:doctype: book
= End to End POC Code generation using OpenAPI
This article helps to create a sample application using CobiGen.
== Prerequisites
Download and install devonfw IDE https://devonfw.com/website/pages/docs/devonfw-ide-introduction.asciidoc.html#setup.asciidoc[here],
== Steps to create a Sample Project using CobiGen
The `HOW_TO` is divided in 2 parts:
. `BE`-Backend generator (`DB` + `DAO` + services) – CONTRACT FIRST APPROACH
. `FE`-Frontend generator (Web App Angular + Ionic App) – CONTRACT FIRST APPROACH
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image9.png[CobiGen contract-first generation]
So, ready to go! We’re going to start from the `BE` part …
=== Backend
Under your path installation of devonfw, you can find the _eclipse-main.bat_ script and you can run it: +
run _installation_path_\eclipse-main.bat
It will open eclipse
Create a project using a command from the command prompt. +
To made it, it's necessary to open a CMD and open the folder where it's installed devonfw and launch this command under the path `_workspaces/main_`. +
NOTE: To facilitate this step, you can go from your "_File Explorer_" under `*workspaces/main*` folder and with the right button of the mouse, choose "_Open devonfw CMD shell here_"
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image85.png[eclipse devon]
Then launch this command from CMD:
[source, java]
devon java create com.example.domain.myapp
Import the project to eclipse as maven project
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image14.png[eclipse devon]
Click *FINISH*
Now We have the following 4 projects.
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image15.png[eclipse package explorer]
*BEFORE to start to create an Entity class, remember to create the tables, for this POC it's used an H2 Database!*
Create a new *SQL* *file* (i.e: `V0002__CreateTables_myapp.sql`) inside _`myapp-core`_ , under the folder path _`/myapp-core/src/main/resources/db/migration/1.0`_ and insert the following script:
id BIGINT auto_increment, modificationCounter INTEGER NOT NULL,
employeeid BIGINT auto_increment,
name VARCHAR(255),
surname VARCHAR(255),
email VARCHAR(255),
PRIMARY KEY (employeeid)
*_WARNING 1_*: please note that there in that folder is present only one file, 0001, and you have to add the other files in progressive number order (i.e. 0002)! +
*_WARNING 2_*: please note that there are 2 underscore in the name!
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image64.png[SQL file]
Now create another SQL file (`i.e: V0003__PopulateTables-myapp.sql`) and add following script about the INSERT in order to populate the table created before.
The script must be inserted at the same path used before: _`/myapp-core/src/main/resources/db/migration/1.0`_
*_WARNING 1_*: please note that there in that folder is present only one file, 0001, and you have to add the other files in progressive number order (i.e. 0003)! +
*_WARNING 2_*: please note that there are 2 underscore in the name!
INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE (id, modificationCounter, employeeid, name, surname,email) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 'John','Doe','john.doe@example.com');
INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE (id, modificationCounter, employeeid, name, surname,email) VALUES (2, 2, 2, 'Tom','Smith', 'tom.smith@example.com');
INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE (id, modificationCounter, employeeid, name, surname,email) VALUES (3, 3, 3, 'Joe','Schmoe', 'joe.schmoe@example.com');
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image65.png[SQL insert]
*Let's create the yml file for the code generation*
Now create a new file _devonfw.yml_ in the root of your core folder. This will be our OpenAPI contract, like shown below. Then, copy the contents of https://github.com/devonfw/tools-cobigen/blob/master/documentation/files/devonfw_employee.yml[this file] into your OpenAPI. It defines some REST service endpoints and a _`EmployeeEntity`_ with its properties defined.
*Important 1:* Please pay attention to the content of the _devonfw.yml_ file. +
The section _x-rootpackage_ it must be filled with the same package used when you have created the java application. +
So i.e. if you have created the `BE` Java Application with:
[source, java]
devon java create com.example.domain.myapp
You have to populate the _devonfw.yml_ in this way:
[source, yml]
x-rootpackage: com.example.domain.myapp
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image76.png[package corresponding]
*Important 2:* if you want to know how to write an OpenAPI contract compatible with CobiGen, please read https://github.com/devonfw/tools-cobigen/wiki/cobigen-openapiplugin#usage[this tutorial].
Use CobiGen to generate code. Right click _devonfw.yml_. CobiGen -> Generate
If it will ask you to download the templates, click on _update_:
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image19.png[CobiGen generate]
It will automatically download the latest version of _CobiGen_Templates_.
