Q.1. What is the value of 'a' after the below code is executed?
a = 1 b = 'a' b = 3
Answer: The value of 'a' is 1 which is a fixnum.
Q.2. What's the difference between an Array and a Hash?
Answer" Both deal with data structures. Objects in an array are referenced by an index (starting from 0..) whereas a Hash is reference by a key (string or symbol).
Q. 3. Every Ruby expression returns a value. Say what value is returned in the below expressions:
arr = [1,2,3,3]
Answer: The first part returns and array of [1,2,3,3] The uniq method returns an array of [1,2,3] it is an immutable method The uniq! method also returns an array of [1,2,3] but it is a mutable method.
Q.4. What's the difference between map and select methods for the Array class? Give an example of when you'd use one versus the other.
Answer: The select method evaluates to true or false and returns an an array of objects if true The map method evaluates the expression within a block and returns the value of the expression. Examples: Using select to return any object in the arr array that starts with 'A'. arr = ['AB', 'AC', 'DC', 'BC'] arr.select {|x| x[0] == 'A'}
Using map to return just the surnames of full_name array. full_name = [['Jimmi', 'Hendrix'], ['Elvis', 'Presley'], ['Michael', 'Jackson']] full_name.map {|x| x[1]}
Q.5. Say you want to create a Hash. How would you do so if you wanted the has keys to be String objects instead of symbols?
Answer: some_hash = {'str_key1' =>'value1', 'str_key2' => 'value2'}
Q.6. What is returnd?
x = 1
x.odd? ? "no way!" : "yes, sir!"
Answer: "no way!" is returned...tricky!
Q.7. What is x?
x = 1
3.times do
x += 1
puts x
Answer: x == 4
Q.8. What is x?
3.times do
x += 1
puts x
Answer: Returns an error as x had not been initialized.