If you need to copy the value of an array field to the output array, use the FieldCopyValueMapper
This mapper will use symfony/property-access
syntax to copy-paste values from the input to the output array.
use Kiboko\Component\ETL\FastMap\Mapping\Field\CopyValueMapper;
use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyPath;
$input = [
'customer' => [
'first_name' => 'John',
$mapper = new CopyValueMapper(
new PropertyPath('[customer][first_name]')
var_dump($mapper($input, [], new PropertyPath('[first_name]')));
// array(1) { "first_name" => "John" }
If you need to set the value of an output array field, use the FieldConstantValueMapper
This mapper will use symfony/property-access
syntax to set values to the output array.
use Kiboko\Component\ETL\FastMap\Mapping\Field\ConstantValueMapper;
use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyPath;
$input = [];
$mapper = new ConstantValueMapper('John Doe');
$output = $mapper($input, [], new PropertyPath('[customer][first_name]'));
// array(1) { "first_name" => "John" }
If you need to concatenate several values of the input array and set it to an unique field in the output array, use the FieldConcatCopyValuesMapper
This mapper will use symfony/property-access
syntax to copy-paste values from the input to the output array.
use Kiboko\Component\ETL\FastMap\Mapping\Field\ConcatCopyValuesMapper;
use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyPath;
$input = [
'customerAddress' => [
'name' => 'John P. Doe',
'street' => 'Main Street, 42',
'city' => 'Oblivion',
'postcode' => '12345',
$mapper = new ConcatCopyValuesMapper(
', ',
new PropertyPath('[customerAddress][name]'),
new PropertyPath('[customerAddress][street]'),
new PropertyPath('[customerAddress][postcode]'),
new PropertyPath('[customerAddress][city]')
$output = $mapper($input, [], new PropertyPath('[address]'));
// array(1) { "address" => "John P. Doe, Main Street, 42, 12345, Oblivion" }
If you need to do more complex stuff, the integration with the symfony/expression-language
is integrated into the FieldExpressionLanguageValueMapper
This mapper will use symfony/property-access
syntax to copy-paste values from the input to the output array.
use Kiboko\Component\ETL\FastMap\Mapping\Field\ExpressionLanguageValueMapper;
use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Expression;
use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionLanguage;
use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyPath;
$interpreter = new ExpressionLanguage();
$input = [
'ean' => '1234567890128',
'weight' => [
'value' => 5,
'unit' => 'POUNDS',
'qty' => 23,
$mapper = new ExpressionLanguageValueMapper(
new Expression('input["weight"]["unit"] == "POUNDS" ? (input["weight"]["value"] / 2.205) : input["weight"]["value"]'),
$output = $mapper($input, [], new PropertyPath('[weight]'));
// array(1) { "weight" => 2.26796 }