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{: .mb-2 } UC Berkeley, Spring 2025 {: .mb-2 .fs-6}
Ed{: .btn .btn-ed} Gradescope{: .btn .btn-gradescope} Lecture Recordings{: .btn .btn-bcourses} Office Hours Queue{: .btn .btn-officehours} Extensions{: .btn .btn-extensions} Jump to Current Week{: .btn .btn-currweek}
{% include announcements-navigation.html %}
{% assign mods = site.modules | where: 'class', 'Berkeley' %} {% assign active-mods = '' | split: '' %}
{% for mod in mods %} {% if mod.status == 'Active' %} {% assign active-mods = active-mods | push: mod %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% for module in active-mods %} {{ module }} {% endfor %}
<script src="{{ '/assets/scripts/announcement-navigation.js' | relative_url }}"></script>