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Installation 2.x

Cai Dongsheng edited this page Dec 12, 2019 · 12 revisions

Install AirNotifier App Server

Install mongodb

Install required ubuntu packages

sudo apt-get install python3-pip build-essential git
pip3 install pipenv --user

Create directories to store certificates and private keys

sudo mkdir -p /var/airnotifier/pemdir

Download AirNotifier app

cd ~
git clone -b 2.x git:// airnotifier
cd airnotifier
pipenv install --deploy

Copy to, and change the settings accordingly. (change pemdir to /var/airnotifier/pemdir)

Run the command below to set up the initial admin user:

pipenv run ./

Starting AirNotifier app

sudo pipenv run ./

Setting up AirNotifier in browser

  • In your browser: http://your_server_ip_address:8801 - Login as admin/admin
  • Create a new an application

iOS push notification settings

  • In the application page you need to upload the certificate + key. Follow the steps indicated in to create a new Development Push Notification certificate. To summarize, in keychain you'll create a signing request file (it will also generate a public and private key) and upload it to
  • Download the generated aps_development.cer and double click on it to install it in keychain.
  • Convert the aps_development.cer file into aps_development.pem file
openssl x509 -in aps_development.cer -inform der -out aps_development.pem
  • From keychain export the private key in privatekey.p12 (you'll need to enter an export password). This private key has for name what you enter as "Common name" in during the signing request generation,
  • Extract the key from this p12 file:
openssl pkcs12 -in Certificates.p12 -nocerts -out privatekey_with_password.key
  • You'll have to enter the export password and add a new PEM phrase.

  • Remove the PEM phrase from the key:

openssl rsa -in privatekey_with_password.key -out privatekey.key
  • Upload both aps_development.pem and privatekey.key to AirNotifier.
  • Launch the server, no error message should appear.

Android FCM push notification settings

  • Create an firebase app from here:
  • Find the "Project ID" in project settings page:<PROJECT-ID>/settings/general/
  • Get the json key file from "Project settings" => "Service accounts", then generate the private key, download the json file, and copy paste content to airnotifier FCM settings.
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