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gcloud setup quality pipeline

devonfw-core edited this page Dec 27, 2022 · 4 revisions

Setting up a Quality pipeline on Google Cloud

In this section we will create a quality pipeline for analyzing project code with SonarQube. This workflow will be configured to be executed after the test pipeline on any branch, and consumes the artifact produced by the build pipeline.

The creation of this pipeline will follow the project workflow, so a new branch named feature/quality-pipeline will be created and the YAML file for the pipeline will be pushed to it.

Then, the new branch will be merged into the appropriate branch (provided in -b flag).

The script located at /scripts/pipelines/gcloud/ will automatically create this new branch, create a quality pipeline based on a YAML template appropriate for the project programming language or framework, create the Pull Request, and if it is possible, merge this new branch into the specified branch.


  • This script will commit and push the corresponding YAML template into your repository, so please be sure your local repository is up-to-date (i.e you have pulled the latest changes with git pull).

  • Generate a SonarQube token (just follow the section "Generating a token").

Creating the pipeline using provided script

Usage \
  -c <config file path> \
  -n <{pipeline_type} name> \
  -l <language or framework> \
  --sonar-url <sonarqube url> \
  --sonar-token <sonarqube token> \
  -d <project local path> \
  --build-pipeline-name <build {pipeline_type} name> \
  [-b <branch>] \
  [-m <machine type for {pipeline_type} runner>]
  [--env-vars <env vars list>]
  [--secret-vars <secret vars list>]
The config file for the quality pipeline is located at /scripts/pipelines/gcloud/templates/quality/quality-pipeline.cfg.


-c, --config-file            [Required] Configuration file containing {pipeline_type} definition.
-n, --pipeline-name          [Required] Name that will be set to the {pipeline_type}.
-l, --language               [Required] Language or framework of the project.
    --sonar-url              [Required] SonarQube URL.
    --sonar-token            [Required] SonarQube token.
-d, --local-directory        [Required] Local directory of your project.
    --build-pipeline-name    [Required] Build {pipeline_type} name.
-b, --target-branch                     Name of the branch to which the Pull Request will target. PR is not created if the flag is not provided.
-m, --machine-type                      Machine type for {pipeline_type} runner. Accepted values: E2_HIGHCPU_8, E2_HIGHCPU_32, N1_HIGHCPU_8, N1_HIGHCPU_32.
    --env-vars                          List of environment variables to be made available in pipeline. Syntax: "var1=val1 var2=val2 ...".
    --secret-vars                       List of environment variables (saved as secrets in Secret Manager) to be made available in pipeline. Syntax: "var1=val1 var2=val2 ...".


Quarkus project

./ -c ./templates/quality/quality-pipeline.cfg -n quarkus-project-quality -l quarkus --sonar-url --sonar-token 6ce6663b63fc02881c6ea4c7cBa6563b8247a04e -d C:/Users/$USERNAME/Desktop/quarkus-project {extra_args_quarkus} -b develop {openBrowserFlag}

Node.js project

./ -c ./templates/quality/quality-pipeline.cfg -n node-project-quality -l node --sonar-url --sonar-token 6ce6663b63fc02881c6ea4c7cBa6563b8247a04e -d C:/Users/$USERNAME/Desktop/node-project {extra_args_quarkus} -b develop {openBrowserFlag}

Angular project

./ -c ./templates/quality/quality-pipeline.cfg -n angular-project-quality -l angular --sonar-url --sonar-token 6ce6663b63fc02881c6ea4c7cBa6563b8247a04e -d C:/Users/$USERNAME/Desktop/angular-project {extra_args_angular} -b develop {openBrowserFlag}

Python project

./ -c ./templates/quality/quality-pipeline.cfg -n python-project-quality -l python --sonar-url --sonar-token 6ce6663b63fc02881c6ea4c7cBa6563b8247a04e -d C:/Users/$USERNAME/Desktop/python-project {extra_args_python} -b develop {openBrowserFlag}

Flutter project

./ -c ./templates/quality/quality-pipeline.cfg -n flutter-project-quality -l flutter --sonar-url --sonar-token 6ce6663b63fc02881c6ea4c7cBa6563b8247a04e -d C:/Users/$USERNAME/Desktop/flutter-project {extra_args_flutter} -b develop {openBrowserFlag}

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