All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file, in reverse chronological order by release.
- Nothing.
- The laminas-mail dependency has been replaced with symfony-mailer. The emailTransport configuration setting now requires a DSN instead of an array. See the Symfony Mailer documentation for help converting your email settings if you are using a non-default configuration.
- Various other minor dependency updates have been applied.
- Dependency on deprecated laminas-mail package.
- Nothing.
- Added a check to verify existing password before changing to new one.
- \GeebyDeeby\Crypt\PasswordHasher class to replace laminas-crypt library.
- Nothing.
- Dependency on deprecated laminas-crypt library.
- Nothing.
- Email validation during account signup.
- Updated dependencies.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Ability to include additional details in search results.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Raised minimum PHP required version to 8.1.
- Updated dependencies.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Bootstrap was upgraded to release 3.4.1.
- jQuery was upgraded to release 3.7.0.
- HTML5Shiv library (no longer needed).
- Improved PHP 8 compatibility in templates.
- Improved navigation for tag editing.
- Visible links to external identifiers for authors, publishers and subjects/tags.
- Raised minimum PHP version to 7.4.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Unspecified creator list on "check" page.
- Updated dependencies (Laminas, etc.).
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- \GeebyDeeby\Db\Table\PeopleURIs::getPeopleWithURIs() utility method.
- Last login tracking to assist with eventual removal of stale accounts.
- New tag_label route to redirect from a label to a tag ID.
- Spam account prevention through new "Join Reason" field.
- Raised minimum PHP version to 7.3.
- Nothing.
- Fixed bug #31: deal with session timeout more gracefully.
- Fixed bug #90: Translation links do not display if the target item is not part of a series.
- Fixed bug #93: alt titles from wrong items/series can be assigned to editions.
- Fixed bug accidentally introduced by #75: could not save new edition attributes
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Nothing.
- Typos in title of "recent people" and "recent series" pages.
- The check/fulltext command line tool now has an --updateRedirects option which can be used to automatically update the database for URLs that respond with a redirect status.
- Email is now more configurable than before (SMTP support, etc.).
- "Recently added" screens have been added for items, people, and series.
- Users with edit privileges can now toggle to edit mode using convenient links.
- User menus in the front end are now duplicated at the top and bottom of the display for convenience.
- Clicking on a publisher name in the publisher tab of the series editor now links to the publisher instead of popping up the advanced options dialog.
- Email is now sent using the laminas-mail library.
- If an item has both numbered and unnumbered entries in the same series, the unnumbered versions will not be displayed in the series summary list.
- Nothing.
- The "items with reviews" display has been improved to fix some bugs.
- Links to parent items in the "known editions" list now link to the correct place.
- Command line interface for running tools (accessible through cli.php)
- Command line utility for checking status of full text links.
- Migrated dependencies from Zend Framework to Laminas.
- Minimum PHP version is now 7.1.3.
- Renamed GeebyDeeby\Db\PluginManagerFactory to GeebyDeeby\ServiceManager\AbstractPluginManagerFactory for greater reusability.
- Nothing.
- Incorrect display of editions with no series set.
Initial stable release.