"Restaurant Reviews" wants to help you find restaurants in your area, based on neighborhood and taste preferences.
Currently, the API is very limited and only built around NYC with a few restaurant suggestions.
This app was developed with mobile in mind, so the best experience will be on your mobile device.
Currently, this project can be run locally with Python and Node using two repos.
With Python 3 installed, run in your CLI:
python -m http.server 8000
The data (API) for this app is stored elsewhere. To tap into that data, download my forked repo for Stage 2 and follow the instructions there to start that node server.
This web application has been tested for accessibility, performance, best practices, and progressive web app conformance. A service worker has been installed, along with IndexedDB for additional caching and storage power. An offline-first approach was taken from the very beginning of development. ES6 has been embraced here, just as I embrace the future of web development.
Built during the Google Udacity Scholars nanodegree program to earn a Mobile Web Specialist Certification.