From a78c6593df02089cc22df179ddbb7b3b9cdb38e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yaroslavborbat <>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2024 10:30:46 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] add

Signed-off-by: yaroslavborbat <>
 Taskfile.yaml                                 |   33 +
 crds/embedded/virtualmachineinstances.yaml    |    2 +
 crds/embedded/virtualmachines.yaml            |   31 +
 .../patches/028-hotplug-container-disk.patch  | 1831 +++++++++++++++++
 images/virt-controller/debug/dlv.Dockerfile   |   31 +
 5 files changed, 1928 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 images/virt-artifact/patches/028-hotplug-container-disk.patch
 create mode 100644 images/virt-controller/debug/dlv.Dockerfile

diff --git a/Taskfile.yaml b/Taskfile.yaml
index 8af220c0a2..63c0d44d5c 100644
--- a/Taskfile.yaml
+++ b/Taskfile.yaml
@@ -180,3 +180,36 @@ tasks:
       kubectl -n d8-virtualization port-forward pod/<virt-handler-pod> 2345:2345
+  dlv:virt-controller:build:
+    desc: "Build image virt-controller with dlv"
+    cmd: docker build -f ./images/virt-controller/debug/dlv.Dockerfile -t "{{ .DLV_IMAGE }}" .
+  dlv:virt-controller:build-push:
+    desc: "Build and Push image virt-controller with dlv"
+    cmds:
+      - task: dlv:virt-controller:build
+      - docker push "{{ .DLV_IMAGE }}"
+      - task: dlv:virt-controller:print
+  dlv:virt-controller:print:
+    desc: "Print commands for debug"
+    env:
+      IMAGE: "{{ .DLV_IMAGE }}"
+    cmd: |
+      cat <<EOF
+      kubectl -n d8-virtualization patch deploy virt-controller --type='strategic' -p '{
+        "spec": {
+          "template": {
+            "spec": {
+              "containers": [ {
+                "name": "virt-controller",
+                "image": "${IMAGE}",
+                "ports": [ { "containerPort": 2345, "name": "dlv" } ]
+              }]
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }'
+      kubectl -n d8-virtualization port-forward deploy/virt-controller 2345:2345
+      EOF
diff --git a/crds/embedded/virtualmachineinstances.yaml b/crds/embedded/virtualmachineinstances.yaml
index c6624ebef9..196797aa2f 100644
--- a/crds/embedded/virtualmachineinstances.yaml
+++ b/crds/embedded/virtualmachineinstances.yaml
@@ -3076,6 +3076,8 @@ spec:
                           description: Path defines the path to disk file in the container
                           type: string
+                        hotpluggable:
+                          type: boolean
                       - image
                       type: object
diff --git a/crds/embedded/virtualmachines.yaml b/crds/embedded/virtualmachines.yaml
index d4774864c0..b99399f642 100644
--- a/crds/embedded/virtualmachines.yaml
+++ b/crds/embedded/virtualmachines.yaml
@@ -3868,6 +3868,8 @@ spec:
                                   description: Path defines the path to disk file
                                     in the container
                                   type: string
+                                hotpluggable:
+                                  type: boolean
                               - image
                               type: object
@@ -4491,6 +4493,35 @@ spec:
                           description: VolumeSource represents the source of the volume
                             to map to the disk.
+                            containerDisk:
+                              type: object
+                              description: |-
+                                ContainerDisk references a docker image, embedding a qcow or raw disk.
+                                More info:
+                              properties:
+                                image:
+                                  description: Image is the name of the image with
+                                    the embedded disk.
+                                  type: string
+                                imagePullPolicy:
+                                  description: |-
+                                    Image pull policy.
+                                    One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent.
+                                    Defaults to Always if :latest tag is specified, or IfNotPresent otherwise.
+                                    Cannot be updated.
+                                    More info:
+                                  type: string
+                                imagePullSecret:
+                                  description: ImagePullSecret is the name of the
+                                    Docker registry secret required to pull the image.
+                                    The secret must already exist.
+                                  type: string
+                                path:
+                                  description: Path defines the path to disk file
+                                    in the container
+                                  type: string
+                                hotpluggable:
+                                  type: boolean
                               description: |-
                                 DataVolume represents the dynamic creation a PVC for this volume as well as
diff --git a/images/virt-artifact/patches/028-hotplug-container-disk.patch b/images/virt-artifact/patches/028-hotplug-container-disk.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d27217744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/virt-artifact/patches/028-hotplug-container-disk.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1831 @@
+diff --git a/api/openapi-spec/swagger.json b/api/openapi-spec/swagger.json
+index c4822a0448..d6bb534249 100644
+--- a/api/openapi-spec/swagger.json
++++ b/api/openapi-spec/swagger.json
+@@ -12951,6 +12951,9 @@
+      "image"
+     ],
+     "properties": {
++     "hotpluggable": {
++      "type": "boolean"
++     },
+      "image": {
+       "description": "Image is the name of the image with the embedded disk.",
+       "type": "string",
+@@ -13973,6 +13976,9 @@
+     "description": "HotplugVolumeSource Represents the source of a volume to mount which are capable of being hotplugged on a live running VMI. Only one of its members may be specified.",
+     "type": "object",
+     "properties": {
++     "containerDisk": {
++      "$ref": "#/definitions/v1.ContainerDiskSource"
++     },
+      "dataVolume": {
+       "description": "DataVolume represents the dynamic creation a PVC for this volume as well as the process of populating that PVC with a disk image.",
+       "$ref": "#/definitions/v1.DataVolumeSource"
+diff --git a/cmd/hp-container-disk/main.go b/cmd/hp-container-disk/main.go
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..e4f734a516
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/cmd/hp-container-disk/main.go
+@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
++package main
++import klog ""
++func main() {
++	klog.InitializeLogging("virt-hp-container-disk")
++type Config struct {
++	DstDir string  `json:"dstDir"`
++	Images []Image `json:"images"`
++type Image struct {
++	Name string `json:"name"`
+diff --git a/cmd/virt-chroot/main.go b/cmd/virt-chroot/main.go
+index e28daa07c7..7a69b7451b 100644
+--- a/cmd/virt-chroot/main.go
++++ b/cmd/virt-chroot/main.go
+@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ var (
+ 	cpuTime      uint64
+ 	memoryBytes  uint64
+ 	targetUser   string
++	targetUserID int
+ )
+ func init() {
+@@ -51,7 +52,12 @@ func main() {
+ 			// Looking up users needs resources, let's do it before we set rlimits.
+ 			var u *user.User
+-			if targetUser != "" {
++			if targetUserID >= 0 {
++				_, _, errno := syscall.Syscall(syscall.SYS_SETUID, uintptr(targetUserID), 0, 0)
++				if errno != 0 {
++					return fmt.Errorf("failed to switch to user: %d. errno: %d", targetUserID, errno)
++				}
++			} else if targetUser != "" {
+ 				var err error
+ 				u, err = user.Lookup(targetUser)
+ 				if err != nil {
+@@ -116,6 +122,7 @@ func main() {
+ 	rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Uint64Var(&memoryBytes, "memory", 0, "memory in bytes for the process")
+ 	rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&mntNamespace, "mount", "", "mount namespace to use")
+ 	rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&targetUser, "user", "", "switch to this targetUser to e.g. drop privileges")
++	rootCmd.PersistentFlags().IntVar(&targetUserID, "userid", -1, "switch to this targetUser to e.g. drop privileges")
+ 	execCmd := &cobra.Command{
+ 		Use:   "exec",
+@@ -136,16 +143,39 @@ func main() {
+ 		Args:  cobra.MinimumNArgs(2),
+ 		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
+ 			var mntOpts uint = 0
++			var dataOpts []string
+ 			fsType := cmd.Flag("type").Value.String()
+ 			mntOptions := cmd.Flag("options").Value.String()
++			var (
++				uid = -1
++				gid = -1
++			)
+ 			for _, opt := range strings.Split(mntOptions, ",") {
+ 				opt = strings.TrimSpace(opt)
+-				switch opt {
+-				case "ro":
++				switch {
++				case opt == "ro":
+ 					mntOpts = mntOpts | syscall.MS_RDONLY
+-				case "bind":
++				case opt == "bind":
+ 					mntOpts = mntOpts | syscall.MS_BIND
++				case opt == "remount":
++					mntOpts = mntOpts | syscall.MS_REMOUNT
++				case strings.HasPrefix(opt, "uid="):
++					uidS := strings.TrimPrefix(opt, "uid=")
++					uidI, err := strconv.Atoi(uidS)
++					if err != nil {
++						return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse uid: %w", err)
++					}
++					uid = uidI
++					dataOpts = append(dataOpts, opt)
++				case strings.HasPrefix(opt, "gid="):
++					gidS := strings.TrimPrefix(opt, "gid=")
++					gidI, err := strconv.Atoi(gidS)
++					if err != nil {
++						return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse gid: %w", err)
++					}
++					gid = gidI
++					dataOpts = append(dataOpts, opt)
+ 				default:
+ 					return fmt.Errorf("mount option %s is not supported", opt)
+ 				}
+@@ -168,8 +198,17 @@ func main() {
+ 				return fmt.Errorf("mount target invalid: %v", err)
+ 			}
+ 			defer targetFile.Close()
+-			return syscall.Mount(sourceFile.SafePath(), targetFile.SafePath(), fsType, uintptr(mntOpts), "")
++			if uid >= 0 && gid >= 0 {
++				err = os.Chown(targetFile.SafePath(), uid, gid)
++				if err != nil {
++					return fmt.Errorf("chown target failed: %w", err)
++				}
++			}
++			var data string
++			if len(dataOpts) > 0 {
++				data = strings.Join(dataOpts, ",")
++			}
++			return syscall.Mount(sourceFile.SafePath(), targetFile.SafePath(), fsType, uintptr(mntOpts), data)
+ 		},
+ 	}
+ 	mntCmd.Flags().StringP("options", "o", "", "comma separated list of mount options")
+diff --git a/manifests/generated/kv-resource.yaml b/manifests/generated/kv-resource.yaml
+index 66d1b01dbf..43e36b7195 100644
+--- a/manifests/generated/kv-resource.yaml
++++ b/manifests/generated/kv-resource.yaml
+@@ -3307,9 +3307,6 @@ spec:
+     - jsonPath: .status.phase
+       name: Phase
+       type: string
+-    deprecated: true
+-    deprecationWarning: is now deprecated and will be removed
+-      in a future release.