*Attention:* If you want to adapt the CobiGen_Templates, (normally this is not necessary), you will find at the end of this document (in a separate chapter) a tutorial on how to import them and adapt them!
Click on all the option selected as below:
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image20.png[CobiGen option selection]
Click on finish. Below Screen would be seen. Click on continue
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image21.png[CobiGen finish]
*The entire [.underline]#`BE layer`# structure having `CRUD` operation methods will be auto generated.*
Some classes will be generated on the API part (_`myapp-api`)_, normally it will be interfaces, as shown below:
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image22.png[be layer]
Some other classes will be generated on the core part (_`myapp-core`)_, normally it will be implementations as shown below:
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image23.png[core folder]
The last step is to add the Cross Domain process, because when you are developing JavaScript client and server application separately, you have to deal with cross domain issues.
So, we need to prepare server side to accept request from other domains. We need to cover the following points:
* Accept request from other domains.
* Accept devonfw used headers like `X-CSRF-TOKEN` or `correlationId`.
* Be prepared to receive secured request (cookies).
To do this it's necessary to add two kind of dependencies in the pom.xml of the _`myapp-core`_ folder, at the end of the list of dependencies:
[source, xml]
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image70.png[pom xml]
Next step is to add some properties under your _application.properties_ file, in the `myapp-core` folder in the _resources/config_:
[source, properties]
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image71.png[application properties]
*BEFORE to generate the `FE`*, please start the Tomcat server to check that `BE` Layer has been generated properly.
To start a server you just have to right click on _`SpringBootApp.java`_ -> _run as -> Java Application_
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image24.png[Eclipse run as]
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image69.png[Spring boot run]
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image26.png[Spring boot run]
Last but not least: We make a quick REST services test !
See in the _application.properties_ the TCP Port and the PATH
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image27.png[application properties]
Now compose the Rest service URL:
*service class /*
* refers to server with port no. (i.e: `localhost:8081`)
* is in the _application.properties_ (empty in our case, see above)
* refers to `EmployeemanagementRestService`: (i.e: `/employeemanagement/v1`)
* /employee/\{id} (i.e: for `getEmployee` method)
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image28.png[URL mapping]
URL of `getEmployee` for this example is:
For all employees (`POST`)
[source, URL]
For the specific employee (`GET`)
[source, URL]
Now download https://www.getpostman.com/apps[Postman] to test the rest services.
Once done, you have to create a `POST` Request for the LOGIN and insert in the body the JSON containing the username and password _admin_
*_WARNING_*: please note that the body of the request must be JSON type!
Once done with success (*Status: 200 OK*) - _you can see the status of the response in the top right corner of Postman_ - we can create a NEW GET Request in order to get one employee.
To do this you have to create a new request in Postman, `GET` type, and insert the URL specified before:
[source, URL]
Then click on *"SEND"* button...
Now you have to check that response has got *Status: 200 OK* and to see the below Employee
Now that We have successfully tested the `BE` is time to go to create the `FE` !
=== Frontend
Let’s start now with angular Web and then Ionic app.
==== Angular Web App
To generate angular structure, download or clone *devon4ng-application-template* from
[source, URL]
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image74.png[devon dist folder]
IMPORTANT when you download the zip of the source code of your `FE` application, the name of the app MUST BE *devon4ng-application-template* and you can extract it in your devonfw folder, under `_workspaces/main_`
Once downloaded the `APP`, you can open the application with your favorite IDE (IntelliJ, Visual Studio Code, ...) +
Instead, if you want to open this project with Eclipse, you have to follow these steps: +
. Right click on the left part of Eclipse, and click on "Import":
. Click on "Projects from Folder or Archive"
. Select your folder where you have saved the Angular `FE` Application, under `_workspaces/main_`. Wait that all the dependencies are charged and then click on "Finish"
. At the end, you will have a structure like this:
Once done, right click on the *_devonfw.yml_* (present in the _`myapp-core`_ module) in order to use CobiGen.
Click on the selected options as seen in the screenshot:
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image37.png[eclipse generate]
Click on Finish
The entire `ANGULAR` structure has been auto generated. The generated code will be merged to the existing.
