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Testable Ansible Provisioning for Continuous Integration


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Testable Ansible Provisioning for Continuous Integration

CI SaaS Status
CircleCI CircleCI Build Status
GitlabCI Gitlab-CI Pipeline Status
TravisCI Travis-CI Build Status


Sharing a common Ansible Provisioning with Test Kitchen container for a remote Linux/OsX team and keep most of test & CI code in repository:

  • Ansible based provisioning
  • Password-Store for credentials management
  • Testable provisioning with Test-Kitchen
  • Bundler friendly (mounted .bundle with proper rights)
  • custom Ruby version via .ruby-version file
  • Debian based container
  • dind (Docker-in-Docker) support for dockerized CI environment
  • LXC native (without Docker) support for non-dockerized CI environment
  • local environment settings (HTTP proxy, processor count, etc.)
  • local rc files if present (~/.bashrc, ~/.gitconfig, ~/.inputrc, ~/.nanorc, ~/.tmux.conf and ~/.vimrc)
  • minimal but useful remote pair programming toolset (curl, git, gnupg, less, make, rsync, ssh, tmate, tmux and vim)
  • speed up CI by rebuilding container on changes only (Dockerfile, new master)
  • user namespaces isolation if present
  • works on OsX (tested on High Sierra with Docker for Mac)

In-line help

  acl             Add nested ACLs rights (need sudo)
  build           Build project container
  bundle          Run bundle for project
  clean           Remove writable directories
  clobber         Do clean, rmi, remove backup (*~) files
  help            Show this help
  info            Show Docker version and user id
  kitchen         Run kitchen tests
  login           Login to Docker registry
  logout          Logout from Docker registry
  lxctest         Test (CI) with LXC (without Docker-in-Docker)
  pull            Run 'docker pull' with image
  push            Run 'docker push' with image
  rebuild-all     Clobber all, build and run test
  rmi             Remove project container
  test-dind       Run 'docker run hello-world' within image
  test            Test (CI)
  usershell       Run user shell

Overridable environment variables

Name default build-arg env-var description
CHRUBY_VERSION 0.3.9 Y N chruby release
CI N Y (if defined) Continuous Integration flag
CIRCLECI N Y (if defined) Circle CI flag
DEB_COMPONENTS see Dockerfile Y (if defined) N Debian sources components
DEB_DIST see Dockerfile Y (if defined) N Debian distribution
DEB_DOCKER_GPGID see Dockerfile Y (if defined) N Debian GPG Key for docker-ce Debian package
DEB_DOCKER_URL see Dockerfile Y (if defined) N Docker Debian package apt source URL
DEB_MIRROR_URL see Dockerfile Y (if defined) N Debian apt mirror URL
DEB_PACKAGES see Dockerfile Y (if defined) N Debian apt mirror URL
DEB_SECURITY_MIRROR_URL see Dockerfile Y (if defined) N Debian apt security mirror URL
DOCKER_BUILD_TAG $(id -u -n)/${PROJECT_NAME} N Y (if defined) Docker build tag (suffixed by .ci when ${CI} is defined
DOCKER_PASSWORD N Y (if defined) Docker registry password (for login/logout)
DOCKER_REGISTRY from docker info N Y (if defined) Docker registry URL (for login/logout)
DOCKER_USERNAME N Y (if defined) Docker registry username (for login/logout)
DOCKER_USERNS_GROUP dock-g N N Docker user namespace remap group (for ACLs)
DOCKER_USER_GID 8888 Y N normal account uid inside container
DOCKER_USER_UID 8888 Y N normal account uid inside container
DOCKER_USER dev Y Y (USER) normal account login inside container
GITLAB_CI N Y (if defined) Gitlab CI flag
HTTP_PROXY Y (if defined) Y (if defined) HTTP proxy cache URL
KITCHEN_PROVIDER docker N Y Test-Kitchen provider (docker or vagrant)
MAKEFLAGS N Y (if defined) GNU make flags
NB_PROC $(nproc) (Linux) or sysctl -n hw.ncpu (OsX) Y Y Processor count
PROJECT_NAME $(basename $(pwd)) N Y (hostname) Container build tag project name part (user_name/project_name:branch) / container hostname
PROJECT_OWNER ${DOCKER_USERNAME} N Y Container build tag user name part (user_name/project_name:branch)
RUBY_INSTALL_VERSION 0.7.0 Y N ruby-install release
TERM ${TERM} N Y Terminal name
TRAVIS N Y (if defined) Travis CI flag
USERNS from docker info N Y (if defined) Docker user namespace isolation flag
VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER lxc N Y Vagrant default provider if KITCHEN_PROVIDER=vagrant
WORKING_DIR /src/${PROJECT_NAME} N Y working directory inside container

Docker registry

You must set DOCKER_USERNAME and DOCKER_PASSWORD environment variables to login in, pull from or push to Docker registry. DOCKER_REGISTRY is set to configured default given by docker info command and can be overridden.

User namespace isolation

It's activated if dockerd provides it, given by docker info command. It can be desactivated by setting USERNS environment variable to anything but yes string.

Please read Isolate containers with a user namespace to set a proper docker group remaping. Default remaping group is dock-g and can be overridden by setting DOCKER_USERNS_GROUP. Example of working configuration for a foo account:

  • /etc/passwd

    # [...]
    foo:x:1000:1000:Foo account:/home/foo:/bin/bash
    # [...]
  • /etc/group

    # [...]
    # [...]
  • /etc/subuid

    # [...]
    # [...]
  • /etc/subgid

    # [...]
    # [...]

Then run dockerd with valid user namespace parameter: --userns-remap=foo.


OsX (for fancy autotests / continuous testing)

brew tap veelenga/tap
brew install ameba crystal fswatch imagemagick terminal-notifier


make dev4osx

Debian/Ubuntu (for fancy autotests / continuous testing)

apt install -y -q inotify-tools libnotify-bin