+     name: v1alpha3
+     schema:
+       openAPIV3Schema:
+diff --git a/manifests/generated/ b/manifests/generated/
+index 400d118024..05ee099c67 100644
+--- a/manifests/generated/
++++ b/manifests/generated/
+@@ -605,6 +605,13 @@ spec:
+           - '*'
+           verbs:
+           - '*'
++        - apiGroups:
++          -
++          resources:
++          - virtualmachines/addvolume
++          - virtualmachines/removevolume
++          verbs:
++          - update
+         - apiGroups:
+           -
+           resources:
+diff --git a/manifests/generated/ b/manifests/generated/
+index 10dbb92269..1ccc9e9fa7 100644
+--- a/manifests/generated/
++++ b/manifests/generated/
+@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ kind: RoleBinding
+ metadata:
+   labels:
+ ""
+-  name: kubevirt-operator-rolebinding
++  name: kubevirt-operator
+   namespace: {{.Namespace}}
+ roleRef:
+   apiGroup:
+@@ -607,6 +607,13 @@ rules:
+   - '*'
+   verbs:
+   - '*'
++- apiGroups:
++  -
++  resources:
++  - virtualmachines/addvolume
++  - virtualmachines/removevolume
++  verbs:
++  - update
+ - apiGroups:
+   -
+   resources:
+diff --git a/pkg/container-disk/container-disk.go b/pkg/container-disk/container-disk.go
+index 3251d04787..69454ed499 100644
+--- a/pkg/container-disk/container-disk.go
++++ b/pkg/container-disk/container-disk.go
+@@ -47,8 +47,10 @@ var containerDiskOwner = "qemu"
+ var podsBaseDir = util.KubeletPodsDir
+ var mountBaseDir = filepath.Join(util.VirtShareDir, "/container-disks")
++var hotplugBaseDir = filepath.Join(util.VirtShareDir, "/hotplug-disks")
+ type SocketPathGetter func(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance, volumeIndex int) (string, error)
++type HotplugSocketPathGetter func(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance, volumeName string) (string, error)
+ type KernelBootSocketPathGetter func(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance) (string, error)
+ const KernelBootName = "kernel-boot"
+@@ -107,6 +109,10 @@ func GetDiskTargetPathFromLauncherView(volumeIndex int) string {
+ 	return filepath.Join(mountBaseDir, GetDiskTargetName(volumeIndex))
+ }
++func GetHotplugContainerDiskTargetPathFromLauncherView(volumeName string) string {
++	return filepath.Join(hotplugBaseDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s.img", volumeName))
+ func GetKernelBootArtifactPathFromLauncherView(artifact string) string {
+ 	artifactBase := filepath.Base(artifact)
+ 	return filepath.Join(mountBaseDir, KernelBootName, artifactBase)
+@@ -170,6 +176,23 @@ func NewSocketPathGetter(baseDir string) SocketPathGetter {
+ 	}
+ }
++func NewHotplugSocketPathGetter(baseDir string) HotplugSocketPathGetter {
++	return func(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance, volumeName string) (string, error) {
++		for _, v := range vmi.Status.VolumeStatus {
++			if v.Name == volumeName && v.HotplugVolume != nil && v.ContainerDiskVolume != nil {
++				basePath := getHotplugContainerDiskSocketBasePath(baseDir, string(v.HotplugVolume.AttachPodUID))
++				socketPath := filepath.Join(basePath, fmt.Sprintf("hotplug-container-disk-%s.sock", volumeName))
++				exists, _ := diskutils.FileExists(socketPath)
++				if exists {
++					return socketPath, nil
++				}
++			}
++		}
++		return "", fmt.Errorf("container disk socket path not found for vmi \"%s\"", vmi.Name)
++	}
+ // NewKernelBootSocketPathGetter get the socket pat of the kernel-boot containerDisk. For testing a baseDir
+ // can be provided which can for instance point to /tmp.
+ func NewKernelBootSocketPathGetter(baseDir string) KernelBootSocketPathGetter {
+@@ -398,6 +421,10 @@ func getContainerDiskSocketBasePath(baseDir, podUID string) string {
+ 	return fmt.Sprintf("%s/pods/%s/volumes/", baseDir, podUID)
+ }
++func getHotplugContainerDiskSocketBasePath(baseDir, podUID string) string {
++	return fmt.Sprintf("%s/pods/%s/volumes/", baseDir, podUID)
+ // ExtractImageIDsFromSourcePod takes the VMI and its source pod to determine the exact image used by containerdisks and boot container images,
+ // which is recorded in the status section of a started pod; if the status section does not contain this info the tag is used.
+ // It returns a map where the key is the vlume name and the value is the imageID
+diff --git a/pkg/controller/controller.go b/pkg/controller/controller.go
+index 490cc445ef..4b7dbc12fe 100644
+--- a/pkg/controller/controller.go
++++ b/pkg/controller/controller.go
+@@ -278,6 +278,10 @@ func ApplyVolumeRequestOnVMISpec(vmiSpec *v1.VirtualMachineInstanceSpec, request
+ 				dvSource := request.AddVolumeOptions.VolumeSource.DataVolume.DeepCopy()
+ 				dvSource.Hotpluggable = true
+ 				newVolume.VolumeSource.DataVolume = dvSource
++			} else if request.AddVolumeOptions.VolumeSource.ContainerDisk != nil {
++				containerDiskSource := request.AddVolumeOptions.VolumeSource.ContainerDisk.DeepCopy()
++				containerDiskSource.Hotpluggable = true
++				newVolume.VolumeSource.ContainerDisk = containerDiskSource
+ 			}
+ 			vmiSpec.Volumes = append(vmiSpec.Volumes, newVolume)
+@@ -444,6 +448,9 @@ func VMIHasHotplugVolumes(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance) bool {
+ 		if volume.PersistentVolumeClaim != nil && volume.PersistentVolumeClaim.Hotpluggable {
+ 			return true
+ 		}
++		if volume.ContainerDisk != nil && volume.ContainerDisk.Hotpluggable {
++			return true
++		}
+ 	}
+ 	return false
+ }
+@@ -557,7 +564,7 @@ func GetHotplugVolumes(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance, virtlauncherPod *k8sv1.Po
+ 		podVolumeMap[podVolume.Name] = podVolume
+ 	}
+ 	for _, vmiVolume := range vmiVolumes {
+-		if _, ok := podVolumeMap[vmiVolume.Name]; !ok && (vmiVolume.DataVolume != nil || vmiVolume.PersistentVolumeClaim != nil || vmiVolume.MemoryDump != nil) {
++		if _, ok := podVolumeMap[vmiVolume.Name]; !ok && (vmiVolume.DataVolume != nil || vmiVolume.PersistentVolumeClaim != nil || vmiVolume.MemoryDump != nil || vmiVolume.ContainerDisk != nil) {
+ 			hotplugVolumes = append(hotplugVolumes, vmiVolume.DeepCopy())
+ 		}
+ 	}
+diff --git a/pkg/virt-api/rest/subresource.go b/pkg/virt-api/rest/subresource.go
+index b5d62f5af5..bf561f00ae 100644
+--- a/pkg/virt-api/rest/subresource.go
++++ b/pkg/virt-api/rest/subresource.go
+@@ -1023,7 +1023,8 @@ func volumeSourceName(volumeSource *v1.HotplugVolumeSource) string {
+ func volumeSourceExists(volume v1.Volume, volumeName string) bool {
+ 	return (volume.DataVolume != nil && volume.DataVolume.Name == volumeName) ||
+-		(volume.PersistentVolumeClaim != nil && volume.PersistentVolumeClaim.ClaimName == volumeName)
++		(volume.PersistentVolumeClaim != nil && volume.PersistentVolumeClaim.ClaimName == volumeName) ||
++		(volume.ContainerDisk != nil && volume.ContainerDisk.Image != "")
+ }
+ func volumeExists(volume v1.Volume, volumeName string) bool {
+@@ -1125,6 +1126,8 @@ func (app *SubresourceAPIApp) addVolumeRequestHandler(request *restful.Request,
+ 		opts.VolumeSource.DataVolume.Hotpluggable = true
+ 	} else if opts.VolumeSource.PersistentVolumeClaim != nil {
+ 		opts.VolumeSource.PersistentVolumeClaim.Hotpluggable = true
++	} else if opts.VolumeSource.ContainerDisk != nil {
++		opts.VolumeSource.ContainerDisk.Hotpluggable = true
+ 	}
+ 	// inject into VMI if ephemeral, else set as a request on the VM to both make permanent and hotplug.
