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128 lines (95 loc) · 3.5 KB

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Write server-side Firebase applications in Dart using Node.js as a runtime.


  1. Add this package as a dependency to your pubspec.yaml:
  firebase_admin_interop: ^1.0.0-dev

Run pub get.

  1. Create package.json file to install Node.js modules used by this library:
  "dependencies": {
    "firebase-admin": "5.11.0",
    "@google-cloud/firestore": "0.13.1"

Run npm install.


Below is a simple example of using Realtime Database client:

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:firebase_admin_interop/firebase_admin_interop.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
  final serviceAccountKeyFilename = '/absolute/path/to/service-account.json';
  final admin = FirebaseAdmin.instance;
  final cert = admin.certFromPath(serviceAccountKeyFilename);
  final app = admin.initializeApp(new AppOptions(
    credential: cert,
    databaseURL: "YOUR_DB_URL",
  final ref = app.database().ref('/test-path');
  // Write value to the database at "/test-path" location.
  await ref.setValue("Hello world");
  // Read value from the same database location.
  var snapshot = await ref.once("value");
  print(snapshot.val()); // prints "Hello world".

Note that it is only possible to use JSON-compatible values when reading and writing data to the Realtime Database. This includes all primitive types (int, double, bool), string values (String) as well as any List or Map instance.

For Firestore there are a few more supported data types, like DateTime and GeoPoint.


This library depends on node_interop package which provides Node.js bindings and build_node_compilers package which allows compiling Dart applications as Node.js modules.

To enable builders provided by build_node_compilers first add following dev dependencies to your pubspec.yaml:

  build_runner: ^0.7.9
  build_node_compilers: ^0.1.0

Next, create build.yaml file with following contents:

      - "lib/**"
      - "node/**" # Assuming your main Dart file is in node/ folder (recommended).
      - "test/**" # Needed if you want compile and run tests with DDC

You can now build your project using build_runner:

# By default compiles with DDC
pub run build_runner build --output=build

# To compile with dart2js:
pub run build_runner build \
  --define="build_node_compilers|entrypoint=compiler=dart2js" \
  --define="build_node_compilers|entrypoint=dart2js_args=[\"--checked\"]" \ # optional, enables checked mode


This is a early development version and breaking changes are likely to occur.

Make sure to checkout after every release, all notable changes and upgrade instructions will be described there.

Current implementation coverage report:

  • admin
  • admin.auth
  • admin.credential
  • admin.database
  • admin.firestore
  • admin.messaging

Features and bugs

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.