Items on the TO-DO List
- Update the README
- Add yourselves as contributers to the package and authors on the vignette.
- Build the package with no notes or warnings, following all the HW advice about branches, numbering schemes and so on. Note how the current version is Make sure you understand what the 9002 means.
- Check that all the test cases make sense to you.
- Add some of your own test cases. You can use Markit webpage to find the "truth." I can also provide Bloomberg info.
- Check Ryan's branch. Make sure it looks good and does what you want. Merge it in.
- Update the included data, especially the rates information, through August 31, 2017.
- Get the vignette into publishable form. This is the hardest item on the list. Feel free to cut as well as to add. I am not sure if we should target The R Journal or the Journal of Statistical Software.
- Review the code base. Some of it is solid, but some is not.
- Should there be a PDF version of the article somewhere in this repo? I forget what the recommended approach is.
- Once everything is perfect on R CMD check, release a new version to CRAN. DO NOT MESS THIS UP BY BEING SLOPPING AND STUPID. We should do this before we finalize the the new version of the vignette.