+diff --git a/pkg/virt-api/webhooks/validating-webhook/admitters/vmi-update-admitter.go b/pkg/virt-api/webhooks/validating-webhook/admitters/vmi-update-admitter.go
+index 0af25f8074..803c0ed4cd 100644
+--- a/pkg/virt-api/webhooks/validating-webhook/admitters/vmi-update-admitter.go
++++ b/pkg/virt-api/webhooks/validating-webhook/admitters/vmi-update-admitter.go
+@@ -200,11 +200,11 @@ func verifyHotplugVolumes(newHotplugVolumeMap, oldHotplugVolumeMap map[string]v1
+ 			}
+ 		} else {
+ 			// This is a new volume, ensure that the volume is either DV, PVC or memoryDumpVolume
+-			if v.DataVolume == nil && v.PersistentVolumeClaim == nil && v.MemoryDump == nil {
++			if v.DataVolume == nil && v.PersistentVolumeClaim == nil && v.MemoryDump == nil && v.ContainerDisk == nil {
+ 				return webhookutils.ToAdmissionResponse([]metav1.StatusCause{
+ 					{
+ 						Type:    metav1.CauseTypeFieldValueInvalid,
+-						Message: fmt.Sprintf("volume %s is not a PVC or DataVolume", k),
++						Message: fmt.Sprintf("volume %s is not a PVC,DataVolume,MemoryDumpVolume or ContainerDisk", k),
+ 					},
+ 				})
+ 			}
+diff --git a/pkg/virt-controller/services/template.go b/pkg/virt-controller/services/template.go
+index 76ed7307ec..f607c24786 100644
+--- a/pkg/virt-controller/services/template.go
++++ b/pkg/virt-controller/services/template.go
+@@ -64,13 +64,15 @@ import (
+ )
+ const (
+-	containerDisks   = "container-disks"
+-	hotplugDisks     = "hotplug-disks"
+-	hookSidecarSocks = "hook-sidecar-sockets"
+-	varRun           = "/var/run"
+-	virtBinDir       = "virt-bin-share-dir"
+-	hotplugDisk      = "hotplug-disk"
+-	virtExporter     = "virt-exporter"
++	containerDisks        = "container-disks"
++	hotplugDisks          = "hotplug-disks"
++	hookSidecarSocks      = "hook-sidecar-sockets"
++	varRun                = "/var/run"
++	virtBinDir            = "virt-bin-share-dir"
++	hotplugDisk           = "hotplug-disk"
++	virtExporter          = "virt-exporter"
++	hotplugContainerDisks = "hotplug-container-disks"
++	HotplugContainerDisk  = "hotplug-container-disk-"
+ )
+ const KvmDevice = ""
+@@ -846,6 +848,49 @@ func sidecarContainerName(i int) string {
+ 	return fmt.Sprintf("hook-sidecar-%d", i)
+ }
++func sidecarContainerHotplugContainerdDiskName(name string) string {
++	return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", HotplugContainerDisk, name)
++func (t *templateService) containerForHotplugContainerDisk(name string, cd *v1.ContainerDiskSource, vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance) k8sv1.Container {
++	runUser := int64(util.NonRootUID)
++	sharedMount := k8sv1.MountPropagationHostToContainer
++	path := fmt.Sprintf("/path/%s", name)
++	command := []string{"/init/usr/bin/container-disk"}
++	args := []string{"--copy-path", path}
++	return k8sv1.Container{
++		Name:      name,
++		Image:     cd.Image,
++		Command:   command,
++		Args:      args,
++		Resources: hotplugContainerResourceRequirementsForVMI(vmi, t.clusterConfig),
++		SecurityContext: &k8sv1.SecurityContext{
++			AllowPrivilegeEscalation: pointer.Bool(false),
++			RunAsNonRoot:             pointer.Bool(true),
++			RunAsUser:                &runUser,
++			SeccompProfile: &k8sv1.SeccompProfile{
++				Type: k8sv1.SeccompProfileTypeRuntimeDefault,
++			},
++			Capabilities: &k8sv1.Capabilities{
++				Drop: []k8sv1.Capability{"ALL"},
++			},
++			SELinuxOptions: &k8sv1.SELinuxOptions{
++				Type:  t.clusterConfig.GetSELinuxLauncherType(),
++				Level: "s0",
++			},
++		},
++		VolumeMounts: []k8sv1.VolumeMount{
++			initContainerVolumeMount(),
++			{
++				Name:             hotplugContainerDisks,
++				MountPath:        "/path",
++				MountPropagation: &sharedMount,
++			},
++		},
++	}
+ func (t *templateService) RenderHotplugAttachmentPodTemplate(volumes []*v1.Volume, ownerPod *k8sv1.Pod, vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance, claimMap map[string]*k8sv1.PersistentVolumeClaim) (*k8sv1.Pod, error) {
+ 	zero := int64(0)
+ 	runUser := int64(util.NonRootUID)
+@@ -924,6 +969,30 @@ func (t *templateService) RenderHotplugAttachmentPodTemplate(volumes []*v1.Volum
+ 			TerminationGracePeriodSeconds: &zero,
+ 		},
+ 	}
++	first := true
++	for _, vol := range vmi.Spec.Volumes {
++		if vol.ContainerDisk == nil || !vol.ContainerDisk.Hotpluggable {
++			continue
++		}
++		name := sidecarContainerHotplugContainerdDiskName(vol.Name)
++		pod.Spec.Containers = append(pod.Spec.Containers, t.containerForHotplugContainerDisk(name, vol.ContainerDisk, vmi))
++		if first {
++			first = false
++			userId := int64(util.NonRootUID)
++			initContainerCommand := []string{"/usr/bin/cp",
++				"/usr/bin/container-disk",
++				"/init/usr/bin/container-disk",
++			}
++			pod.Spec.InitContainers = append(
++				pod.Spec.InitContainers,
++				t.newInitContainerRenderer(vmi,
++					initContainerVolumeMount(),
++					initContainerResourceRequirementsForVMI(vmi, v1.ContainerDisk, t.clusterConfig),
++					userId).Render(initContainerCommand))
++			pod.Spec.Volumes = append(pod.Spec.Volumes, emptyDirVolume(hotplugContainerDisks))
++			pod.Spec.Volumes = append(pod.Spec.Volumes, emptyDirVolume(virtBinDir))
++		}
++	}
+ 	err := matchSELinuxLevelOfVMI(pod, vmi)
+ 	if err != nil {
+diff --git a/pkg/virt-controller/watch/BUILD.bazel b/pkg/virt-controller/watch/BUILD.bazel
+index 4fd325ba86..82fcaee0a3 100644
+--- a/pkg/virt-controller/watch/BUILD.bazel
++++ b/pkg/virt-controller/watch/BUILD.bazel
+@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ go_library(
+         "//vendor/",
+         "//vendor/",
+         "//vendor/",
++        "//vendor/",
+         "//vendor/",
+         "//vendor/",
+     ],
+diff --git a/pkg/virt-controller/watch/vmi.go b/pkg/virt-controller/watch/vmi.go
+index 0c4bfca389..142f4400a6 100644
+--- a/pkg/virt-controller/watch/vmi.go
++++ b/pkg/virt-controller/watch/vmi.go
+@@ -1816,6 +1816,10 @@ func (c *VMIController) handleHotplugVolumes(hotplugVolumes []*virtv1.Volume, ho
+ 	readyHotplugVolumes := make([]*virtv1.Volume, 0)
+ 	// Find all ready volumes
+ 	for _, volume := range hotplugVolumes {
++		if volume.ContainerDisk != nil {
++			readyHotplugVolumes = append(readyHotplugVolumes, volume)
++			continue
++		}
+ 		var err error
+ 		ready, wffc, err := storagetypes.VolumeReadyToAttachToNode(vmi.Namespace, *volume, dataVolumes, c.dataVolumeIndexer, c.pvcIndexer)
+ 		if err != nil {
+@@ -1864,7 +1868,15 @@ func (c *VMIController) handleHotplugVolumes(hotplugVolumes []*virtv1.Volume, ho
+ func (c *VMIController) podVolumesMatchesReadyVolumes(attachmentPod *k8sv1.Pod, volumes []*virtv1.Volume) bool {
+ 	// -2 for empty dir and token
+-	if len(attachmentPod.Spec.Volumes)-2 != len(volumes) {
++	// -3 if exist container-disk
++	magicNum := len(attachmentPod.Spec.Volumes) - 2
++	for _, volume := range volumes {
++		if volume.ContainerDisk != nil {
++			magicNum -= 1
++			break
++		}
++	}
++	if magicNum != len(volumes) {
+ 		return false
+ 	}
+ 	podVolumeMap := make(map[string]k8sv1.Volume)
+@@ -1873,10 +1885,20 @@ func (c *VMIController) podVolumesMatchesReadyVolumes(attachmentPod *k8sv1.Pod,
+ 			podVolumeMap[volume.Name] = volume
+ 		}
+ 	}
++	containerDisksNames := make(map[string]struct{})
++	for _, ctr := range attachmentPod.Spec.Containers {
++		if strings.HasPrefix(ctr.Name, services.HotplugContainerDisk) {
++			containerDisksNames[strings.TrimPrefix(ctr.Name, services.HotplugContainerDisk)] = struct{}{}
++		}
++	}
+ 	for _, volume := range volumes {
++		if volume.ContainerDisk != nil {
++			delete(containerDisksNames, volume.Name)
++			continue
++		}
+ 		delete(podVolumeMap, volume.Name)
+ 	}
+-	return len(podVolumeMap) == 0
++	return len(podVolumeMap) == 0 && len(containerDisksNames) == 0
+ }
+ func (c *VMIController) createAttachmentPod(vmi *virtv1.VirtualMachineInstance, virtLauncherPod *k8sv1.Pod, volumes []*virtv1.Volume) (*k8sv1.Pod, syncError) {
+@@ -1987,7 +2009,17 @@ func (c *VMIController) createAttachmentPodTemplate(vmi *virtv1.VirtualMachineIn
+ 	var pod *k8sv1.Pod
+ 	var err error
+-	volumeNamesPVCMap, err := storagetypes.VirtVolumesToPVCMap(volumes, c.pvcIndexer, virtlauncherPod.Namespace)
++	var hasContainerDisk bool
++	var newVolumes []*virtv1.Volume
++	for _, volume := range volumes {
++		if volume.VolumeSource.ContainerDisk != nil {
++			hasContainerDisk = true
++			continue
++		}
++		newVolumes = append(newVolumes, volume)
++	}
++	volumeNamesPVCMap, err := storagetypes.VirtVolumesToPVCMap(newVolumes, c.pvcIndexer, virtlauncherPod.Namespace)
+ 	if err != nil {
+ 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get PVC map: %v", err)
+ 	}
+@@ -2009,7 +2041,7 @@ func (c *VMIController) createAttachmentPodTemplate(vmi *virtv1.VirtualMachineIn
+ 		}
+ 	}
+-	if len(volumeNamesPVCMap) > 0 {
++	if len(volumeNamesPVCMap) > 0 || hasContainerDisk {
+ 		pod, err = c.templateService.RenderHotplugAttachmentPodTemplate(volumes, virtlauncherPod, vmi, volumeNamesPVCMap)
+ 	}
+ 	return pod, err
+@@ -2131,23 +2163,39 @@ func (c *VMIController) updateVolumeStatus(vmi *virtv1.VirtualMachineInstance, v
+ 					ClaimName: volume.Name,
+ 				}
+ 			}
++			if volume.ContainerDisk != nil && status.ContainerDiskVolume == nil {
++				status.ContainerDiskVolume = &virtv1.ContainerDiskInfo{}
