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148 lines (99 loc) · 4.2 KB


File metadata and controls

148 lines (99 loc) · 4.2 KB

Upgrade to 1.2.8 - 1.3.2

What’s new

route_to and be_routable matchers

Stop using route_for and params_from today! These new matchers from Randy Harmon are more expressive and more reliable. Here’s how you use them:

{ :put => "/projects/37" }.should route_to(:controller => 'projects', :action => 'update', :id => '37')

{ :get => "/nonexisting_route" }.should_not be_routable

What’s changed

spec_server has been removed

spec_server was deprecated in 1.2.7 and has now been removed. Admittedly, this was a short deprecation cycle, but spec server never quite worked right in all situations and spork is a great solution that you can use today! This is all you need to do:

[sudo] gem install spork
cd path/to/project
spork --bootsrap

Now open up spec/spec_helper.rb and follow the directions at the top. You’ll be up and running in no time.

For more info:

Upgrade to 1.2.7

What’s changed

spec_server is deprecated

spec_server is deprecated in favor of Tim Harper’s new spork library ( Get it. Use it. Love it.

gem install spork

Upgrade to 1.2.0-1.2.6

What’s changed

Supported Rails Versions

This release supports the following versions of rails:

  • 2.0.5

  • 2.1.2

  • 2.2.2

  • 2.3.2

update generated files

Be sure to run “script/generate rspec” and allow the following files to be overwritten:

  • lib/tasks/rspec.rake

  • script/spec

  • script/spec_server

controller.use_rails_error_handling! is deprecated

Use rescue_action_in_public! instead. It comes directly from rails and does exactly the same thing


After a change to edge rails broke our monkey-patched route_for method, I decided to just delegate to rails’ assert_generates method. For most cases, this will not present a problem, but for some it might. You’ll know if you upgrade and see any newly failing, route-related examples. Here are the things that you might need to change.

Make sure IDs are strings

If you had :id => 1 before, you need to change that to :id => “1”

route_for(:controller => 'things', :action => 'show', :id => 1).should == "/things/1"

route_for(:controller => 'things', :action => 'show', :id => "1").should == "/things/1"

Convert paths for non-get methods to hashes

If you had an example with a route that requires post, put, or delete, you’ll need to declare that explicitly.

route_for(:controller => 'things', :action => 'create').should == "/things"

route_for(:controller => 'things', :action => 'create').should == {:path => "/things", :method => :post}

Controller/template isolation

Even though controller specs do not render views by default (use integrate_views to get them to render views), the way this works has changed in this version.

It used to be that the view template need not even exist, but due to changes in rails it became much more difficult to manage that for all the different versions of rails that rspec-rails supports. So now the template must exist, but it still won’t be rendered unless you declare integrate_views.

What’s new

render no longer requires a path

The render() method in view specs will infer the path from the first argument passed to describe().

describe "players/show" do
  it "does something" do
    response.should have_tag("....")

routing specs live in spec/routing

script/generate rspec_scaffold now generates its routing spec in spec/routing/.


Added a new bypass_rescue() declaration for controller specs. Use this when you want to specify that an error is raised by an action, even if that error is later captured by a rescue_from() declaration.

describe AccountController do
  describe "GET @account" do
    context "requested by anonymous user" do
      it "denies access" do
        lambda do
          get :show, :id => "37"
        end.should raise_error(AccessDenied)