Explicit Programming Strategies Study - Study Replication Guide
- The guidelines on how to run the study is described
Study required materials
- Please find all the materials required for replicating the Explicit Programming Strategies here:
Programming Strategies Pre evaluation tests is
- used to filter out the veryinexperienced users, participants should have pass a pre evaluation test in whichthey answer a couple of questions
Programming Strategies Control Condition Study Material
- is used to runt the controlled condition
- user studies. This version differ from the experimental version in the materials about the StrategyTracker tool.
Programming Strategies Experimental Condition Study Material
- is used for experimental user studies who used the implemented stool, STrategyTracker and
- explicit programming strategies.
Programming Strategies Survey google form is used to collect participants'
- experience in designing and debugging skill. The survey answers are used to further make arecord of the participants’ expertise in each task.
online puzzle game of tower of Hanoi is used in experimental condition studies for a
- start up practice. Participants will use this page and the "Towr of Hanoi" strategy as a warm up practice using an explicit strategy in Strategy Tracker tool.
Programming Strategies
- All the directories of Debugging Task, Design Task, Hello World, JasmineTask, and Lib are available at