++			}
+ 			if attachmentPod == nil {
+-				if !c.volumeReady(status.Phase) {
+-					status.HotplugVolume.AttachPodUID = ""
+-					// Volume is not hotplugged in VM and Pod is gone, or hasn't been created yet, check for the PVC associated with the volume to set phase and message
+-					phase, reason, message := c.getVolumePhaseMessageReason(&vmi.Spec.Volumes[i], vmi.Namespace)
+-					status.Phase = phase
+-					status.Message = message
+-					status.Reason = reason
++				if volume.ContainerDisk != nil {
++					if !c.volumeReady(status.Phase) {
++						status.HotplugVolume.AttachPodUID = ""
++						// Volume is not hotplugged in VM and Pod is gone, or hasn't been created yet, check for the PVC associated with the volume to set phase and message
++						phase, reason, message := c.getVolumePhaseMessageReason(&vmi.Spec.Volumes[i], vmi.Namespace)
++						status.Phase = phase
++						status.Message = message
++						status.Reason = reason
++					}
+ 				}
+ 			} else {
+ 				status.HotplugVolume.AttachPodName = attachmentPod.Name
+-				if len(attachmentPod.Status.ContainerStatuses) == 1 && attachmentPod.Status.ContainerStatuses[0].Ready {
++				if volume.ContainerDisk != nil {
++					uid := types.UID("")
++					for _, cs := range attachmentPod.Status.ContainerStatuses {
++						name := strings.TrimPrefix(cs.Name, "hotplug-container-disk-")
++						if volume.Name == name && cs.Ready {
++							uid = attachmentPod.UID
++							break
++						}
++					}
++					status.HotplugVolume.AttachPodUID = uid
++				} else if len(attachmentPod.Status.ContainerStatuses) == 1 && attachmentPod.Status.ContainerStatuses[0].Ready {
+ 					status.HotplugVolume.AttachPodUID = attachmentPod.UID
+ 				} else {
+ 					// Remove UID of old pod if a new one is available, but not yet ready
+ 					status.HotplugVolume.AttachPodUID = ""
+ 				}
+ 				if c.canMoveToAttachedPhase(status.Phase) {
+ 					status.Phase = virtv1.HotplugVolumeAttachedToNode
+ 					status.Message = fmt.Sprintf("Created hotplug attachment pod %s, for volume %s", attachmentPod.Name, volume.Name)
+@@ -2156,7 +2204,6 @@ func (c *VMIController) updateVolumeStatus(vmi *virtv1.VirtualMachineInstance, v
+ 				}
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 		if volume.VolumeSource.PersistentVolumeClaim != nil || volume.VolumeSource.DataVolume != nil || volume.VolumeSource.MemoryDump != nil {
+ 			pvcName := storagetypes.PVCNameFromVirtVolume(&volume)
+diff --git a/pkg/virt-handler/container-disk/hotplug.go b/pkg/virt-handler/container-disk/hotplug.go
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000..2785919ef0
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/pkg/virt-handler/container-disk/hotplug.go
+@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
++package container_disk
++import (
++	"encoding/json"
++	"errors"
++	"fmt"
++	"os"
++	"path/filepath"
++	"strings"
++	"sync"
++	"time"
++	hotplugdisk ""
++	""
++	""
++	virtconfig ""
++	virt_chroot ""
++	""
++	containerdisk ""
++	diskutils ""
++	""
++	""
++	""
++	v1 ""
++type HotplugMounter interface {
++	ContainerDisksReady(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance, notInitializedSince time.Time) (bool, error)
++	MountAndVerify(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance) (map[string]*containerdisk.DiskInfo, error)
++	IsMounted(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance, volumeName string) (bool, error)
++	Umount(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance) error
++	UmountAll(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance) error
++	ComputeChecksums(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance) (*DiskChecksums, error)
++type hotplugMounter struct {
++	podIsolationDetector   isolation.PodIsolationDetector
++	mountStateDir          string
++	mountRecords           map[types.UID]*vmiMountTargetRecord
++	mountRecordsLock       sync.Mutex
++	suppressWarningTimeout time.Duration
++	clusterConfig          *virtconfig.ClusterConfig
++	nodeIsolationResult    isolation.IsolationResult
++	hotplugPathGetter containerdisk.HotplugSocketPathGetter
++	hotplugManager    hotplugdisk.HotplugDiskManagerInterface
++func (m *hotplugMounter) IsMounted(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance, volumeName string) (bool, error) {
++	virtLauncherUID := m.findVirtlauncherUID(vmi)
++	if virtLauncherUID == "" {
++		return false, nil
++	}
++	target, err := m.hotplugManager.GetFileSystemDiskTargetPathFromHostView(virtLauncherUID, volumeName, false)
++	if err != nil {
++		return false, err
++	}
++	return isolation.IsMounted(target)
++func NewHotplugMounter(isoDetector isolation.PodIsolationDetector,
++	mountStateDir string,
++	clusterConfig *virtconfig.ClusterConfig,
++	hotplugManager hotplugdisk.HotplugDiskManagerInterface,
++) HotplugMounter {
++	return &hotplugMounter{
++		mountRecords:           make(map[types.UID]*vmiMountTargetRecord),
++		podIsolationDetector:   isoDetector,
++		mountStateDir:          mountStateDir,
++		suppressWarningTimeout: 1 * time.Minute,
++		clusterConfig:          clusterConfig,
++		nodeIsolationResult:    isolation.NodeIsolationResult(),
++		hotplugPathGetter: containerdisk.NewHotplugSocketPathGetter(""),
++		hotplugManager:    hotplugManager,
++	}
++func (m *hotplugMounter) deleteMountTargetRecord(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance) error {
++	if string(vmi.UID) == "" {
++		return fmt.Errorf("unable to find container disk mounted directories for vmi without uid")
++	}
++	recordFile := filepath.Join(m.mountStateDir, string(vmi.UID))
++	exists, err := diskutils.FileExists(recordFile)
++	if err != nil {
++		return err
++	}
++	if exists {
++		record, err := m.getMountTargetRecord(vmi)
++		if err != nil {
++			return err
++		}
++		for _, target := range record.MountTargetEntries {
++			os.Remove(target.TargetFile)
++			os.Remove(target.SocketFile)
++		}
++		os.Remove(recordFile)
++	}
++	m.mountRecordsLock.Lock()
++	defer m.mountRecordsLock.Unlock()
++	delete(m.mountRecords, vmi.UID)
++	return nil
++func (m *hotplugMounter) getMountTargetRecord(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance) (*vmiMountTargetRecord, error) {
++	var ok bool
++	var existingRecord *vmiMountTargetRecord
++	if string(vmi.UID) == "" {
++		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find container disk mounted directories for vmi without uid")
++	}
++	m.mountRecordsLock.Lock()
++	defer m.mountRecordsLock.Unlock()
++	existingRecord, ok = m.mountRecords[vmi.UID]
++	// first check memory cache
++	if ok {
++		return existingRecord, nil
++	}
++	// if not there, see if record is on disk, this can happen if virt-handler restarts
++	recordFile := filepath.Join(m.mountStateDir, filepath.Clean(string(vmi.UID)))
++	exists, err := diskutils.FileExists(recordFile)
++	if err != nil {
++		return nil, err
++	}
++	if exists {
++		record := vmiMountTargetRecord{}
++		// #nosec No risk for path injection. Using static base and cleaned filename
++		bytes, err := os.ReadFile(recordFile)
++		if err != nil {
++			return nil, err
++		}
++		err = json.Unmarshal(bytes, &record)
++		if err != nil {
++			return nil, err
++		}
++		// XXX: backward compatibility for old unresolved paths, can be removed in July 2023
++		// After a one-time convert and persist, old records are safe too.
++		if !record.UsesSafePaths {
++			record.UsesSafePaths = true
++			for i, entry := range record.MountTargetEntries {
++				safePath, err := safepath.JoinAndResolveWithRelativeRoot("/", entry.TargetFile)
++				if err != nil {
++					return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed converting legacy path to safepath: %v", err)
++				}
++				record.MountTargetEntries[i].TargetFile = unsafepath.UnsafeAbsolute(safePath.Raw())
++			}
++		}
++		m.mountRecords[vmi.UID] = &record
++		return &record, nil
++	}
++	// not found
++	return nil, nil
++func (m *hotplugMounter) addMountTargetRecord(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance, record *vmiMountTargetRecord) error {
++	return m.setAddMountTargetRecordHelper(vmi, record, true)
++func (m *hotplugMounter) setMountTargetRecord(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance, record *vmiMountTargetRecord) error {
++	return m.setAddMountTargetRecordHelper(vmi, record, false)
++func (m *hotplugMounter) setAddMountTargetRecordHelper(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance, record *vmiMountTargetRecord, addPreviousRules bool) error {
++	if string(vmi.UID) == "" {
++		return fmt.Errorf("unable to set container disk mounted directories for vmi without uid")
++	}
++	record.UsesSafePaths = true
++	recordFile := filepath.Join(m.mountStateDir, string(vmi.UID))
++	fileExists, err := diskutils.FileExists(recordFile)
++	if err != nil {
++		return err
++	}
++	m.mountRecordsLock.Lock()
++	defer m.mountRecordsLock.Unlock()
++	existingRecord, ok := m.mountRecords[vmi.UID]
++	if ok && fileExists && equality.Semantic.DeepEqual(existingRecord, record) {
++		// already done
++		return nil
++	}
++	if addPreviousRules && existingRecord != nil && len(existingRecord.MountTargetEntries) > 0 {
++		record.MountTargetEntries = append(record.MountTargetEntries, existingRecord.MountTargetEntries...)
