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Cedrick Lunven edited this page Oct 30, 2021 · 51 revisions


This SDK (Software Development Kit) makes it easy to call Stargate and/or Astra services using idiomatic Java APIs.

  • The Stargate SDK works with both Stargate standalone installations and Stargate deployed in Astra. With standalone Stargate deployments you will initialize the framework with the class StargateClient and provide the list of nodes. To test it locally please follow the Stargate SDK quickstart

  • The Astra SDK reuses the previous library with Astra environments. You will then work with the class AstraClient that will configure StargateClient under the hood for you. As you can see on the figure below the AstraClient handle not only Stargate Apis but also the Astra Devops Api and Apache Pulsar deployed in Astra. To test it please follow the Astra SDK quickstart

  • The Astra Spring Boot Starter provides a straight forward way to configure both Astra SDK and Spring Data Cassandra to work with Astra. By Reading custom keys in spring boot application.yaml the starter will initialize for you all the beans you need. To test it please follow the Astra Spring Boot Starter QuickStart.

What's NEXT ?

  1. QuickStart for Stargate
  2. QuickStart for Astra
  3. QuickStart for Astra Spring Boot Starter
  4. Reference Configuration for Stargate
  5. Reference Configuration for Astra