Throughout my JavaScript learning journey, I've found several terms to be confusing and not explained well to a code newbie. This definition list is meant to spare you the same agony.
arity: the number of variables passed into a function
callback: a function used as a parameter of another function; called after the other function has done its job
class: inheritance
DOT: Do One Thing (best practice for writing a function)
DRY: Don't Repeat Yourself (restrict duplicate code)
event listener: waiting for a something (an event) to happen, often used to wait for a user to do something
factory: a method used to create other objects
garbage collection:
IIFE: Immediately Invoked Functional Expressions; an anonymous function that wraps all the code to create its own scope
lambda: a function used as data in an argument or a return value
method: a function within an object
object: technically EVERYTHING in JavaScript is an object, but this term is often used for a collection of key and value pairs
polymorphic function: function that does something different every time different parameters are passed in
promise: an object that allows you to call a callback function to success and failure queues (ES6); it's returned by the callee, rather than passed in as a parameter
prototype: an object intended to model other objects; delegates access to another object (not a copy)
pure function: a function that outputs the same result each time (opposite of polymorphic)