++	}
++	bytes, err := json.Marshal(record)
++	if err != nil {
++		return err
++	}
++	err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(recordFile), 0750)
++	if err != nil {
++		return err
++	}
++	err = os.WriteFile(recordFile, bytes, 0600)
++	if err != nil {
++		return err
++	}
++	m.mountRecords[vmi.UID] = record
++	return nil
++func (m *hotplugMounter) MountAndVerify(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance) (map[string]*containerdisk.DiskInfo, error) {
++	virtLauncherUID := m.findVirtlauncherUID(vmi)
++	if virtLauncherUID == "" {
++		return nil, nil
++	}
++	record := vmiMountTargetRecord{}
++	disksInfo := map[string]*containerdisk.DiskInfo{}
++	for _, volume := range vmi.Spec.Volumes {
++		if volume.ContainerDisk != nil {
++			target, err := m.hotplugManager.GetFileSystemDiskTargetPathFromHostView(virtLauncherUID, volume.Name, true)
++			if err != nil {
++				return nil, err
++			}
++			sock, err := m.hotplugPathGetter(vmi, volume.Name)
++			if err != nil {
++				return nil, err
++			}
++			record.MountTargetEntries = append(record.MountTargetEntries, vmiMountTargetEntry{
++				TargetFile: unsafepath.UnsafeAbsolute(target.Raw()),
++				SocketFile: sock,
++			})
++		}
++	}
++	if len(record.MountTargetEntries) > 0 {
++		err := m.setMountTargetRecord(vmi, &record)
++		if err != nil {
++			return nil, err
++		}
++	}
++	vmiRes, err := m.podIsolationDetector.Detect(vmi)
++	if err != nil {
++		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to detect VMI pod: %v", err)
++	}
++	for _, volume := range vmi.Spec.Volumes {
++		if volume.ContainerDisk != nil {
++			target, err := m.hotplugManager.GetFileSystemDiskTargetPathFromHostView(virtLauncherUID, volume.Name, false)
++			if isMounted, err := isolation.IsMounted(target); err != nil {
++				return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to determine if %s is already mounted: %v", target, err)
++			} else if !isMounted {
++				sourceFile, err := m.getContainerDiskPath(vmi, &volume, volume.Name)
++				if err != nil {
++					return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to find a sourceFile in containerDisk %v: %v", volume.Name, err)
++				}
++				log.DefaultLogger().Object(vmi).Infof("Bind mounting container disk at %s to %s", sourceFile, target)
++				opts := []string{
++					"bind", "ro", "uid=107", "gid=107",
++				}
++				err = virt_chroot.MountChrootWithOptions(sourceFile, target, opts...)
++				if err != nil {
++					return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to bindmount containerDisk %v. err: %w", volume.Name, err)
++				}
++			}
++			// qemu-img: Could not open '/var/run/kubevirt/hotplug-disks/alpine.img': Could not open '/var/run/kubevirt/hotplug-disks/alpine.img': Permission denied
++			//  containerdisk.GetHotplugContainerDiskTargetPathFromLauncherView(volume.Name),
++			// qemu-img: Could not open 'root: /var/lib/kubelet/pods/06b70b2f-7041-45e6-a333-9b9f009e72ef/volumes/, relative: /
++			// qemu-img: Could not open '/var/lib/kubelet/pods/06b70b2f-7041-45e6-a333-9b9f009e72ef/volumes/': Could not open '/var/lib/kubelet/pods/06b70b2f-7041-45e6-a333-9b9f009e72ef/volumes/': No such file or directory
++			// unsafepath.UnsafeAbsolute(target.Raw(
++			imageInfo, err := isolation.GetImageInfo(
++				containerdisk.GetHotplugContainerDiskTargetPathFromLauncherView(volume.Name),
++				vmiRes,
++				m.clusterConfig.GetDiskVerification(),
++			)
++			if err != nil {
++				return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get image info: %v", err)
++			}
++			if err := containerdisk.VerifyImage(imageInfo); err != nil {
++				return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid image in containerDisk %v: %v", volume.Name, err)
++			}
++			disksInfo[volume.Name] = imageInfo
++		}
++	}
++	return disksInfo, nil
++func (m *hotplugMounter) Umount(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance) error {
++	record, err := m.getMountTargetRecord(vmi)
++	if err != nil {
++		return err
++	} else if record == nil {
++		// no entries to unmount
++		log.DefaultLogger().Object(vmi).Infof("No container disk mount entries found to unmount")
++		return nil
++	}
++	for _, r := range record.MountTargetEntries {
++		name, err := extractNameFromSocket(r.SocketFile)
++		if err != nil {
++			return err
++		}
++		needUmount := true
++		for _, v := range vmi.Status.VolumeStatus {
++			if v.Name == name {
++				needUmount = false
++			}
++		}
++		if needUmount {
++			file, err := safepath.NewFileNoFollow(r.TargetFile)
++			if err != nil {
++				if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
++					continue
++				}
++				return fmt.Errorf(failedCheckMountPointFmt, r.TargetFile, err)
++			}
++			_ = file.Close()
++			// #nosec No risk for attacket injection. Parameters are predefined strings
++			out, err := virt_chroot.UmountChroot(file.Path()).CombinedOutput()
++			if err != nil {
++				return fmt.Errorf(failedUnmountFmt, file, string(out), err)
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	return nil
++func extractNameFromSocket(socketFile string) (string, error) {
++	base := filepath.Base(socketFile)
++	if strings.HasPrefix(base, "hotplug-container-disk-") && strings.HasSuffix(base, ".sock") {
++		name := strings.TrimPrefix(base, "hotplug-container-disk-")
++		name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, ".sock")
++		return name, nil
++	}
++	return "", fmt.Errorf("name not found in path")
++func (m *hotplugMounter) UmountAll(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance) error {
++	if vmi.UID == "" {
++		return nil
++	}
++	record, err := m.getMountTargetRecord(vmi)
++	if err != nil {
++		return err
++	} else if record == nil {
++		// no entries to unmount
++		log.DefaultLogger().Object(vmi).Infof("No container disk mount entries found to unmount")
++		return nil
++	}
++	log.DefaultLogger().Object(vmi).Infof("Found container disk mount entries")
++	for _, entry := range record.MountTargetEntries {
++		log.DefaultLogger().Object(vmi).Infof("Looking to see if containerdisk is mounted at path %s", entry.TargetFile)
++		file, err := safepath.NewFileNoFollow(entry.TargetFile)
++		if err != nil {
++			if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
++				continue
++			}
++			return fmt.Errorf(failedCheckMountPointFmt, entry.TargetFile, err)
++		}
++		_ = file.Close()
++		if mounted, err := isolation.IsMounted(file.Path()); err != nil {
++			return fmt.Errorf(failedCheckMountPointFmt, file, err)
++		} else if mounted {
++			log.DefaultLogger().Object(vmi).Infof("unmounting container disk at path %s", file)
++			// #nosec No risk for attacket injection. Parameters are predefined strings
++			out, err := virt_chroot.UmountChroot(file.Path()).CombinedOutput()
++			if err != nil {
++				return fmt.Errorf(failedUnmountFmt, file, string(out), err)
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	err = m.deleteMountTargetRecord(vmi)
++	if err != nil {
++		return err
++	}
++	return nil
++func (m *hotplugMounter) ContainerDisksReady(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance, notInitializedSince time.Time) (bool, error) {
++	for _, volume := range vmi.Spec.Volumes {
++		if volume.ContainerDisk != nil {
++			_, err := m.hotplugPathGetter(vmi, volume.Name)
++			if err != nil {
++				log.DefaultLogger().Object(vmi).Reason(err).Infof("containerdisk %s not yet ready", volume.Name)
++				if time.Now().After(notInitializedSince.Add(m.suppressWarningTimeout)) {
++					return false, fmt.Errorf("containerdisk %s still not ready after one minute", volume.Name)
++				}
++				return false, nil
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	log.DefaultLogger().Object(vmi).V(4).Info("all containerdisks are ready")
++	return true, nil
++func (m *hotplugMounter) getContainerDiskPath(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance, volume *v1.Volume, volumeName string) (*safepath.Path, error) {
++	sock, err := m.hotplugPathGetter(vmi, volumeName)
++	if err != nil {
++		return nil, ErrDiskContainerGone
++	}
++	res, err := m.podIsolationDetector.DetectForSocket(vmi, sock)
++	if err != nil {
++		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to detect socket for containerDisk %v: %v", volume.Name, err)
++	}
++	mountPoint, err := isolation.ParentPathForRootMount(m.nodeIsolationResult, res)
++	if err != nil {
++		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to detect root mount point of containerDisk %v on the node: %v", volume.Name, err)
++	}
++	return containerdisk.GetImage(mountPoint, volume.ContainerDisk.Path)
++func (m *hotplugMounter) ComputeChecksums(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance) (*DiskChecksums, error) {
++	diskChecksums := &DiskChecksums{
++		ContainerDiskChecksums: map[string]uint32{},
++	}
++	for _, volume := range vmi.Spec.Volumes {
++		if volume.VolumeSource.ContainerDisk == nil {
++			continue
++		}
++		path, err := m.getContainerDiskPath(vmi, &volume, volume.Name)
++		if err != nil {
++			return nil, err
++		}
++		checksum, err := getDigest(path)
++		if err != nil {
++			return nil, err
++		}
++		diskChecksums.ContainerDiskChecksums[volume.Name] = checksum
++	}
++	return diskChecksums, nil
++func (m *hotplugMounter) findVirtlauncherUID(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance) (uid types.UID) {
++	cnt := 0
++	for podUID := range vmi.Status.ActivePods {
++		_, err := m.hotplugManager.GetHotplugTargetPodPathOnHost(podUID)
++		if err == nil {
++			uid = podUID
++			cnt++
++		}
++	}
++	if cnt == 1 {
++		return
++	}
++	// Either no pods, or multiple pods, skip.