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image39.png[angular End to End layer]
IMPORTANT now you have to check in the *_app-routing.module.ts_* file, if the content corresponding to the code below:
[source, ts]
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';
import { AuthGuard } from './core/security/auth-guard.service';
import { NavBarComponent } from './layout/nav-bar/nav-bar.component';
const routes: Routes = [{
path: '',
redirectTo: '/login',
pathMatch: 'full'
path: 'login',
loadChildren: () =>
import('./auth/auth.module').then(m => m.AuthDataModule)
path: 'home',
component: NavBarComponent,
canActivateChild: [
children: [{
path: 'initial',
loadChildren: () =>
m => m.InitialPageModule,
path: 'employee',
loadChildren: () =>
m => m.EmployeeModule,
path: '**',
redirectTo: '/login'
imports: [
exports: [
export class AppRoutingModule {
After that, if you want to make visible the Employee Grid in you `FE` application, you have to modify the `nav-bar.component.html`, to add the Employee grid in the section:
[source, HTML]
Open the command prompt and execute _devon npm install_ from your application folder (`_workspaces/main/devon4ng-application-template_`), which would download all the required libraries.
Check the file *environment.ts* if the server path is correct. (for production you will have to change also the environment.prod.ts file)
In order to do that, it’s important to look at the application.properties to see the values as PATH, TCP port etc...
For example in this case the URL should be since the context path is empty the server `URLS` should be like:
[source, ts]
export const environment = {
production: false,
restPathRoot: 'http://localhost:8081/',
restServiceRoot: 'http://localhost:8081/services/rest/',
security: 'csrf'
*Warning*: REMEMBER to set security filed to *CSRF* , if it is not configured already.
Now run the `*devon ng serve -o*` command to run the Angular Application, from your application folder (`_workspaces/main/devon4ng-application-template_`), as done before.
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image75.png[`ng serve` command]
If the command execution is *successful*, the below screen will *appear* and it would be automatically redirected to the URL:
[source, URL]
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image77.png[angular web app]
You can login in the Web Application, with *_admin_* user and password. +
Obviously, the `BackEnd` part must be up & running during this test!
==== Ionic Mobile App
To generate Ionic structure, download or clone _*devon4ng-application-template*_ from
[source, URL]
IMPORTANT when you download the zip of the source code of your `FE` application, the name of the app MUST BE *devon4ng-ionic-application-template* and you can extract it in your devonfw folder, under `_workspaces/main_`
Once downloaded the `APP`, you can open the application with your favorite IDE (IntelliJ, Visual Studio Code, ...) +
Instead, if you want to open this project with Eclipse, you have to follow these steps: +
. Right click on the left part of Eclipse, and click on "Import":
. Click on "Projects from Folder or Archive"
. Select your folder where you have saved the Angular `FE` Application, under `_workspaces/main_`. Wait that all the dependencies are charged and then click on "Finish"
. At the end, you will have a structure like this:
Once done, Right click on the *_devonfw.yml_* as you already did before in order to use CobiGen.
Click on the selected options as seen in the screenshot:
image:images/howtos/e2e_gen/image46.png[CobiGen ionic]
Click on Finish +
The entire ionic structure will be auto generated.
Change (if necessary) the server URL (with correct serve URL) in _environment.ts_, _environment.prod.ts_ and _environment.android.ts_ files (i.e: `itapoc\devon4ng-ionic-application-template\src\environments\`).
The `_angular.json_` file inside the project has already a build configuration for android.
The only *TWO* thing that you have to modify, in this IONIC app is in `_employee-list.page.html_` and _business-operator.service.ts_.y +
*1:* +
You have to change this line:
with this line:
*2:* +
You have to change this line:
return this.restPath + '/security/v1/csrftoken';
with this line:
return this.restPath + 'csrf/v1/token/';
Once checked if all the files are correct, open a CMD devon CLI on the folder of the ionic template application (`_workspaces/main/devon4ng-ionic-application-template_`), under your `devonFW` workspace. +
In this folder: +
Run the command _*devon npm install*_ in the root folder to download the dependencies. +
Once finished, run the command _*devon ionic serve*_
Once the execution is successful, you can make the LOGIN with *admin/admin* and...
*IONIC Mobile App DONE*
So: *Well Done!!!*
`*Starting from an Entity class you’ve successfully generated the Backend layer (REST, SOAP, `DTO`, Spring services, `Hibernate DAO`), the Angular Web App and the Ionic mobile App!*`
===== Build `APK`
Since We are going to create `apk` remember the following preconditions:
* https://gradle.org/install/[Gradle]
* https://developer.android.com/studio[Android Studio]
* https://developer.android.com/studio/#command-tools[Android SDK]
* https://capacitor.ionicframework.com/docs/getting-started/[Capacitor]
Now, open CMD and type the path where your _devon4ng-ionic-application-template_ project is present. +
Run the following commands:
. npx cap init
. ionic build --configuration=android
. npx cap add android
. npx cap copy
. npx cap open android
Build the `APK` using Android studio.
You can find your apk file in: