1] = devid + data[0];
  printf("dev%d: before sync, data:\n", devid);
  // use print to show result, do not call
  // print normally since Copy will block
  // intiaialize the key, register the shape on parameter server
  ps->InitKey(data[0].shape_, 0, devid);
  ps->InitKey(data[1].shape_, 1, devid);
  // push data[0] out, for update, or aggregation
  // 0 is the key of the data, devid is the current device id
  ps->Push(data[0], 0, devid);
  // pull request is used to request the data to be copied back
  // once computation is done
  ps->PullReq(data[0], 0, devid);
  // computation can be done here..
  // the pull request handler will be overlapped with
  // similar as previous call
  ps->Push(data[1], 1, devid);
  ps->PullReq(data[1], 1, devid);
  // more computation can be done here...
  // the computation will be overlapped
  // PullWait will block until these request finishes
  ps->PullWait(0, devid);
  ps->PullWait(1, devid);
  printf("dev%d: after sync, data:\n", devid);
  // use print to show result, do not call
  // print normally since Copy will block

template<typename xpu>
inline int Run(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  if (argc < 2) {
    printf("Usage: device list\n"\
           "\tfor CPU the device list can be arbitrary\n"\
           "\tfor GPU the device list need to be actual device index\n");
    return 0;
  // list of device ids
  std::vector<int> devs;
  // initialization
  for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
    // record the device id
  mshadow::ps::ISharedModel<xpu, float>
      *ps = mshadow::ps::CreateSharedModel<xpu, float>("local");
  // intiaialize the ps
  // use openmp to launch #devs threads
  #pragma omp parallel num_threads(devs.size())
    int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
    RunWorkerThread<xpu>(devs[tid], ps);
  delete ps;
  return 0;

In the above example, we did not do weight update on server side, so the synchronization result is simply the sum of data on each device. The key property of this interface is that the Push and PullReq are asynchronize.

  • We can call these two functions once the gradient is ready, and the mshadow-ps will do the data synchronization in the background.
  • When we need the result of synchronization, we simply call PullWait to wait the synchronization task to finish.
  • Such interface allows us to do additional computation between the Push/PullReq and PullWait

A MultiGPU Neural Net

To get a more concrete understanding of the interface. We give an example of multi-GPU two layer neuralnet in ../neuralnet/ The general idea is follows

  • Push and PullReq is called once we get the gradient of certain layer
  • PullWait is called before we do forward on that layer next time
  • This creates a time lag between the backprop and next forward to that layer
    • mshadow-ps do synchronization concurrently with computations during the time lag
    • The time lag is big for latter layers, which also usually need more time to synchronize

There are several note of the mshadow-ps on the neural net code

  • Callback function in PullReq
    • A callback function can be pass to PullReq to be called when the request complete
    • We place weight update in the callback to perform update when we get the gradient sum
  • Computing stream
    • Due to GPU's programming model, we need to do computation on non-default stream
    • Use set_stream in mshadow tensors to set stream to computation stream
    • To report error when you did not use stream, you can compile with -DMSHADOW_FORCE_STREAM

We should note thate because the example runs on MNIST, which is an quite small dataset, you may not observe speedup with multiple cards. However, you will find significant speedup when you run on other tasks. The newest version of cxxnet

Moving Parameter Update to the Server

In all the examples so far, we use mshadow-ps to get the aggregated sum of gradients, and update weights locally on each GPU. For more advanced usage of mshadow-ps, we can move the weight update to the server. The communication pattern is as follows

  • Each thread still call Push to push out gradient
  • The server will apply the update rule to update the weight
  • Each thread call PullReq to pull back the weight from server

Such update pattern is suitable under distributed setting. To do so, user need to implement an IModelUpdater interface. And define the following CreateModelUpdater function in the program

namespace mshadow {
namespace ps {
IModelUpdater<float> *CreateModelUpdater() {
  return new MyModelUpdater();

Before calling ISharedModel.Init, user need to call ps->SetParam("update_on_server", "1") to set the update mode on the server side. If user uses distributed shared model, user must define ModelUpdater.

Working with Level-2 Server

First build the parameter server (replace ps_dir to any convenient directory)

git clone -b dev ps_dir
cd ps_dir
make -j8

Next change to

PS_PATH = ps_dir

Then make.

Next start 1 server node, 3 worker nodes with 2 devices in each worker node:

./ 1 3 ./dist_async_sum.cpu 1 2

The dist_async_sum-inl.h is similar to local_sum-inl.h. The main differences are 1) we create the server at a remote node, and set update_on_server to be true.

auto* ps = mshadow::ps::CreateSharedModel<xpu, float>("dist");
ps->SetParam("update_on_server", "1");
  1. we explicitly create server node and worker node at dist_async_sum.cpp