++	return types.UID("")
+diff --git a/pkg/virt-handler/container-disk/mount.go b/pkg/virt-handler/container-disk/mount.go
+index 953c20f3af..f0b7180187 100644
+--- a/pkg/virt-handler/container-disk/mount.go
++++ b/pkg/virt-handler/container-disk/mount.go
+@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ type mounter struct {
+ 	kernelBootSocketPathGetter containerdisk.KernelBootSocketPathGetter
+ 	clusterConfig              *virtconfig.ClusterConfig
+ 	nodeIsolationResult        isolation.IsolationResult
++	hotplugPathGetter containerdisk.HotplugSocketPathGetter
+ }
+ type Mounter interface {
+@@ -98,6 +100,8 @@ func NewMounter(isoDetector isolation.PodIsolationDetector, mountStateDir string
+ 		kernelBootSocketPathGetter: containerdisk.NewKernelBootSocketPathGetter(""),
+ 		clusterConfig:              clusterConfig,
+ 		nodeIsolationResult:        isolation.NodeIsolationResult(),
++		hotplugPathGetter: containerdisk.NewHotplugSocketPathGetter(""),
+ 	}
+ }
+diff --git a/pkg/virt-handler/hotplug-disk/mount.go b/pkg/virt-handler/hotplug-disk/mount.go
+index 971c8d55fc..03fcec8c92 100644
+--- a/pkg/virt-handler/hotplug-disk/mount.go
++++ b/pkg/virt-handler/hotplug-disk/mount.go
+@@ -310,14 +310,17 @@ func (m *volumeMounter) mountHotplugVolume(
+ 	logger := log.DefaultLogger()
+ 	logger.V(4).Infof("Hotplug check volume name: %s", volumeName)
+ 	if sourceUID != types.UID("") {
+-		if m.isBlockVolume(&vmi.Status, volumeName) {
++		switch {
++		case m.isContainerDisk(&vmi.Status, volumeName):
++		// skip
++		case m.isBlockVolume(&vmi.Status, volumeName):
+ 			logger.V(4).Infof("Mounting block volume: %s", volumeName)
+ 			if err := m.mountBlockHotplugVolume(vmi, volumeName, sourceUID, record, cgroupManager); err != nil {
+ 				if !errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
+ 					return fmt.Errorf("failed to mount block hotplug volume %s: %v", volumeName, err)
+ 				}
+ 			}
+-		} else {
++		default:
+ 			logger.V(4).Infof("Mounting file system volume: %s", volumeName)
+ 			if err := m.mountFileSystemHotplugVolume(vmi, volumeName, sourceUID, record, mountDirectory); err != nil {
+ 				if !errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
+@@ -382,6 +385,15 @@ func (m *volumeMounter) isBlockVolume(vmiStatus *v1.VirtualMachineInstanceStatus
+ 	return false
+ }
++func (m *volumeMounter) isContainerDisk(vmiStatus *v1.VirtualMachineInstanceStatus, volumeName string) bool {
++	for _, status := range vmiStatus.VolumeStatus {
++		if status.Name == volumeName {
++			return status.ContainerDiskVolume != nil
++		}
++	}
++	return false
+ func (m *volumeMounter) mountBlockHotplugVolume(
+ 	vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstance,
+ 	volume string,
+diff --git a/pkg/virt-handler/isolation/detector.go b/pkg/virt-handler/isolation/detector.go
+index f83f96ead4..5e38c6cedd 100644
+--- a/pkg/virt-handler/isolation/detector.go
++++ b/pkg/virt-handler/isolation/detector.go
+@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ package isolation
+ import (
+ 	"fmt"
+ 	"net"
++	"os"
++	"path"
+ 	"runtime"
+ 	"syscall"
+ 	"time"
+@@ -207,12 +209,45 @@ func setProcessMemoryLockRLimit(pid int, size int64) error {
+ 	return nil
+ }
++type deferFunc func()
++func (s *socketBasedIsolationDetector) socketHack(socket string) (sock net.Conn, deferFunc deferFunc, err error) {
++	fn := func() {}
++	if len([]rune(socket)) <= 108 {
++		sock, err = net.DialTimeout("unix", socket, time.Duration(isolationDialTimeout)*time.Second)
++		fn = func() {
++			if err == nil {
++				sock.Close()
++			}
++		}
++		return sock, fn, err
++	}
++	base := path.Base(socket)
++	newPath := fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/%s", base)
++	if err = os.Symlink(socket, newPath); err != nil {
++		return nil, fn, err
++	}
++	sock, err = net.DialTimeout("unix", newPath, time.Duration(isolationDialTimeout)*time.Second)
++	fn = func() {
++		if err == nil {
++			sock.Close()
++		}
++		os.Remove(newPath)
++	}
++	return sock, fn, err
+ func (s *socketBasedIsolationDetector) getPid(socket string) (int, error) {
+-	sock, err := net.DialTimeout("unix", socket, time.Duration(isolationDialTimeout)*time.Second)
++	sock, defFn, err := s.socketHack(socket)
++	defer defFn()
+ 	if err != nil {
+ 		return -1, err
+ 	}
+-	defer sock.Close()
++	//sock, err := net.DialTimeout("unix", socket, time.Duration(isolationDialTimeout)*time.Second)
++	//if err != nil {
++	//	return -1, err
++	//}
++	//defer sock.Close()
+ 	ufile, err := sock.(*net.UnixConn).File()
+ 	if err != nil {
+diff --git a/pkg/virt-handler/virt-chroot/virt-chroot.go b/pkg/virt-handler/virt-chroot/virt-chroot.go
+index 4160212b7b..580b788acc 100644
+--- a/pkg/virt-handler/virt-chroot/virt-chroot.go
++++ b/pkg/virt-handler/virt-chroot/virt-chroot.go
+@@ -20,7 +20,10 @@
+ package virt_chroot
+ import (
++	"bytes"
++	"fmt"
+ 	"os/exec"
++	"slices"
+ 	"strings"
+ 	""
+@@ -48,6 +51,49 @@ func MountChroot(sourcePath, targetPath *safepath.Path, ro bool) *exec.Cmd {
+ 	return UnsafeMountChroot(trimProcPrefix(sourcePath), trimProcPrefix(targetPath), ro)
+ }
++func MountChrootWithOptions(sourcePath, targetPath *safepath.Path, mountOptions ...string) error {
++	args := append(getBaseArgs(), "mount")
++	remountArgs := slices.Clone(args)
++	mountOptions = slices.DeleteFunc(mountOptions, func(s string) bool {
++		return s == "remount"
++	})
++	if len(mountOptions) > 0 {
++		opts := strings.Join(mountOptions, ",")
++		remountOpts := "remount," + opts
++		args = append(args, "-o", opts)
++		remountArgs = append(remountArgs, "-o", remountOpts)
++	}
++	sp := trimProcPrefix(sourcePath)
++	tp := trimProcPrefix(targetPath)
++	args = append(args, sp, tp)
++	remountArgs = append(remountArgs, sp, tp)
++	stdout := new(bytes.Buffer)
++	stderr := new(bytes.Buffer)
++	cmd := exec.Command(binaryPath, args...)
++	cmd.Stdout = stdout
++	cmd.Stderr = stderr
++	err := cmd.Run()
++	if err != nil {
++		return fmt.Errorf("mount failed: %w, stdout: %s, stderr: %s", err, stdout.String(), stderr.String())
++	}
++	stdout = new(bytes.Buffer)
++	stderr = new(bytes.Buffer)
++	remountCmd := exec.Command(binaryPath, remountArgs...)
++	cmd.Stdout = stdout
++	cmd.Stderr = stderr
++	err = remountCmd.Run()
++	if err != nil {
++		return fmt.Errorf("mount failed: %w, stdout: %s, stderr: %s", err, stdout.String(), stderr.String())
++	}
++	return nil
+ // Deprecated: UnsafeMountChroot is used to connect to code which needs to be refactored
+ // to handle mounts securely.
+ func UnsafeMountChroot(sourcePath, targetPath string, ro bool) *exec.Cmd {
+diff --git a/pkg/virt-handler/vm.go b/pkg/virt-handler/vm.go
+index cdc1f815c3..86c19138d8 100644
+--- a/pkg/virt-handler/vm.go
++++ b/pkg/virt-handler/vm.go
+@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import (
+ 	goerror "errors"
+ 	"fmt"
+ 	"io"
++	"maps"
+ 	"net"
+ 	"os"
+ 	"path/filepath"
+@@ -247,6 +248,13 @@ func NewController(
+ 		vmiExpectations:             controller.NewUIDTrackingControllerExpectations(controller.NewControllerExpectations()),
+ 		sriovHotplugExecutorPool:    executor.NewRateLimitedExecutorPool(executor.NewExponentialLimitedBackoffCreator()),
+ 		ioErrorRetryManager:         NewFailRetryManager("io-error-retry", 10*time.Second, 3*time.Minute, 30*time.Second),
++		hotplugContainerDiskMounter: container_disk.NewHotplugMounter(
++			podIsolationDetector,
++			filepath.Join(virtPrivateDir, "hotplug-container-disk-mount-state"),
++			clusterConfig,
++			hotplugdisk.NewHotplugDiskManager(kubeletPodsDir),
++		),
+ 	}
+ 	_, err := vmiSourceInformer.AddEventHandler(cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
+@@ -342,6 +350,8 @@ type VirtualMachineController struct {
+ 	hostCpuModel                string
+ 	vmiExpectations             *controller.UIDTrackingControllerExpectations
+ 	ioErrorRetryManager         *FailRetryManager
++	hotplugContainerDiskMounter container_disk.HotplugMounter
+ }
+ type virtLauncherCriticalSecurebootError struct {
+@@ -876,7 +886,15 @@ func (d *VirtualMachineController) updateHotplugVolumeStatus(vmi *v1.VirtualMach
+ 	needsRefresh := false
+ 	if volumeStatus.Target == "" {
+ 		needsRefresh = true
+-		mounted, err := d.hotplugVolumeMounter.IsMounted(vmi, volumeStatus.Name, volumeStatus.HotplugVolume.AttachPodUID)
++		var (
++			mounted bool
++			err     error
++		)
++		if volumeStatus.ContainerDiskVolume != nil {
++			mounted, err = d.hotplugContainerDiskMounter.IsMounted(vmi, volumeStatus.Name)
++		} else {
++			mounted, err = d.hotplugVolumeMounter.IsMounted(vmi, volumeStatus.Name, volumeStatus.HotplugVolume.AttachPodUID)
++		}
+ 		if err != nil {
+ 			log.Log.Object(vmi).Errorf("error occurred while checking if volume is mounted: %v", err)
+ 		}
+@@ -898,6 +916,7 @@ func (d *VirtualMachineController) updateHotplugVolumeStatus(vmi *v1.VirtualMach
+ 				volumeStatus.Reason = VolumeUnMountedFromPodReason
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 	} else {
+ 		// Successfully attached to VM.
+ 		volumeStatus.Phase = v1.VolumeReady
+@@ -2178,6 +2197,11 @@ func (d *VirtualMachineController) processVmCleanup(vmi *v1.VirtualMachineInstan
+ 		return err
+ 	}
++	err := d.hotplugContainerDiskMounter.UmountAll(vmi)
++	if err != nil {
++		return err
++	}
+ 	// UnmountAll does the cleanup on the "best effort" basis: it is
+ 	// safe to pass a nil cgroupManager.
