?> GitPitch widgets greatly enhance traditional markdown rendering capabilities for slide decks.
The PlantUML Widget makes use of Graphviz/DOT Visualization Software for rendering under the hood. This guide describes how you can leverage Graphviz/Dot support directly to generate sophisticated graphs on any slide.
All paths to graphviz description files specified within PITCHME.md markdown must be relative to the root directory of your local working directory or Git repository.
The following markdown snippet demonstrates graphviz widget syntax:
?> The properties...
list expects a comma-separated list of property key=value
Each diagram is defined using a simple text-based syntax within a dedicated description file. The exact syntax is defined by the PlantUML Dot Project. The following conventions are enforced:
- PlantUML Dot diagram descriptions must be defined in a file within your local repository.
- These PlantUML Dot diagram description files must have a .puml extension.
- The contents of your diagram description files must adhere to valid PlantUML Dot syntax.
The following slide demonstrates a sample sequence diagram rendered using plantuml widget syntax. The markdown snippet used to create this slide takes advantage grid native properties to position, size, and transform the diagram on the slide:
The dot syntax used to create the sample diagrams shown above was kindly provided by a member of the GitPitch community (thanks Justin!) and is provided here for reference:
digraph G {
node [shape=record, fillcolor=lightgrey, style="filled,rounded"]
capture [label="Traffic Capture"]
capture -> analyze
subgraph cluster0 {
label = "Same as\nNetwork Capture Assessment"
labeljust = left
style = "filled,rounded"
color = deepskyblue
analyze [label="Endpoint and Flow Analysis"]
analyze:0 -> known:n
analyze:1 -> unknown:n
known [label="Known Protocol Analysis"]
unknown [label="Unknown Protocol Decode"]
known:s -> enum:0
unknown:s -> enum:1
enum [label="Protocol Enumeration"]
enum -> fuzz
fuzz [label="Protocol Fuzzing"]
fuzz -> exploit
exploit [label="Protocol Exploitation"]
digraph structs {
node [shape=record];
write [label="\> | <0>0xA0 | <1>0x00 | <2>0xBE | <3>0xEF | <4>...", fillcolor=lightgrey, style=filled];
write:0 -> command:4;
command [label="<0>1|<1>0|<2>1|<3>0|<4>0|<5>0|<6>0|<7>0", fillcolor=whitesmoke, style=filled];
command:0 -> chip:0;
command:1 -> chip:1;
command:2 -> chip:2;
command:3 -> chip:3;
chip [label="Chip\nAddress"];
command:4 -> memblock:0;
command:5 -> memblock:1;
command:6 -> memblock:2;
memblock [label="{Memory Blocks | 000 = Block 0\n001 = Block 1\n010 = Block 2\n011 = Block 3\n100 = Block 4\n101 = Block 5\n110 = Block 6\n111 = Block 7}"];
command:7 -> rw;
rw [label="Write = 0\nRead = 1"];
write:1 -> address;
address [label="Memory\nLocation"];
write:2 -> data:0;
write:3 -> data:1;
write:4 -> data:2;
data [label="Bytes to Write\n(max of write buffer)\n(none to move pointer)"];
skinparam monochrome true
skinparam shadowing false
skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 2
skinparam roundcorner 10
skinparam sequenceReferenceAlign center
participant "ModbusTCP Client" as TcpClient
participant "ModbusTCP Server" as TcpServer
participant "vs"
participant "ModbusTCP Client" as UdpClient
participant "ModbusTCP Server" as UdpServer
group ModbusTCP Connection Establishment
TcpClient o-> TcpServer: TCP SYN (Synchronize)
TcpServer -> TcpClient: TCP SYN ACK (Acknowledge)
TcpClient -> TcpServer: TCP ACK
group ModbusTCP vs ModbusUDP Payload
TcpClient -> TcpServer : ModbusTCP Request
TcpClient <- TcpServer : TCP ACK
UdpClient -> UdpServer : ModbusUDP Request
TcpServer -> TcpClient : ModbusTCP Response
TcpServer <- TcpClient : TCP ACK
UdpClient <- UdpServer : ModubsUDP Response
group ModbusTCP Connection Teardown
TcpClient -> TcpServer: TCP FIN (Finalize)
TcpClient <- TcpServer: TCP FIN or FIN ACK
TcpClient <-- TcpServer: TCP ACK
TcpClient ->x TcpServer: TCP ACK