This file documents all notable changes to devon4ng.
In this release we have introduced some new samples to serve as a reference for integrating some popular 3rd-party component libraries like PrimeNG, NG-ZORRO and more with devon4ng. Also, all samples and templates are updated to the latest Angular 13:
AngularClarityLayout: A sample front-end built with Clarity Design System.
AngularPrimeNGLayout: A front-end reference app for demoing the PrimeNG library.
AngularZorroLayout: A front-end integrated with the NG-ZORRO library.
v13: Updated all samples and templates to Angular 13.
Starting with this release we have changed the versioning schema in devonfw
is the date of the planned milestone release and NNN
is a running number increased with every bug- or security-fix update.