You colud automaticaly get bindkey from Xiaomi Cloud by configuring
property in MIOT platform.
You could also configure this device via Qingping platform.
Sample configuration:
- source: github://dentra/esphome-components
- platform: miot_cgpr1
# String (Required), device MAC-address.
mac_address: "device-mac-address"
# String, (Optional), device bind key. Will use "xiaomi_account" from "miot" if absent to automaticaly get the bindkey.
bindkey: "device-bind-key"
# String, (Optional), the name of binary sensor.
name: "$name Motion"
# Boolean, (Optional), detect no motion as soon as possible (Usually when idle_time = 0). Default is false.
detect_no_motion_asap: false
# Sensor (Optional), Illuminance, lux.
name: "$name Illuminance"
# Sensor (Optional), Time in seconds of inactivity.
# Additionally fires 1-3 times when no motion detected or detected for a long time. It will report 0 imedeatly
# after no motion detected, 60 when mo motion is 1 min ago and 300 when mo motion is 5 min ago.
name: "$name Idle Time"
# BinarySensor (Optional), Light intensivity: on - strong light, off - weak light.
name: "$name Light"
# Sensor (Optional), Battey Level, %.
name: "$name Battery Level"
# Sensor (Optional), Battey Voltage, V.
name: "$name Battery Voltage"
Now signal strength of a BLE device (RSSI) is not a part of this component, but you could easily add it:
- platform: ble_rssi
mac_address: "device-mac-address"
name: "$name RSSI"
thanks to @xrays72