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Cedrick Lunven edited this page Sep 8, 2021 · 51 revisions

License Apache2


This SDK (Software Development Kit) makes it easy to call Stargate and/or Astra services using idiomatic Java APIs. On top of clients for the different API, the SDK provides a Spring Boot starter to ease integration with Spring Applications.

overview of the SDK coverage


You need JDK 11.0.9+ and a dependency management tool such as Maven or Gradle. (The SDK has been build with the HttpClient provided in JDK 11) It is a single library providing support for the 5 API(s) listed above. Please change the SDK-version with the latest version.

Maven Central

Maven dependency in pom.xml


Gradle dependency in build.gradle

dependencies {
    astra_sdk 'com.datastax.astra:astra-sdk:${sdk-version}'

Initialising SDK to work with Astra

📘 (a) Prerequisite: Setup Astra your Instance

You will need an Astra account and some credentials (Astra Token). Based on the provided parameters the underlying Apis will be enabled or not. (devops, rest data, rest document graphQL, pulsar client)

Please follow those 2 tutorials to set up your Astra instance:

📘 (b) Setup AstraClient object

AstraClient client = AstraClient.builder()
 .databaseId("astra_cluster_id")           // Unique identifier for your database instance
 .cloudProviderRegion("astra_db_region")   // Cloud Provider region picked for you instance
 .keyspace("ks1")                          // (optional) Set your keyspace

 .appToken("AstraCS:......")               // App Token will be used as ApiKey for Devops, Docs and REST Api.
 .clientId("TWRvjlcrgfZYfhcxGZhUlAAA")     // Will be used as your username
 .clientSecret("7xKSrZPLbWxDJ0WXyj..")     // Will be used as your password

 .secureConnectBundle("/tmp/")      // (optional) if not provided download in ~/.astra

📘 (c) Overview of parameters for AstraClient.builder

Param Name DevOps API REST and Docs API GraphQL API CqlSession API Pulsar Client
appToken (part of token) required required required -- required
clientId (part of token) optional -- -- required --
clientSecret (part of token) optional -- -- required --
databaseId -- required required required --
database Cloud Region -- required required required --
keyspace -- -- -- optional --
Secure Connect Bundle -- -- -- optional --

Initialising the SDK with Local Stargate

Astra is not required to work with the SDK. A standalone installation of Stargate exposes Rest,Document, Graph Apis but also the CqlSession.

📘 (a) Setup Stargate Instance

To install Stargate on your environment please check out the following guide

Instead of the token shown for Astra, you will use a user and a password and will authenticate against a dedicated authenticationUrl. Make sure to create a user at the Cassandra level and enable RBAC.

📘 Setup StargateClient wrapper

StargateClient client = StargateClient.builder()
  .username("k8ssandra-superuser")           // Mandatory username
  .password("JxzrPOnvDGqfEOQ0EySQ")          // Mandatory password
  .endPointAuth("http://localhost:8081")     // Mandatory authencation url, defaulting to http://localhost:8081
  .endPointRest("http://localhost:8082")     // Rest and Document Apis
  .endPointGraphQL("http://localhost:8080")  // GraphQL Api
  // Cqlsession Only
  .addCqlContactPoint("127.0.0.", 9042)      // Contact Point
  .localDc("dc1")                            // Local Datacenter is mandatory driver 4x+
  .keypace("ks1")                            // (optional) Set your keyspace

📘 Overview of parameters for StargateClient.builder

Param Name REST and Doc APIs GraphQL API CqlSession API
username required required required
password required required required
Authentication endpoint required required --
Rest Api endpoint required -- --
GraphQL Api endpoint -- required --
Contact Points -- -- required
Local DataCenter Name (localDc) -- -- required
keyspace -- -- optional

Working with AstraRc

To setup the SDK you can provide values using the builder as listed above but not only you can save them locally in some configuration file (.astrarc).

📘 (a) Understanding configuration file ~/.astrarc

This file uses the ini configuration formatting. A key ASTRA_DB_APPLICATION_TOKEN is associated to its value. Values are grouped in sections identified by a [name].

Sample File with 2 sections:



The file starts with a [default] section. If nothing name is provided it will be the one to load. In the SDK this file will be associated with the class com.datastax.astra.sdk.utils.AstraRc

**📘 (b) Generate an ~/.astrarc

// Generate the file in default location user home (~/.astrarc) 
// Generate the file in a defined location
AstraRc.create("<your_token>", new File("/tmp/astracrc"));

**📘 (c) **Load an ~/.astrarc file **

// Load default file (~/.astrarc) 
AstraRc confAstraRc1 = AstraRc.load()
// Load a file in defined location
AstraRc confAstraRc2 = AstraRc.load("/tmp/astracrc");

**📘 (d) Update an ~/.astrarc file **"sectionName", "keyName", "keyValue");

Working with environment variables

The SDK can be and will be used in Docker and Kubernetes contextes. For those you provide parameters through environment variables. The SDK is ready for that here is the list of environment variables than you can provide:

Environment Variable Definition
STARGATE_USERNAME User identifier to login to Stargate
STARGATE_PASSWORD User password to login to Stargate
STARGATE_ENDPOINT_AUTH Authentication endpoint to get a Token
STARGATE_ENDPOINT_REST Endpoint for Data and Document APIs
STARGATE_ENDPOINT_CQL Contact Point adresse ip:port
STARGATE_LOCAL_DC Local DataCenter name
STARGATE_KEYSPACE Keyspace selected
STARGATE_ENABLE_CQL Even with user/[assword you can disable CQL to stay stateless
ASTRA_DB_ID Astra database identifier
ASTRA_DB_REGION Main region for the database
ASTRA_DB_CLIENT_ID ClientId part of your token
ASTRA_DB_CLIENT_SECRET ClientSecret part of your token
ASTRA_DB_KEYSPACE Keyspace to use in ASTRA
ASTRA_DB_SECURE_BUNDLE Location where to find the secure connect bundle

The same variables can be provided as parameter of the program using the syntax -dKEY=VALUE.