+ 	cgroupManager, _ := getCgroupManager(vmi)
+@@ -2829,6 +2853,12 @@ func (d *VirtualMachineController) vmUpdateHelperMigrationTarget(origVMI *v1.Vir
+ 		return err
+ 	}
++	hotplugDiskInfo, err := d.hotplugContainerDiskMounter.MountAndVerify(vmi)
++	if err != nil {
++		return err
++	}
++	maps.Copy(disksInfo, hotplugDiskInfo)
+ 	// Mount hotplug disks
+ 	if attachmentPodUID := vmi.Status.MigrationState.TargetAttachmentPodUID; attachmentPodUID != types.UID("") {
+ 		cgroupManager, err := getCgroupManager(vmi)
+@@ -3051,6 +3081,11 @@ func (d *VirtualMachineController) vmUpdateHelperDefault(origVMI *v1.VirtualMach
+ 		if err != nil {
+ 			return err
+ 		}
++		hotplugDiskInfo, err := d.hotplugContainerDiskMounter.MountAndVerify(vmi)
++		if err != nil {
++			return err
++		}
++		maps.Copy(disksInfo, hotplugDiskInfo)
+ 		// Try to mount hotplug volume if there is any during startup.
+ 		if err := d.hotplugVolumeMounter.Mount(vmi, cgroupManager); err != nil {
+@@ -3138,6 +3173,11 @@ func (d *VirtualMachineController) vmUpdateHelperDefault(origVMI *v1.VirtualMach
+ 			log.Log.Object(vmi).Error(err.Error())
+ 		}
++		hotplugDiskInfo, err := d.hotplugContainerDiskMounter.MountAndVerify(vmi)
++		if err != nil {
++			return err
++		}
++		maps.Copy(disksInfo, hotplugDiskInfo)
+ 		if err := d.hotplugVolumeMounter.Mount(vmi, cgroupManager); err != nil {
+ 			return err
+ 		}
+@@ -3215,6 +3255,9 @@ func (d *VirtualMachineController) vmUpdateHelperDefault(origVMI *v1.VirtualMach
+ 	if vmi.IsRunning() {
+ 		// Umount any disks no longer mounted
++		if err := d.hotplugContainerDiskMounter.Umount(vmi); err != nil {
++			return err
++		}
+ 		if err := d.hotplugVolumeMounter.Unmount(vmi, cgroupManager); err != nil {
+ 			return err
+ 		}
+diff --git a/pkg/virt-launcher/virtwrap/converter/converter.go b/pkg/virt-launcher/virtwrap/converter/converter.go
+index 3318c1c466..1286ef4a06 100644
+--- a/pkg/virt-launcher/virtwrap/converter/converter.go
++++ b/pkg/virt-launcher/virtwrap/converter/converter.go
+@@ -649,6 +649,9 @@ func Convert_v1_Hotplug_Volume_To_api_Disk(source *v1.Volume, disk *api.Disk, c
+ 	if source.DataVolume != nil {
+ 		return Convert_v1_Hotplug_DataVolume_To_api_Disk(source.Name, disk, c)
+ 	}
++	if source.ContainerDisk != nil {
++		return Convert_v1_Hotplug_ContainerDisk_To_api_Disk(source.Name, disk, c)
++	}
+ 	return fmt.Errorf("hotplug disk %s references an unsupported source", disk.Alias.GetName())
+ }
+@@ -690,6 +693,10 @@ func GetHotplugBlockDeviceVolumePath(volumeName string) string {
+ 	return filepath.Join(string(filepath.Separator), "var", "run", "kubevirt", "hotplug-disks", volumeName)
+ }
++func GetHotplugContainerDiskPath(volumeName string) string {
++	return filepath.Join(string(filepath.Separator), "var", "run", "kubevirt", "hotplug-disks", volumeName)
+ func Convert_v1_PersistentVolumeClaim_To_api_Disk(name string, disk *api.Disk, c *ConverterContext) error {
+ 	if c.IsBlockPVC[name] {
+ 		return Convert_v1_BlockVolumeSource_To_api_Disk(name, disk, c.VolumesDiscardIgnore)
+@@ -768,6 +775,34 @@ func Convert_v1_Hotplug_BlockVolumeSource_To_api_Disk(volumeName string, disk *a
+ 	return nil
+ }
++func Convert_v1_Hotplug_ContainerDisk_To_api_Disk(volumeName string, disk *api.Disk, c *ConverterContext) error {
++	if disk.Type == "lun" {
++		return fmt.Errorf(deviceTypeNotCompatibleFmt, disk.Alias.GetName())
++	}
++	disk.Type = "file"
++	disk.Driver.Type = "qcow2"
++	disk.Driver.ErrorPolicy = v1.DiskErrorPolicyStop
++	disk.ReadOnly = &api.ReadOnly{}
++	if !contains(c.VolumesDiscardIgnore, volumeName) {
++		disk.Driver.Discard = "unmap"
++	}
++	disk.Source.File = GetHotplugContainerDiskPath(volumeName)
++	disk.BackingStore = &api.BackingStore{
++		Format: &api.BackingStoreFormat{},
++		Source: &api.DiskSource{},
++	}
++	if info := c.DisksInfo[volumeName]; info != nil {
++		disk.BackingStore.Format.Type = info.Format
++		disk.BackingStore.Source.File = info.BackingFile
++	} else {
++		return fmt.Errorf("no disk info provided for volume %s", volumeName)
++	}
++	disk.BackingStore.Type = "file"
++	return nil
+ func Convert_v1_HostDisk_To_api_Disk(volumeName string, path string, disk *api.Disk) error {
+ 	disk.Type = "file"
+ 	disk.Driver.Type = "raw"
+diff --git a/pkg/virt-operator/resource/apply/BUILD.bazel b/pkg/virt-operator/resource/apply/BUILD.bazel
+index f6bd9bd4f1..fe6ab54f8c 100644
+--- a/pkg/virt-operator/resource/apply/BUILD.bazel
++++ b/pkg/virt-operator/resource/apply/BUILD.bazel
+@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ go_library(
+     name = "go_default_library",
+     srcs = [
+         "admissionregistration.go",
+-        "apiservices.go",
+         "apps.go",
+         "certificates.go",
+         "core.go",
+@@ -65,7 +64,6 @@ go_library(
+         "//vendor/",
+         "//vendor/",
+         "//vendor/",
+-        "//vendor/",
+         "//vendor/",
+     ],
+ )
+diff --git a/pkg/virt-operator/resource/generate/components/BUILD.bazel b/pkg/virt-operator/resource/generate/components/BUILD.bazel
+index 70d2da0897..affcd3fecd 100644
+--- a/pkg/virt-operator/resource/generate/components/BUILD.bazel
++++ b/pkg/virt-operator/resource/generate/components/BUILD.bazel
+@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_library", "go_test")
+ go_library(
+     name = "go_default_library",
+     srcs = [
+-        "apiservices.go",
+         "crds.go",
+         "daemonsets.go",
+         "deployments.go",
+@@ -62,7 +61,6 @@ go_library(
+         "//vendor/",
+         "//vendor/",
+         "//vendor/",
+-        "//vendor/",
+         "//vendor/",
+     ],
+ )
+@@ -70,7 +68,6 @@ go_library(
+ go_test(
+     name = "go_default_test",
+     srcs = [
+-        "apiservices_test.go",
+         "components_suite_test.go",
+         "crds_test.go",
+         "deployments_test.go",
+@@ -85,7 +82,6 @@ go_test(
+     deps = [
+         "//pkg/certificates/bootstrap:go_default_library",
+         "//pkg/certificates/triple/cert:go_default_library",
+-        "//staging/src/",
+         "//staging/src/",
+         "//vendor/",
+         "//vendor/",
+diff --git a/pkg/virt-operator/resource/generate/components/validations_generated.go b/pkg/virt-operator/resource/generate/components/validations_generated.go
+index 4913dbead0..42225780ba 100644
+--- a/pkg/virt-operator/resource/generate/components/validations_generated.go
++++ b/pkg/virt-operator/resource/generate/components/validations_generated.go
+@@ -7723,6 +7723,8 @@ var CRDsValidation map[string]string = map[string]string{
+                           ContainerDisk references a docker image, embedding a qcow or raw disk.
+                           More info:
+                         properties:
++                          hotpluggable:
++                            type: boolean
+                           image:
+                             description: Image is the name of the image with the embedded
+                               disk.
+@@ -8355,6 +8357,35 @@ var CRDsValidation map[string]string = map[string]string{
+                     description: VolumeSource represents the source of the volume
+                       to map to the disk.
+                     properties:
++                      containerDisk:
++                        description: Represents a docker image with an embedded disk.
++                        properties:
++                          hotpluggable:
++                            type: boolean
++                          image:
++                            description: Image is the name of the image with the embedded
++                              disk.
++                            type: string
++                          imagePullPolicy:
++                            description: |-
++                              Image pull policy.
++                              One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent.
++                              Defaults to Always if :latest tag is specified, or IfNotPresent otherwise.
++                              Cannot be updated.
++                              More info:
++                            type: string
++                          imagePullSecret:
++                            description: ImagePullSecret is the name of the Docker
++                              registry secret required to pull the image. The secret
++                              must already exist.
++                            type: string
++                          path:
++                            description: Path defines the path to disk file in the
++                              container
++                            type: string
++                        required:
++                        - image
++                        type: object
+                       dataVolume:
+                         description: |-
+                           DataVolume represents the dynamic creation a PVC for this volume as well as
+@@ -12768,6 +12799,8 @@ var CRDsValidation map[string]string = map[string]string{
+                   ContainerDisk references a docker image, embedding a qcow or raw disk.
+                   More info:
+                 properties:
++                  hotpluggable:
++                    type: boolean
+                   image:
+                     description: Image is the name of the image with the embedded
+                       disk.
+@@ -18328,6 +18361,8 @@ var CRDsValidation map[string]string = map[string]string{
+                           ContainerDisk references a docker image, embedding a qcow or raw disk.
+                           More info:
+                         properties:
++                          hotpluggable:
++                            type: boolean
+                           image:
+                             description: Image is the name of the image with the embedded
+                               disk.
+@@ -22835,6 +22870,8 @@ var CRDsValidation map[string]string = map[string]string{
+                                   ContainerDisk references a docker image, embedding a qcow or raw disk.
