DS-Math provides arithmetic functions for the common numerical primitive types of Solidity. You can safely add, subtract, multiply, and divide uint256
and uint128
numbers without fear of integer overflow. You can also conveniently find the minimum and maximum of two uint256
, uint128
, or int256
Additionally, this package provides arithmetic functions for new two higher level numerical concepts called Wad and Ray. These are used to represent decimal numbers using a uint128
, as the Solidity compiler does not yet support fixed-point mathematics natively (e.g. representing the number 3.141592
as 3141592
A Wad is a decimal number with 18 digits of precision and a Ray is a decimal number with 27 digits of precision. These functions are necessary to account for the difference between how integer arithmetic behaves normally, and how decimal arithmetic should actually work. A brief example using wmul
, which returns the product of two Wads:
1.1 * 2.2 = 2.24 Regular integer arithmetic adds orders of magnitude: 110 * 220 = 22400 Wad arithmetic does not add orders of magnitude: wmul(1100000000000000000, 2200000000000000000) = 2240000000000000000
Naming Convention:
The standard functions are considered the uint256
set, so their function names are not prefixed: add
, sub
, mul
, div
, min
, and max
Since uint128
is half the size of the standard type, h
is the prefix for this set: hadd
, hsub
, hmul
, hdiv
, hmin
, and hmax
The int256
functions have an i
prefix: imin
, and imax
Wad functions have a w
prefix: wadd
, wsub
, wmul
, wdiv
, wmin
, and wmax
Ray functions have a r
prefix: radd
, rsub
, rmul
, rdiv
, rmin
, and rmax
Your contract should inherit from this type if you want to perform safe arithmetic functions on uint256
, uint128
, int256
primitive types, or decimal numbers being represented with unsigned integers.
import ds-math/math.sol
This function will return x + y
unless it results in a uint256
overflow, in which case it will throw an exception.
function add(uint256 x, uint256 y) constant internal returns (uint256 z)
This function will return x - y
unless it results in a uint256
overflow, in which case it will throw an exception.
function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) constant internal returns (uint256 z)
This function will return x * y
unless it results in a uint256
overflow, in which case it will throw an exception.
function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) constant internal returns (uint256 z)
This function will return x / y
unless y
is equal to 0, in which case it will throw an exception.
function div(uint256 x, uint256 y) constant internal returns (uint256 z)
This function returns the smaller number between x
and y
function min(uint256 x, uint256 y) constant internal returns (uint256 z)
This function returns the larger number between x
and y
function max(uint256 x, uint256 y) constant internal returns (uint256 z)
This function will return x + y
unless it results in a uint128
overflow, in which case it will throw an exception.
function hadd(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128 z)
This function will return x - y
unless it results in a uint128
overflow, in which case it will throw an exception.
function hsub(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128 z)
This function will return x * y
unless it results in a uint128
overflow, in which case it will throw an exception.
function hmul(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128 z)
This function will return x / y
unless y
is equal to 0, in which case it will throw an exception.
function hdiv(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128 z)
This function returns the smaller number between x
and y
function hmin(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128 z)
This function returns the larger number between x
and y
function hmax(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128 z)
This function returns the smaller number between x
and y
function imin(int256 x, int256 y) constant internal returns (int256 z)
This function returns the larger number between x
and y
function imax(int256 x, int256 y) constant internal returns (int256 z)
Alias for :ref:`hadd <hadd>`.
function wadd(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128)
Alias for :ref:`hsub <hsub>`.
function wsub(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128)
This function will multiply two Wads and return a new Wad with the correct level of precision. A Wad is a decimal number with 18 digits of precision that is being represented as an integer. To learn more, see the introduction to DS-Math above.
function wmul(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128 z)
This function will divide two Wads and return a new Wad with the correct level of precision. A Wad is a decimal number with 18 digits of precision that is being represented as an integer. To learn more, see the introduction to DS-Math above.
function wdiv(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128 z)
Alias for :ref:`hmin <hmin>`.
function wmin(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128)
Alias for :ref:`hmax <hmax>`.
function wmax(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128)
Alias for :ref:`hadd <hadd>`.
function radd(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128)
Alias for :ref:`hsub <hsub>`.
function rsub(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128)
This function will multiply two Rays and return a new Ray with the correct level of precision. A Ray is a decimal number with 27 digits of precision that is being represented as an integer. To learn more, see the introduction to DS-Math above.
function rmul(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128 z)
This function will divide two Rays and return a new Ray with the correct level of precision. A Ray is a decimal number with 27 digits of precision that is being represented as an integer. To learn more, see the introduction to DS-Math above.
function rdiv(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128 z)
This function will raise a Ray to the n^th power and return a new Ray with the correct level of precision. A Ray is a decimal number with 27 digits of precision that is being represented as an integer. To learn more, see the introduction to DS-Math above.
function rpow(uint128 x, uint64 n) constant internal returns (uint128 z)
Alias for :ref:`hmin <hmin>`.
function rmin(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128)
Alias for :ref:`hmax <hmax>`.
function rmax(uint128 x, uint128 y) constant internal returns (uint128)
This function will transform a uint256
into a uint128
and return it after asserting that it is equal to the original parameter x
function cast(uint256 x) constant internal returns (uint128 z)