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Raw CSV dump from AzDo of the board

Rob Sewell edited this page Aug 21, 2020 · 3 revisions
Work Item Type State ID Title Description Tags Issue Raised
Issue To Do 1 The Target audience Event Organisers
Issue To Do 2 App - Sponsors - enable scanning of QR code So sponsors can easily get info and attendees can easily decide what to share App; Sponsor
Issue To Do 3 App - Attendees - Enable QR So attendees can decide what to share and create QR code for scanning by sponsors/ event registration App; Attendees
Issue To Do 4 4 - Event - Badge So event can choose to print badge from QR or do registration without badges using QR Checkin; Event
Issue To Do 5 Website - Enable linking to Sessionize API so that schedule/speakers can be easily retrieved Schedule; Website #3
Issue To Do 6 Website - Cloning for new events #4 Website
Issue To Do 7 Website - enable subdomain so that can use API to create subdomain and point to page
Issue To Do 8 Website - FAQ - instructions for using own domain Website
Issue To Do 9 App - Event - Feedback - App notification at end of session time So it is easy
Issue To Do 10 Event - Feedback - Advanced identification of location Simple cheap NFC or bluetooth so that Event know how many attend session and Attendee can be fed feedback push notification App; Event; feedback
Issue To Do 11 App - Sponsor push possibilities App; Sponsor
Issue To Do 12 App - Event - Speaker check in at location (on location push notification ?)

So that speakers can have simple way to let event organisers know that they have arrived
App; Checkin; Organiser; Speaker
Issue To Do 13 General - Privacy Rules We need to pay a lot of attention to speaker, attendee, organizer privacy.
Perhaps allow an option for an organizer and attendee to configure how much data they are willing to share with sponsors/organisers.
Also, if we want to use location services and push messaging we need something for that in place as well
Issue To Do 14 App developers contact
Issue To Do 15 App - Attendees - Scheduling Enable the attendees to be able to schedule their own schedules App; Attendees; Schedule
Issue To Do 16 App - Event - Feedback - Enable email notifications of feedback if they dont want push notifications App; Event; feedback
Issue To Do 17 App - Gamify Check in Give feedback App; Game
Issue To Do 18 Speakers - Export sessions (to MVP Site) How many people title website
Issue To Do 19 App - Speakers - Feedback Real time feedback in app App; feedback; Speaker
Issue To Do 20 Website - Domain and Name Need a Name and Domain Website
Issue Doing 21 Functional design
Issue To Do 22 Database schema Gianluca designs the schema