+                                   More info:
+                                 properties:
++                                  hotpluggable:
++                                    type: boolean
+                                   image:
+                                     description: Image is the name of the image with
+                                       the embedded disk.
+@@ -28015,6 +28052,8 @@ var CRDsValidation map[string]string = map[string]string{
+                                       ContainerDisk references a docker image, embedding a qcow or raw disk.
+                                       More info:
+                                     properties:
++                                      hotpluggable:
++                                        type: boolean
+                                       image:
+                                         description: Image is the name of the image
+                                           with the embedded disk.
+@@ -28673,6 +28712,36 @@ var CRDsValidation map[string]string = map[string]string{
+                                 description: VolumeSource represents the source of
+                                   the volume to map to the disk.
+                                 properties:
++                                  containerDisk:
++                                    description: Represents a docker image with an
++                                      embedded disk.
++                                    properties:
++                                      hotpluggable:
++                                        type: boolean
++                                      image:
++                                        description: Image is the name of the image
++                                          with the embedded disk.
++                                        type: string
++                                      imagePullPolicy:
++                                        description: |-
++                                          Image pull policy.
++                                          One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent.
++                                          Defaults to Always if :latest tag is specified, or IfNotPresent otherwise.
++                                          Cannot be updated.
++                                          More info:
++                                        type: string
++                                      imagePullSecret:
++                                        description: ImagePullSecret is the name of
++                                          the Docker registry secret required to pull
++                                          the image. The secret must already exist.
++                                        type: string
++                                      path:
++                                        description: Path defines the path to disk
++                                          file in the container
++                                        type: string
++                                    required:
++                                    - image
++                                    type: object
+                                   dataVolume:
+                                     description: |-
+                                       DataVolume represents the dynamic creation a PVC for this volume as well as
+diff --git a/pkg/virt-operator/resource/generate/install/generated_mock_strategy.go b/pkg/virt-operator/resource/generate/install/generated_mock_strategy.go
+index 5f1e9a3121..1fa1416af0 100644
+--- a/pkg/virt-operator/resource/generate/install/generated_mock_strategy.go
++++ b/pkg/virt-operator/resource/generate/install/generated_mock_strategy.go
+@@ -241,16 +241,6 @@ func (_mr *_MockStrategyInterfaceRecorder) MutatingWebhookConfigurations() *gomo
+ 	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "MutatingWebhookConfigurations")
+ }
+-func (_m *MockStrategyInterface) APIServices() []*v18.APIService {
+-	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "APIServices")
+-	ret0, _ := ret[0].([]*v18.APIService)
+-	return ret0
+-func (_mr *_MockStrategyInterfaceRecorder) APIServices() *gomock.Call {
+-	return _mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCall(_mr.mock, "APIServices")
+ func (_m *MockStrategyInterface) CertificateSecrets() []*v14.Secret {
+ 	ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "CertificateSecrets")
+ 	ret0, _ := ret[0].([]*v14.Secret)
+diff --git a/pkg/virt-operator/resource/generate/rbac/exportproxy.go b/pkg/virt-operator/resource/generate/rbac/exportproxy.go
+index ebc9f2adbd..a0dc0586b4 100644
+--- a/pkg/virt-operator/resource/generate/rbac/exportproxy.go
++++ b/pkg/virt-operator/resource/generate/rbac/exportproxy.go
+@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import (
+ 	rbacv1 ""
+ 	metav1 ""
+ 	""
+ 	""
+ 	virtv1 ""
+diff --git a/staging/src/ b/staging/src/
+index b651173636..3453dfb0da 100644
+--- a/staging/src/
++++ b/staging/src/
+@@ -754,7 +754,8 @@
+               "image": "imageValue",
+               "imagePullSecret": "imagePullSecretValue",
+               "path": "pathValue",
+-              "imagePullPolicy": "imagePullPolicyValue"
++              "imagePullPolicy": "imagePullPolicyValue",
++              "hotpluggable": true
+             },
+             "ephemeral": {
+               "persistentVolumeClaim": {
+@@ -1209,6 +1210,13 @@
+             "dataVolume": {
+               "name": "nameValue",
+               "hotpluggable": true
++            },
++            "containerDisk": {
++              "image": "imageValue",
++              "imagePullSecret": "imagePullSecretValue",
++              "path": "pathValue",
++              "imagePullPolicy": "imagePullPolicyValue",
++              "hotpluggable": true
+             }
+           },
+           "dryRun": [
+diff --git a/staging/src/ b/staging/src/
+index 53dfdacc3b..8b23193158 100644
+--- a/staging/src/
++++ b/staging/src/
+@@ -719,6 +719,7 @@ spec:
+           optional: true
+           volumeLabel: volumeLabelValue
+         containerDisk:
++          hotpluggable: true
+           image: imageValue
+           imagePullPolicy: imagePullPolicyValue
+           imagePullSecret: imagePullSecretValue
+@@ -838,6 +839,12 @@ status:
+       - dryRunValue
+       name: nameValue
+       volumeSource:
++        containerDisk:
++          hotpluggable: true
++          image: imageValue
++          imagePullPolicy: imagePullPolicyValue
++          imagePullSecret: imagePullSecretValue
++          path: pathValue
+         dataVolume:
+           hotpluggable: true
+           name: nameValue
+diff --git a/staging/src/ b/staging/src/
+index 3be904512c..f595798e89 100644
+--- a/staging/src/
++++ b/staging/src/
+@@ -694,7 +694,8 @@
+           "image": "imageValue",
+           "imagePullSecret": "imagePullSecretValue",
+           "path": "pathValue",
+-          "imagePullPolicy": "imagePullPolicyValue"
++          "imagePullPolicy": "imagePullPolicyValue",
++          "hotpluggable": true
+         },
+         "ephemeral": {
+           "persistentVolumeClaim": {
+diff --git a/staging/src/ b/staging/src/
+index 6fd2ab6523..b6457ec94d 100644
+--- a/staging/src/
++++ b/staging/src/
+@@ -524,6 +524,7 @@ spec:
+       optional: true
+       volumeLabel: volumeLabelValue
+     containerDisk:
++      hotpluggable: true
+       image: imageValue
+       imagePullPolicy: imagePullPolicyValue
+       imagePullSecret: imagePullSecretValue
+diff --git a/staging/src/ b/staging/src/
+index f8615293a3..0c6c166985 100644
+--- a/staging/src/
++++ b/staging/src/
+@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ go_library(
+         "//vendor/",
+         "//vendor/",
+         "//vendor/",
+-        "//vendor/",
+         "//vendor/",
+     ],
+ )
+diff --git a/staging/src/ b/staging/src/
+index abd5a495d6..7372b22a9a 100644
+--- a/staging/src/
++++ b/staging/src/
+@@ -1948,6 +1948,11 @@ func (in *HotplugVolumeSource) DeepCopyInto(out *HotplugVolumeSource) {
+ 		*out = new(DataVolumeSource)
+ 		**out = **in
+ 	}
++	if in.ContainerDisk != nil {
++		in, out := &in.ContainerDisk, &out.ContainerDisk
++		*out = new(ContainerDiskSource)
++		**out = **in
++	}
+ 	return
+ }
+diff --git a/staging/src/ b/staging/src/
+index 29aa3932d3..302ed9ffde 100644
+--- a/staging/src/
++++ b/staging/src/
+@@ -854,6 +854,8 @@ type HotplugVolumeSource struct {
+ 	// the process of populating that PVC with a disk image.
+ 	// +optional
+ 	DataVolume *DataVolumeSource `json:"dataVolume,omitempty"`
++	ContainerDisk *ContainerDiskSource `json:"containerDisk,omitempty"`
+ }
+ type DataVolumeSource struct {
+@@ -911,6 +913,8 @@ type ContainerDiskSource struct {
+ 	// More info:
+ 	// +optional
+ 	ImagePullPolicy v1.PullPolicy `json:"imagePullPolicy,omitempty"`
++	Hotpluggable bool `json:"hotpluggable,omitempty"`
+ }
+ // Exactly one of its members must be set.
+diff --git a/staging/src/ b/staging/src/
+index cc2d743492..b982b1620c 100644
+--- a/staging/src/
++++ b/staging/src/
+@@ -17772,6 +17772,12 @@ func schema_kubevirtio_api_core_v1_ContainerDiskSource(ref common.ReferenceCallb
+ 							Enum:        []interface{}{"Always", "IfNotPresent", "Never"},
+ 						},
+ 					},
++					"hotpluggable": {
++						SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{
++							Type:   []string{"boolean"},
++							Format: "",
++						},
++					},
+ 				},
+ 				Required: []string{"image"},
+ 			},
+@@ -19645,11 +19651,16 @@ func schema_kubevirtio_api_core_v1_HotplugVolumeSource(ref common.ReferenceCallb
+ 							Ref:         ref(""),
+ 						},
+ 					},
++					"containerDisk": {
++						SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{
++							Ref: ref(""),
++						},
++					},
+ 				},
+ 			},
+ 		},
+ 		Dependencies: []string{
+-			"", ""},
++			"", "", ""},
+ 	}
+ }
diff --git a/images/virt-controller/debug/dlv.Dockerfile b/images/virt-controller/debug/dlv.Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc947a0018
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/virt-controller/debug/dlv.Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+FROM golang:1.22.7 AS builder
+ENV VERSION="1.3.1"
+RUN go install
+RUN git clone --depth 1 --branch v$VERSION /kubevirt
+COPY ./images/virt-artifact/patches /patches
+WORKDIR /kubevirt
+RUN for p in /patches/*.patch ; do git apply  --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace ${p} && echo OK || (echo FAIL ; exit 1) ; done
+RUN go mod edit -go=$GOVERSION && \
+    go mod download
+RUN go mod vendor
+ENV GOOS=linux
+RUN go build -o /kubevirt-binaries/virt-controller ./cmd/virt-controller/
+FROM busybox
+COPY --from=builder /kubevirt-binaries/virt-controller /app/virt-controller
+COPY --from=builder /go/bin/dlv /app/dlv
+USER 65532:65532
+ENTRYPOINT ["./dlv", "--listen=:2345", "--headless=true", "--continue", "--log=true", "--log-output=debugger,debuglineerr,gdbwire,lldbout,rpc", "--accept-multiclient", "--api-version=2", "exec", "/app/virt-controller", "--"]